Murder, Bank Fraud, Drugs, and Sex (Clinton Conspiracy) (1995)

in clinton •  6 years ago 

From [email protected] Feb 7 07:17:57 1995
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 95 07:02:36 CST
From: Brian Redman [email protected]
To: Multiple recipients of list [email protected]
Subject: Murder, Bank Fraud, Drugs, and Sex

By Nicholas A. Guarino
[List of victims from pamphlet]

Victim #1: On September 26, 1993, Luther "Jerry" Parks enjoyed a
nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Little Rock.

On the way home, his car was forced to a stop and he was mowed
down by unfriendlies with nine-millimeter semiautomatic pistols.

The coroner pulled nine bullets from Jerry's body. I believe we
can safely rule out suicide on this one. And it doesn't sound
like your standard drive-by shooting, either. In fact, witnesses
claim the hit man was a former state trooper who was very close
to Bill Clinton.

Jerry was the owner of American Contract Services, which supplied
the guards for Clinton's presidential campaign and transition
headquarters. (Clinton still owed him $81,000.) So he knew a lot
about Clinton's comings and goings.

As a matter of fact, Jerry had quietly been compiling a major
study of Clinton's sexual affairs for about six years. Not
quietly enough, though. Shortly before his demise, his home was
broken into and the study's backup files -- filled with photos
and names -- were stolen, according to his widow, Jane... after
the security alarm was skilfully cut. Nothing else was taken.

His big mistake: "He threatened Clinton," Jane said, "saying he'd
go public if he didn't get his $81,000." And then came the end.
The London Sunday Telegraph quoted Jerry's son Gary, 23,
stating the obvious: "...they had my father killed to save Bill
Clinton's political career."

After a long investigation, Little Rock police detective Sergeant
Clyde Steelman gave his character endorsement: "The Parks family
aren't lying to you."

But unless you live in Arkansas, you probably never heard about
Jerry Parks. If you lived in London (or Nairobi or Hong Kong) you
would know more. Whitewater and other Clinton scandals are a
far bigger story overseas. Many foreign observers feel the
Whitewater coverup is the biggest one in the world in fifty or
sixty years.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #2: You must understand the central fact about the
Whitewater Development Corporation: It was not the main crime.

Whitewater was only a pretext set up by Jim McDougal and the
Clintons to milk millions of dollars from the SBA [Small Business
Administration], banks, Arkansas Development Finance Authority,
and Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan (which was later bailed out
by us taxpayers to the tune of $65 million).

The Resolution Trust Corporation [RTC] people eventually figured
out that their investigation of Madison wasn't getting anywhere
because it was based in Kansas City, where Clinton's people
stymied it. So Jon Parnell Walker, a Senior Investigation
Specialist in the RTC's Washington office, began a campaign to
get the case moved to DC.

Soon after, Jon was looking over a possible new apartment in
Lincoln Towers in Arlington, Virginia, when reportedly he
suddenly decided to climb over the balcony railing and jump.

Jon's friends, family, and co-workers all agree on one fact: This
man was not depressed. Maybe he was just impulsive.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #3: You remember the name Danny Ferguson. He is the
Arkansas patrolman who once said he brought Paula Jones to Bill
Clinton's hotel room.

Kathy, 38, his wife at the time, blabbed a lot about such things.
She often told friends and co-workers about how Bill had gotten
Danny to bring women to him and stand watch while they had sex.

(Altogether, Bill had hundreds of women brought to him, sometimes
several a day. Young, pretty women pulled over for speeding or
whatever would be offered a choice between a jail sentence or a
trip to go see Bill.)

Part of Danny's job was to make sure that each woman was ready
and willing when Bill met her. Kathy told people that Bill was
really mad when Paula Jones wouldn't "put out." Bill hates to
be refused.

On May 10, [1994] Kathy was found dead with a pistol in her hand.
A suicide, the police said. Only three problems with this:
a. Women rarely use guns to kill themselves.
b. I can't find anyone who ever heard of a nurse shooting
herself. (Why should they? They know all the right dosages
for pills, and they have access to them.)
c. I've talked to three of the six nurses who worked most
closely with Kathy at Baptist Memorial in Little Rock. They
gave me, in no uncertain terms, a loud message to convey to
you: "NO WAY did Kathy Ferguson kill herself." They are

Footnote to story: About three weeks later, Danny reversed his
story, saying he didn't lead Paula to Clinton's room after all.

