Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect" — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.
NASA ( IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2014
I won't bore you with the same sentences as many much wiser people than me have repeated over and over again. If you are concerned about your future, your children's future and the future of this earth, you are. If you aren't, you aren't. If you are doing something actively about it, you are. If you aren't, you aren't.
There's nothing I can say that would make climate change denials believe that climate change is happening. There's nothing I can say that would convince those who believe that humans aren't to blame, believe otherwise. There's nothing I can say or do that would make those people act differently who think that everything is lost anyway, why bother do anything as one persons actions equal nothing in this 7.6 billion population.
You already know what to do if you want to take action. If you're doing something, you are. If you're not, you're not. It doesn't matter if I say: recycle, consume less, use public transport, walk, repair - don't just throw away, buy only what you need, travel wisely, don't pollute the nature, collect your garbage and get others around you to join. If you don't want to do that, you don't.
So I made a poem. Or a collection of words. You decide which one it is. It's words and headlines found from Spiced it with my voice.
Too much greenhouse effect
How do we know
If studying weather
Puts the world on fire?
Can the answer be
A blanket around the Earth?
Climate time machine
Could save us
Cloudy with a chance of chemistry
Sounds better than
Large piece of Lowell Glacier becomes pond of slush
Regardless of scientific evidence
Global temperature rise
Droughts and heat waves
Ocean acidification
Warming oceans
Extreme events
Glacial retreat
Sea level rise
The role of human activity
Is what it is
Hurricanes will become stronger
Just another day on aerosol Earth
Soon playing in snow is possible only for the rich kids. I predict in the future, snow will only exist in amusement parks that have artificial snow. There you can build snow castles, make snow angels or throw snowballs. If you pay for it. And the technology enabling that Snowmusement park makes the earth even warmer. Anyone left outside suffer. Extreme heat and drought. Infinite summer.
Snowmen and snow-women as we know them, become extinct.