Why the variances in temperature for certain seasons and time periods. Has Greta Thunberg ever heard of the Milankovich Cycles?

in climatechange •  5 years ago  (edited)

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I recently had a Super Patriot share out this Excellent video where you can scroll to the end if you want to view it right away. Thank you Joe G.

It is titled,

Does Greta Thunberg know about The Milankovitch Cycles and their effect on Climate Change?

Indeed! Following are the notes I took,

Imagine that! Milakovitch worked on a theory of climate based on the variations of solar irradiance received by the earth and focused on the variant cycles of the earth's orbit around the sun.

He noticed these cycles correspond to many indicators of Past Climate Change like past ice ages. Now Why don't these hoaxters Ever admit this has occurred Before? Well, that wouldn't play well into their FUD. . .Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt MO.

Proposal...changes in the intensity of solar irradiation received on the earth, were affected by 3 fundamental factors. These factors became the Milankovitch Cycles. Now WHY don't they talk about them? You all know why!

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1st factor. . . eccentricity the orbit is not us swinging around the sun in a regular manner as some hoaxsters which you to believe, but rather, it varies and fluctuates in Complex cycles.Remember Kepler. . .orbit of the earth an eclipse and Not a circle, but we Now know it is far more complex than than just a single, standard elipse.

Goes from circle all the way through stages until it is a more clearly defined elipse. This extent of variance is it’s eccentricity.

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Orbital variations occur over Very Long time periods.

Take away. . .the earth’s orbit of the sun is in a Perpetual Cycle of Change!

Closest approach to the sun in early January called Perihelion

And furthest from the sun in early July called Aphelion

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Current difference in total solar irradiance of only about 6% here

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Difference in solar radiance between 20 and 25%

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Obliquity has to do with how the earth spins. It Does Not spin in a vertical line, but rather spins with a tilt.
Not a constant tilt, but rather changing over time.

Here was the tilt at a certain point in 2017

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During a time period the tilt Does have a Significant Impact on our climate.

It is how we have seasons and why the northern hemisphere experiences summer when it is furthest from the sun.

For example, this is what would happen if there Wasn't a tilt, each location on the earth would experience an almost consistent amount of solar irradiance throughout the annual cycle.

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But due to the 2nd Factor. ..Obliquity the Northern and Southern Hemispheres experience varying amounts of solar irradiance as the earth goes through it's orbit.

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More evenly distributed,

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Not only does the angle of Obliquity change during the seasons, but the earth's orbit is also going through it's cycle of change.

So then you have the cycle of Obliquity simultaneously with your cycle of Eccentricity,

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This means the average temperature between Summer and Winter in any particular location will also change over time.
There will be two extreme periods.

One extreme when actual tilt is furthest from the vertical, where the perihelion is at it's closest to the sun.

Thus resulting in a Maximum of solar irradiance.

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The 2nd Extreme is where the angle of Obliquity is closest to the vertical and the Aphelion is it's furthest from the sun.

Thus resulting in a Minimum of solar irradiance.

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All of this contributes to fluctuations in climate.

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The last factor of Milankovich is Precession

So basically how it wobbles.

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Around 2017 the axis was pointing at Polaris (North Star). Due to Precession, it will gradually be pointed at the star Vega.

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When this shift occurs, Vega will then be considered the North Star.

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When Precession is factored in to when the tilt of the earth is closest to it's vertical in Aphelion, there will be Further variation in the seasons and Further Extremes as the cycles of Precession and Obliquity coincide.

One being where Precession tilts the earth even Further from the sun and another where Precession tilts the earth Closer to the sun.

Precession also influences the seasons in yet another way. Though we are accustomed to the seasons of Summer and Winter occurring at the Extremes of the earth's orbit (Perihelion and Aphelion) this seems logical under a normal state of affairs, it is being claimed a coincidence.

I Can assure you Nothing is actually a coincidence is all either by design if the Creator or manufactured by the fallen.

Northern Hemisphere
Winter Solstice Dec. 21
Summer Solstice June 21

Solstice. . .shortest days and longest nights.

Equinox. . .the two times of the year when day and night are of almost equal duration.

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In 2017 notice how Solstice and Equinox move westward relative to the stars due to the factors Obliquity, Eccentricity and Precession.

But the Perihelion and Aphelion move Eastward. This results in the seasons occurring at different times.

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Milankovitch felt there was a cycle the seasons went through of about 21,000 years.

Watch to see towards the end of how the seasons could reverse in the future.

He took into account that the severity of winters and summers likely would change well into the future including the average temperature.

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The Historic Variations in Temperature have been mapped to the Milankovitch Cycles have been mapped.

Video found here,

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