Second footnote: Bill Shelton, Kathy's new boyfriend (since her
separation from Danny), was loudly critical of the suicide story
and complained to many people about it. Bill was found dead on
June 9. They're calling this a suicide, too. (Perhaps it was. I
haven't checked it out yet.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #4: Vincent Foster, who was Clinton's counsel for
Whitewater, was the highest government official to meet an
untimely death since the Kennedys.

He could have killed himself on July 20, 1993, as Robert Fiske,
Clinton's "independent" counsel claimed. But it's rather
doubtful. The story line concocted by Fiske has about 20 major
holes in it -- which partly explains his replacement by Kenneth
Starr. A few examples:

** Official photos show the alleged suicide gun in Vince's
right hand. Trouble is, he was left-handed. (Of course, a hit
man wouldn't have known that.) Fiske ignored this in his

** Vince went out and hired two lawyers on July 19. As
Clinton's man in charge of covering up Whitewater, he had
failed badly and could see everything was about to unravel
(which it began to do in Arkansas the very next day).
Question: Why pay for a lawyer to launch a defense and then
shoot yourself a day later? Fiske ignored this.

** After a somewhat hurried lunch in his office July 20,
Vince grabbed his jacket and left the White House with the
words, "I'll be back." And then we are supposed to believe,
apparently, that he picked up a White House beeper, drove to
his Georgetown townhouse, got a gun, drove to a lonely park
in Arlington, walked 200 yards to a steep slope, went down
into some thick bushes, sat down, shot himself and then
threw his glasses 13 feet away through heavy brush, and wound
up lying down supine and perfectly straight, legs together,
with arms straight down at his side, the gun still in his
hand, and trickles of blood running from his mouth in several
directions, including uphill. What's wrong with this picture?

** Where's the bullet? None was ever found even after a
massive search and excavation. Could it be that the police
and FBI looked in the wrong place? Sgt. George Gonzalez (the
first paramedic on the scene) and his boss both insisted they
found Foster 200 feet from the official spot. If they're
right, then why was the body moved?

** Where are the fingerprints on the gun? There were none!

** Where are the skull fragments? None were ever found.
Normally, a .38 will blow out a 4" to 5" hole, with blood and
brains everywhere. Because of the mess and the noise, most
sophisticated hit men today repack their cartridges with a
half charge. This explains the tiny, one-inch hole in the
back of Vince's head. Fiske skipped this.

** Who is the mystery blonde whose hairs were found on
Vince? And why did Fiske not mention that carpet fibers and
semen were found on his [Foster's] shorts? In this age of
detective movies, how could anyone think such clues unworthy
of mention in a serious report?
Sadly, the real reason Fiske was sacked by that 3-judge
panel was not to preserve an "appearance of impartiality," as
the papers said. They were simply tipped off that Fiske was
rapidly burying everything he could. For instance, when David
Hale's trial judge refused to keep Bill Clinton's name
entirely out of Hale's testimony, Fiske immediately stopped
the trial and changed his charge from a huge felony to a
small misdemeanor -- with a vastly reduced sentence!

** Where's the suicide note? Vince [Foster] wrote an
unsigned outline of a resignation letter, which Clinton's
counsel Bernard Nussbaum kept for six days, tore into 27
pieces (without leaving one single fingerprint -- try that!),
then changed his mind and let the bright yellow pieces
strangely appear in Vince's briefcase, which the police and
FBI had already inspected and found to be empty. But this
"suicide note" says nothing about suicide, of course. And the
final letter is missing.

** Today, thanks to the drug trade, hit men have polished
the "staged suicide" to an exact science. If any sign of a
struggle remains, the killer has failed his task. The trick
is to persuade the victim he'll be OK if he cooperates -- and
then shoot suddenly. In the vile jargon of the professional
assassins I've had the misfortune of meeting, "Ya gotta
butter up a turkey before ya roast 'im." To my utter
amazement, neither Fiske nor the Senate investigators knew
anything about how hit men work today.

