The planet is dying

in climate •  3 years ago  (edited)

The Climate Conference COP 26.

We should see significant progress over the 20 plus years, right?
What progress?

Looking at Climate Data today is like reading a Medical Chart written by an Executioner, oh wait, in this case it was written by the Oil and Coal Industry. They got what they paid for.

We think Plastic is being recycled. We have separate bins and we assume the process is working.
32 percent is recycled in the United States.

We should all ask ourselves where the other 2/3 go and it is not always the landfill.

We all know what will Save The Planet.
Action and it will take All of Us.

I am guilty, I admit it. I own an SUV and it is really comfortable and convenient.

Motivate me to change. I will probably switch to Electric with my next vehicle and I am American.
That Electric Vehicle runs on Coal.


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