Climate Change Series Part 1: It's Time to Talk about Earth

in climatechange •  9 years ago 

This one will be a "sciencey" post. Turn away now if you don't care about our planet, you animal.

As all of you know, climate change is basically slowly ruining all of our lives. Yet people cannot get it through their heads that WE HAVE TO ACT NOW.

But how? Everything we do in society and our economic structure depends on fossil fuels. Literally everything you see RIGHT NOW in plain sight, was likely made with some fossil fuel derivative. It's mind blowing to me that we have become so dependent on one thing as humans, that if it were to disappear tomorrow, we would basically be f*****. That's how serious our dependence on these old dinosaur carcasses we have become.

But if we want a chance to keep Earth the same as it is (livable), what we take for granted everyday, we would need to halt all greenhouse gas production, today. Seriously, it has become that bad. But how? Like I just mentioned, we couldn't sustain our lives if this were the case. So what do we do?

Well, that's the question of the century is it not? At this point, we cannot make such drastic changes for energy production. But because these large scale changes cannot be made so quickly, should we just ignore the fact that our planet is basically undergoing a change so fast most of our grandchildren may not survive it? No. If your answer was yes, leave this page because I "can't even". Thank you for the page view though!

Some people may think "what's the harm of a 1 or 2 degree increase in climate?" Well, it's not that Earth cannot sustain such climates, but the rate at which the climate is changing is too fast to sustain, hence snow in Texas, hurricanes and floods everywhere you look. Shit, as they say, is HITTING THE FAN and still, we as a society aren't doing enough. Because, politics. Money, energy demand, all this crap we think is vital to life when eventually it will mean nothing when we cannot breath the air in our atmosphere. I may be overemphasizing since this won't happen for centuries, but it doesn't change the fact that it will happen. We basically already ruined the Earth for hundreds of years and well, there is still time to help. Small changes is what we have to begin thinking about. It's not an all or nothing complex, gradual changes, although seemingly small, will help. And we need to understand that.

Our focus needs to be shifted from MONEY MONEY MONEY and to LIFE LIFE LIFE. It's that simple.

Over the next few posts, I am going to continue to follow the climate change trend in these posts. Some concepts, ideas, hopefully help the understanding of climate change and voice my opinion. Hell, maybe you'll learn something and share your new found knowledge.

Unfortunately, I do not have the skills, or time commitments to grow this base to the scale of millions, but the information is out there and the more and more talk that can be mustered from this content, the outreach ball begins to roll.

I want to do my part, big or small. And I am sure some of you out there do too. But before any changes can be made, understanding the problem is the first, and one of the biggest steps. I encourage you, if you've made it this far, to tell people about climate change, the problems, the ideas, and hopefully learn something in the process.

Here's to a livable earth in the future. Let's make a difference.

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