** I could go on and on. Fiske quoted reports -- even an
anonymous one -- from visitors to the park [Fort Marcy Park]
that day. But some witnesses also saw "a menacing-looking
Hispanic man" by a white van with its big door open near
Vince's car just before the body was found. Fiske left that

** Instead of allowing Vince's office to be sealed after his
death, top Clinton staffers Bernie Nussbaum, Patsy Thomasson,
and Maggie Williams frantically rifled it for "national
security matters" (read: incriminating Whitewater documents)
and carted them off to Hillary's closet upstairs. In a
stunning show of chutzpah, they even made the park police and
FBI agents sit in the hallway for two hours while they did
it. And Nussbaum later claimed it was only ten minutes! (An
FBI agent disclosed to me that a file was opened for
obstruction of justice, but Bill had it closed.)

Why would anybody want a nice, gentle fellow like Vince Foster
killed and his body dumped in a park? For some excellent reasons,
which I detail in my book, The Impeached President. [CN --
Apparently available by writing to The Wall Street Underground,
1129 East Cliff Road, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337]...

But the #1 reason is that Vince knew far too much and he had to
go because he was about to crack -- and that would have ended the
Clinton presidency right there and then.

Suppose, however, it was a suicide. Suppose Whitewater was
becoming such a horror that suicide seemed better than facing the

What then?

Then the only logical explanation is scenario #2, as follows:

** Vince's Whitewater coverup was coming apart. Facts were
popping up in the press and people were talking. For
instance, Clinton's partner in Whitewater, Jim McDougal, had
gone to Little Rock attorney and 1990 Republican
gubernatorial candidate Sheffield Nelson and made a taped
statement which I have heard, saying:

I could sink it [the coverup] quicker than they could lie 
about it if I could get in a position so I wouldn't have 
my head beaten off. And Bill knows that.

** So sensitive was Vince to criticism that he was still
bothered about the heat he was getting for his role in
Travelgate. In fact, Fiske stated that those close to Vince
thought that "the single greatest source of his distress was
the criticism he... received following the firing of seven
employees from the White House Travel Office." Little did
they know the whole story. Vince had to keep Whitewater
details bottled up inside -- even at home.

** On the day Vince shot himself, he received a shocking
phone call from an attorney at Arkansas' Rose Law Firm saying
that FBI Director William Sessions was about to subpoena the
documents of Judge David Hale. Hale was a Clinton appointee
who charged that Clinton forced him to give fraudulent SBA
loans of millions of dollars to Clinton's friends. In the
Senate hearings, Clinton's people denied such a call took
place, but I know for a definite fact that it did. And I'm
backed up by the Rose phone billings and Vince's phone log.
Also, Sen. Christopher Bond (R.-Mo.) later confirmed that the
call was from "an old friend" at Rose.

** About this time, Clinton fired his FBI Director -- a step
so desperate that no President had ever taken it.

** Vince realized that the genie was out of the bottle. He
had confided to his brother-in-law, former congressman Beryl
Anthony, that he was very worried that Congress itself was
about to launch a criminal probe into his affairs. (In this
scenario, the "suicide note" was actually the "opening
argument for his defense" before Congress -- a defense which
Vince told his wife he wrote on July 11.)

** He was sure that in such a probe, the easy-going David
Hale would spill the beans and drag in Gov. Tucker, Steve
Smith, Madison Marketing, Castle Grande, Whitewater, Vince
himself -- and, inevitably, Bill Clinton. He mentally added
up the fines and prison terms he would face for concealing
Bill's crimes -- many of which he had taken a supporting role
in. The totals were horrendous. And the thought of being a
central figure in America's first presidential impeachment
[CN -- Pres. Andrew Johnson was the first impeachment
trial, although he, in the end, was not actually impeached.]
was too much for his quiet mind to bear. He told his wife and
sister that he was thinking of resigning. (But he still
couldn't let on about the Whitewater crisis.)

** He was cracking up. Everyone around him agreed he looked
and sounded terrible. The Desyrel prescribed by his doctor
didn't help. So when the call came about Hale's subpoena, he
had to go home and think things over. But there, alas, he
could think of no way out. So he put two bullets in his
revolver, drove across the Potomac to the first quiet spot he
found, hid himself in some bushes where he could pray in
solitude, and pulled the trigger.

That's the most probable suicide scenario. Unfortunately for
Clinton, it's almost as damning as the murder scenario.

