A Report on the Grand Solar Minimum Sunday, May 13 2018

in climatechange •  7 years ago 

From Suspicious0bservers

-it has been another day of a quiet sun with no earth facing solar flares and the solar wind(electric sheet current) slows down to its normal 450 k/s, this will speed up again by Tuesday or Wednesday due to the earth facing coronal hole bringing with it the likelihood of a geomagnetic disturbance
-published in the "Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics" is a paper that shows a connection between the electric potential of the ionosphere to Tropospheric pressure titled,"The zonal-mean and regional tropospheric pressure responses to changes in ionospheric potential"
-also published in the same journal is an article showing a strong correlation between explosive tropical storms after strong solar winds-I discussed this process in yesterday's post."Tropospheric weather influenced by solar wind through atmospheric vertical coupling downward control"

What does it mean?

These papers do a great job in strengthening the argument of the electric universe showing how the sun's output as in solar wind(electric sheet current) has a an affect on weather and climate here on earth, that there is more to the sun than total irradiance. This also disputes claims by the IPCC that these storms are due to increased levels of CO2 of which there is not any evidence of, only theory and computer models and computer models do not hold a candle against real world observations, which is what these papers were based upon.

Watch for yourself.

Diamond form the Oppenheimer Ranch

-lava continues to flow and is even flowing faster at Mt Kilauea as a new fissure has been officially announced bringing the count to 16, but there may be more
-air quality in the region due to sulfur dioxide is poor to terrible
-many lakes in the northern US are reporting later than ever ice outs, that is the day with no more ice
-houses in Alaska unable to bare the strain of the weight of snow on their roofs
-50ft of snow in the French Alps keep roads blocked longer than usual
-increase in moderate earthquakes including one in the Gulf of Mexico near where the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig was located
-a paper published in the Journal of Environmental Earth Science titled "An updated review about carbon dioxide and climate change" shows there is no correlation between CO2 and climate~since the full article is behind a paywall there is this summary provided by No Tricks Zone

What does it mean?

What it is showing us is that as we move further into the Eddy Minimum we will be experiencing longer winters when the snow and ice will hang around longer and longer in the spring and if Mt Kilauea explodes with a VEI 7 or higher we should be wary of a rapid cooling of the planet. Dr. Rex J. Fleming, a former NOAA climate scientist who earned both his Master’s and Ph.D in meteorology, in his paper details the lack of an identifiable causal relationship between CO2 concentration changes and Earth’s temperature changes. He suggests “there is no propensity for CO2 to store heat in a systematic way over time to produce a climate change effect”.

Watch for yourself.


-in the video below MrMBB333 discusses the geological aspects to Mt Kilauea, something not too many are discussing. He points out how back in February of this year an article was published in a local paper in which they were expecting a land movement on the Hilina Slump, a 5000 cubic mile section of the island. This occurs every 2-2.5 years and this year it slipped two feet towards the south. There has been an instance some 110,000 years ago where this slippage has caused tsunamis. What is interesting is the line of fissure seems to follow a path perpendicular to the direction it slipped suggesting a possible relationship. Could the line of fissures be the result of the slippage? And since they do not know where the lava has gone as what has appeared out of the fissures does not account for what is lost in the caldera. The caldera has shrunk, this destabilizes the vent walls for the lava itself helps support the vent walls, without it but still quite hot and possibly nealable(soft,) there is the threat that these walls will fall in on the vent creating a blockage. If the lava goes below sea level and water gets in turning to steam building up the pressure it will explodes and possible take the Hilina Slump with it or causing the entire 5000 cubic mile area to crash into the sea producing a mega-tsunami with 1000ft waves . For the record the area is still being inundated with many low level earthquakes between 20-30 already for today alone most of them being below 4 on the Richter scale with the largest being 4.6 on the Richter scale and a disturbing 11.9 km deep just south of the island in the ocean. Could the lava be disappearing into this rift below the ocean floor.


Watch for yourself.


An interesting day as far science goes with the three papers being published all leading credibility toward the electric universe. One by a former NOAA scientist reviewing the relationship between CO2 and climate change and concluding that there is no mechanism by which CO2 can store heat. The other two papers revealing something I had already concluded for myself via my gut instincts which is very satisfying when science proves my gut instinct to be accurate and that is having to do with the electric nature of weather on the planet and how solar wind delivers electric charge to the ionosphere which charges up tropical storms.

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Thanks for posting this interesting compilation.

Thanks for the upvote and commenting. Please feel free to share.

You seem to be one of the few people on steemit talking about the grand solar minimum and it's likely consequences. I applaud you for presenting this information. I have followed adapt2030 on ytube and related sites that you have mentioned. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for the kind words. Being as I am a high school dropout and am self-educated, it is high praise to receive from a professor emeritus. And I must say, you good sir seem to be one of the few people interested in the GSM and its consequences. It is somewhat disheartening to see people not take up the message for those not prepared will be the first to panic. I am planning on posting more about surviving the GSM. Today's post included a video with three recipes for dandelions and none of them involved making wine. ;)

Are you doing anything to prepare for the deepening of the GSM and the threat of food shortages?

Yes, I converted more of our lawn to garden this spring. We built a small plastic house adjacent to our garage last winter and grew fresh vegetables successfully. We will try to enlarge it next year. We are also planning on stocking up on dry foods, canned goods etc. We have plenty of wood. Generally prepping!

Sounds like you're on the right path.

17th fissure opens up