Today everyone -- from Vince's family to the press to the White
House -- professes to be baffled by Vince's death. "How on
earth," they wonder, "could such a typical Washington flap as
Travelgate cause Vince to be so depressed?"

Under either scenario, the plain answer is: It didn't.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victims #5 & #6: Then you have the small-plane crashes, which are
fairly easy events to stage. Hit men commonly use any of five
quick, simple, techniques.

One method was used on the first two victims, C. Victor Raiser
II, the former finance co-chairman of Clinton's presidential
campaign, and his son, Montgomery. Their plane crashed in good
weather near Anchorage, Alaska, on July 30, 1992. I respected
Raiser as a man of integrity, but he was caught up in a lot of
shenanigans of the campaign -- though he didn't like them.
Eventually, he soured on Clinton and thus became a potential
major leak and a big threat to Bill's presidency.

[CN -- A biographical note seems to be in order: The author of
this sketch, Nicholas A. Guarino is editor of The Wall Street
. Among many other things, he lived for 20 years in
Arkansas and personally knew Commander Billy Jeff, Jim Blair,
Vince Foster, Jim McDougal, David Hale, Don Tyson, Governor
Tucker, "and dozens more of that bunch." He uses his own
extensive research as well as "numerous informants" to "warn
others of the acute dangers of evil, power-hungry men in
positions of influence." Today, he lives "in a scenic, secluded
place as far from Arkansas as he can get."]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #7: Herschel Friday was another member of Raiser's
committee and a heck of a nice guy. His plane dropped out of site
and exploded as he approached his own private landing strip in
Arkansas in a light drizzle on March 1, 1994. Herschel was a top-
notch pilot and his strip is better than those in most cities. (I
know because I almost had to use it once when my own plane's
carburetor started backfiring.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #8: Just two days later, Dr. Ronald Rogers, a very vocal
dentist from Royal, Arkansas, was on his way to reveal some dirt
on Clinton to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a reporter from the
London Sunday Telegraph, when his twin-engine Cessna crashed
with a full tank of gas in clear weather south of Lawton,
Oklahoma. His pilot had just radioed that he was having trouble
and needed to refuel in Lawton. (I'm 98% sure of the technique
that killed both Rogers and Friday; it drops your fuel gauge to
"empty," then cuts off your fuel when you tilt forward to land --
and leaves no trace of a clue for investigators.)

There have been six other air crash deaths of former Clinton
intimates and advisors, but I believe they were true accidents.
In fact, in the course of about 50 radio/TV interviews, I've
talked with a number of people who blame every accident since the
Titanic on Clinton. This foolishness distresses me greatly
because it discredits the actual known murders. Yes, there are
likely hundreds of deaths among people connected in some remote
way to Clinton's scandals, but the probable murders are pretty
much limited to those you see in this special report -- and even
some of these could be accidents...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #9: But Barry Seal's death was no accident. His story is
so exciting that Hollywood made it into a movie (Double-
), starring Dennis Hopper and Adrienne Barbeau.

Barry made about $50 million as a pilot and plane supplier in
Clinton's incredibly elaborate and successful drug-running
operation out of Mena, Arkansas.

Iran-Contra was conceived as a simple scheme to use the
Ayatollah's money to send guns to the Contra freedom fighters.
But from that humble, Ollie North beginning, it blossomed into
the great Arkansas dream. Virtually every load of Chinese AK-47s
(plus light machine guns, grenades, and other small ordnance)
taken from Mena to Nicaragua was matched by a return load of dope
and cash flown in from Columbia via Panama or the Cayman Islands
on "black flights" that Customs officials and air traffic
controllers were instructed to ignore.

According to an exhaustive, top-selling new book entitled
Compromised, by Terry Reed and John Cummings (which I found
highly accurate), pilots were bringing back and air-dropping over
$9 million a week in cash, which was properly laundered and then
went into Arkansas industries owned by friends of Gov. Clinton.
(Not into Clinton's pockets -- he didn't usually do that kind
of thing except to pay off campaign debts and favors.) And in
case you're wondering why Bill needed his land scams when he had
all that drug money available, the answer is, the drug operations
came later.

Incidentally, the money was laundered through such sterling banks
as BCCI [Bank of Credit and Commerce International]. Remember
them? I discussed BCCI's involvement extensively with its
Panamanian president.

Five or six of the CIA subcontractor pilots running the gun-drug
loop under Barry Seal have said that Nella (near Mena) was chosen
as the base for training Contra soldiers mainly because its
terrain and foliage were so similar to Nicaragua. Many local
residents still recall camouflaged Latinos holding maneuvers in
the countryside -- but they all agree it's not healthy to talk
about it too much.

Iran-Contra was an impressive operation on both ends. I still
remember standing on the deck of a flat-deck, flat-bottom supply
boat used to run guns upriver to the Contras in Nicaragua. It was
loaded to the gunwhales with Russian-made rifles, machine guns,
rocket-propelled grenades, etc., in Chinese-marked boxes. The
captain and his partner, a German arms dealer, invited me to
sample the merchandise, so I pried the lids off a couple of
wooden cases, took out some AK-47s, and sprayed a few clips
around the woods. (Very nice guns, but I wasn't in the market.)

In case this begins to sound like a far-right hallucination, you
should know that some liberal groups (ever opposed to CIA tricks)
concur. For instance, The Wall Street Journal said on June 29:

There is even one public plea that Special Counsel Robert
Fiske should investigate possible links between Mena and the
savings-and-loan association involved in Whitewater. The plea
was sounded by the Arkansas Committee, a left-leaning group
of former University of Arkansas students who have carefully
tracked the Mena affair for years.

I wish them luck. And good health. The Arkansas Attorney General,
the IRS, and the state police have been met for fifteen years
with "a wall of obfuscation and obstruction" erected by the
Clinton circle of power -- which is EVERYWHERE in Arkansas.
According to Penthouse, which is not exactly noted for being a
far-right magazine:

He [Clinton] controlled virtually all the 2,000 handpicked
appointees to an array of boards and commissions that
effectively rule the state... Anyone seeking to do business
with the state -- and that included just about everybody
running a business -- learned to expect direct solicitations
by Clinton's campaign finance people.

Polk County Prosecutor Charles Black, to his credit, once even
sat down with Clinton himself and pleaded for a state
investigation of Mena!

Bill said that "he would get a man on it and get back to me,"
Black recalls. That was in 1988. Black is still sitting by his
phone. (I'm sure Bill got a kick out of that interview. I recall
him grinning as he made some comment about "dumb Arkies" one
afternoon at the brokerage I owned in Harrison -- one of a dozen
or so occasions when we spent time together.)

But at the risk of sounding as bad as Bill, I must remind you
that, after all, this is Arkansas... where:

** One governor before Clinton had every concrete-and-steel
bridge in the state insured for fire (yes, fire). Guess who
owned the insurance company.

** Another governor, being indicted for fraud, simply canned
the judge and replaced him with the town drunk, who then
dismissed the grand jury.

So just think of Bill as a traditional, Arkansas kind of

But I digress. Barry Seal was eventually arrested by the Federal
Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA]. To get off the hook, he
turned state's evidence and fingered several big drug dealers. He
even managed to take clandestine photographs of major Columbian
and Panamanian figures, one of which President Reagan showed
proudly in a nationwide TV speech.

But in the end, the DEA betrayed the flamboyant Barry by allowing
him to be sentenced to a halfway house, where a few days later he
was a sitting duck for three Columbian avengers with Uzi and MAC-
10 submachine guns with silencers. The ending wasn't pretty, but
it made a hard-hitting movie.

Why did the DEA dump Barry? Perhaps because, as Clinton observed
to Terry Reed, "Seal just got too damn big for his britches and
that scum basically deserved to die, in my opinion..."

I'm not saying Bill ran Iran-Contra. He didn't -- not even the
Arkansas half of it. But five men in the Mena operation (sorry, I
can't reveal their names to you) have affirmed that he provided
their cover as governor and "rode herd" on them through the
Intelligence Division of the state police. Other high officials
helped. Why? Because the Arkansas state bonds program (ADFA)
received 10 percent of the net profits -- plus the use of 100
percent of the gross in their banks as they laundered it. Quite a
boost to the economy!

At least that was the deal cut with Clinton. But the Mena
operations (code-named Centaur Rose and Jade Bridge by
Reagan's CIA Director Wm. Casey) finally had to be yanked from
Arkansas and moved to Mexico under the name Operation Screw
. Simple reason: Bill and friends just couldn't resist
putting Arkansas' hand deeper into the till than they were
supposed to.

In fact, eyewitness Reed details at length the tense meeting in
which William P. Barr -- later President Bush's Attorney General
-- breaks the bad news to a very angry Clinton. (Sorry, I must
condense the conversation greatly. You've got to read his book!)

On a March night in 1986, they met with Reed, Oliver North, and
two other CIA men in a musty, poorly-lit World War II ammunition
bunker at Camp Robinson outside Little Rock.

After several sharp exchanges and traded insults, Barr said, "The
deal we made was to launder our money through your bond business.
What we didn't plan on was you... shrinking our laundry... That's
why we're pulling the operation out of Arkansas. It's become a
liability for us. We don't need live liabilities."

"What do ya' mean, live liabilities?" Clinton demanded.

"There's no such thing as a dead liability. It's an oxymoron, get
it? Oh, or don't you Rhodes Scholars study things like that?"
Barr snapped.

"What! Are you threatenin' us? Because if ya' are..."

From that point on, Barr was able to smooth things out, and he
concluded with the most eye-opening passage of the book:

You and your state have been our greatest asset. The beauty
of this, as you know, is that you're a Democrat, and with our
ability to influence both parties, this country can get
beyond partisan gridlock. Mr. Casey wanted me to pass on to
you that unless you f*** up and do something stupid, you're
No. 1 on the short list for a shot at the job you've always
wanted [meaning the Presidency]. That's pretty heady stuff,
Bill. So why don't you help us keep a lid on this and we'll
all be promoted together.

You and guys like us are the fathers of the new government.
Hell, we're the new covenant.

An amazing statement, wasn't it? Especially for 1986.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victims #10 & #11: Kevin Ives and Don Henry, two Bryant,
Arkansas, teenagers, apparently were a bit too snoopy about the
air drops of dope and cash they had observed in the nearby
countryside at night (part of the Mena operation).

They were found on the morning of August 23, 1987, having been
run over by a train. "They fell asleep on the tracks," according
to state medical examiner Fahmy Malak, a Clinton appointee who
had earned the anger of the locals by pulling such stunts before.

(Remember when Clinton's late mother, anesthesia nurse Virginia
Kelley, [allegedly] caused the death of two patients by neglect?
Malak was the one who cleared her. Malak once even declared that
a decapitated man had died of "natural causes," a ruling Clinton
defended as a mere symptom of overwork.)

Malak's opinion caused a big ruckus locally. Eventually, the
boys' irate parents managed to get a second coroner's opinion,
and the official causes of death were changed to being stabbed in
the back and getting a crushed skull before the train came. At
this point...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victims #12 through #17: ...six local people came forward
independently, each claiming to have some special knowledge about
the deaths of the boys on the track.

All were slain before their testimony could do any good. Police
involvement is suspected in most cases, but not all:

** Keith Coney had been slashed in the neck and was fleeing
for his life when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a
truck. "A traffic fatality," police said.

** Gregory Collins was found shot in the face by a shotgun.

** Keith McKaskle was brutally stabbed at home -- 113 times.
(He knew he was doomed, and had told his friends and family

** The burned body of Jeff Rhodes was found in the city
dump, shot in the head -- and with his hands, feet, and head
partly cut off.

** Richard Winters was killed by a man with a 12-gauge
sawed-off shotgun.

** Jordan Ketelson died of a shotgun blast to the head and
was found in the driveway of a house in Garland County. "A
suicide," the sheriff said.

Do you see a pattern here?

All in all, after ten years of Mena operations, not one arrest
was ever made, an accomplishment that is possible only when
someone controls the whole state like a collie controls sheep.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #18: Danny Casolaro was a reporter who was investigating
the connections between Mena, BCCI, Iran-Contra, Reagan's
"October Surprise," Park-O-Meter Co. (which [allegedly] made
dope-storage nose cones for the airplanes at Mena), and the ADFA
(Clinton's billion-dollar state bonds racket). He affectionately
called this network The Octopus. On August 10, 1991, just as he
was about to receive information linking Iran-Contra to the
Inslaw scandal, Danny was found with his wrists slit in the
bathtub of a hotel room in West Virginia. What a coincidence.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #19: Paul Wilcher, a Washington, D.C., lawyer, was deeply
investigating Mena and other scandals. He was scheduled for a
meeting with Danny Casolaro's former attorney, but on June 22,
1993, was found dead in his apartment, sitting on his toilet.
(The bathroom killer strikes again?)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #20: Ed Willey, the manager of Clinton's presidential
campaign finance committee who, according to a reliable source in
Texas, was involved with shuffling briefcases full of cash,
supposedly shot himself on November 30, 1993.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Victim #21: John A. Wilson, a ruggedly honest city councilman in
Washington, D.C., knew a lot about Clinton's dirty tricks.
According to my sources, he was preparing to come forward and
start talking about them. But then on May 19, 1993, he just
decided to hang himself instead.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There are other possible victims, like Paula Gober, Jim Wilhite,
Stanley Heard, Steven Dickson, Timothy Sabel, William Barkley,
Scott Reynolds, Brian Hassey, and so on. But my evidence about
them isn't convincing, and I refuse to join those who call every
Clinton-related death a murder.

What is convincing is just the sheer numbers of untimely deaths
in the Clinton circle of influence -- plus a long string of
threats, attacks, beatings, break-ins, wiretaps, and other
intimidation. For example:

** Dennis Patrick of Kentucky has survived three attempts on
his life so far -- and is now in the federal witness
protection program. (Hang in there, Dennis -- and never
forget who's in charge of that program!)

He was the unwilling customer of Lasater & Company in Little
Rock, where tens of millions of dollars were traded (read:
laundered) in his account in 1985 and 1986. Only two
problems: He never knew what these trades were... and it
wasn't his money! (Coincidentally, the trading stopped when
Barry Seal was killed on February 19, 1986.)

And that's not even the scary part of the story. The fact
that may make your hair stand on end is that Dan Lasater is:
-- Bill Clinton's second-best friend
-- a convicted cocaine dealer
-- a noted host of lavish cocaine parties featuring very
young women
-- the employer of Bill's brother
-- and the head of Lasater & Co., which issued all $1
billion of Arkansas' state bonds in the '80s (but
only if each bond beneficiary first made a huge
donation to Clinton's operations or put Hillary on

It is also alleged that Lasater laundered hundreds of
millions of drug dollars through that firm. But the day after
Dan's release from prison only six months later, Bill
pardoned him! Plus, while Dan was still in detention, he gave
power of attorney to run the company to Patsy Thomasson, who
was one of Bill's top administrative aides, and Bill
continued to funnel all the state's bonds through the
company -- another $664 million worth!

Lasater & Company was the major source of brokered deposits
in Madison Guaranty S&L.

And Patsy is now director of the White House Office of
Administration. God help us all.

** According to a sophisticated journal called Heterodoxy,
journalist L.J. Davis spent a week nosing around some
sensitive areas in Arkansas last February [1994]. Then on the
14th, as he entered his Little Rock hotel room to dress for
dinner, he was knocked cold. When he awoke on the entry floor
four hours later, his wallet was intact, but his notebook and
skull weren't. And there was no furniture within falling
distance to account for the darning-egg-size lump over his
left ear.

Three weeks later, he sent a draft of his story to The New
BY MODEM. Three hours after that, his phone rang. A
rich baritone voice began, "What you're doing makes Lawrence
Walsh [, the investigator into Iran-Contra,] look like a rank

"Who is this?" Davis demanded.

"Seems to me, you've gotten your bell rung too many times.
But did you hear what I just said?" (click)

Says Davis now, "I used to laugh at things like this -- until
I ended up on the [expletive] floor."

If all this sounds like tabloid trash to you, you're
absolutely right. And there's a very good reason: The people
behind these crimes are tabloid trash.

** Then there's the arson stuff. A nasty little blaze broke
out in the Little Rock offices of Peat Marwick, way up in the
fourteenth floor of Worthen Tower at midnight, January 24,
1994, just four days after Fiske's start as a Whitewater
investigator. It wasn't a bad fire, you see, just bad
enough to consume the area that held their 1986 audit of
Madison Guaranty. A former Peat Marwick executive tells me
that the word came down from Clinton, and they were most
definitely forced to destroy the documents.

And remember the flap about the medical records that Bill
refused to release? Word is, all that cocaine finally
destroyed his nasal passages. ("Allergies," Bill says.) He
spent huge amounts of time flying around the country with Dan
Lasater in his cocaine-laden jet and went to numerous parties
thrown by Lasater and others, some of which featured
"blizzards of cocaine," according to participants.

Brother Roger recently admitted doing six to eight grams a
day (and being a dealer for Lasater), but Bill's usage was
probably much less. Alas, we'll never know now. His doctor's
office files went up in flames. (Tsk, tsk. Those medical
offices. You know what a firetrap they are.)

Speaking of drugs: Sally Perdue, a former Miss Arkansas and
popular talk show hostess, has told the London Sunday
that during her 1983 affair with Gov. Clinton
(verified by state trooper L.D. Brown), Bill would usually
smoke (and inhale) two or three ready-made marijuana joints
drawn from his cigarette case in a typical evening.

On one occasion he pulled out a baggie of cocaine and
prepared a "line" right on her table. "He had all the
equipment laid out like a real pro," she recalls. (A mid-
level Democratic Party leader warned Sally, before a witness,
that if she didn't keep quiet, he "couldn't guarantee what
might happen" to her "pretty little legs" when she went out

She also told her stories to Sally Jessy Raphael, but in a
rare move, the producers strangely decided not to broadcast
the videotaped program.

I've also talked with others who say they "got high with
Bill" many times -- including his personal drug supplier,
who is now being held in prison incommunicado in Leavenworth
by Janet Reno. When the time comes, they will all speak out.
In fact, the main problem may be half of Arkansas trying to
get their names in the headlines!

** For a change of pace, here's an incident that's non-
violent -- but does include the President himself.

Little Rock attorney Cliff Jackson, an acquaintance of Bill's
from his Oxford days, was approached in July, 1993, by Larry
Patterson and Roger Perry, two former members of Bill's
Arkansas security detail. They wanted to discuss blowing the
whistle on his sex escapades. (Other troopers backed up their

As told to New American magazine, Jackson was discussing
their stories on the phone in August with another attorney,
Lynn Davis (not related to [L.J. Davis]), when...

...he became suspicious that the phone had been tapped. 
He suggested to Davis that they meet in a nearby 
restaurant. "The whole time we were there, this 
suspicious-looking guy kept his eye on us," Jackson 
recalls. "After we left, we were followed by this dark 
Suburban with darkened windows and a Texas license 
plate." Davis noted the vehicle's license plate number 
and ran a check on it; no such license number was listed.

You've heard of unlisted phone numbers? Welcome to the
phantom surveillance world of unlisted license plates!

Just a few days later, the troopers received phone calls from
both Clinton and Buddy Young, former head of Gov. Clinton's
security detail. You can hear the borderline tone of Young's
calls in this sample from his tense call to Roger Perry, as
he reported it:

I represent the President of the United States. Why do 
you want to destroy him over this? ... This is not a 
threat, but I wanted you to know that your own actions 
could bring about dire consequences.

Clinton's calls were no big secret, either. For instance,
journalist Gwen Ifill noted in the New York Times,

It turns out that some of the calls that were overworking 
the White House switchboard operators [in the fall of 
'93] were going not to Capitol Hill but to Arkansas state 
troopers [to discuss] potentially embarrassing charges 
about his marital infidelity.

The troopers related that Bill asked about the pending
allegations and offered them plush jobs. I think what he
wanted most was the kind of loyal silence and amnesia he gets
from people like Buddy Young, whom he appointed to a $93,000-
a-year FEMA job (not a bad promotion for a cop).

Indeed, there was a lot to be silent about. In addition to
numerous one-night ladies, Bill had long-term affairs with
six. One was a real bell-ringer: The Los Angeles Times
sifted through thousands of pages of state phone bills and
found 59 calls to her, including eleven on July 16, 1989. On
one government trip, he talked to her from his hotel room
from 1:23 a.m. to 2:57 a.m., then was back on the phone with
her at 7:45 that morning.

Bill's fallback defense is always that, as he claimed on
National Public Radio, "The only relevant questions are
questions of whether I abused my office, and the answer is

Well. What do you say?

** By far the unluckiest guy in Arkansas is lawyer Gary
Johnson, 53, who was peacefully living at Quapaw Towers in
Little Rock when Gennifer Flowers moved in next door to him.

Now, Clinton denied on 60 Minutes that he ever visited
Gennifer. But Gary had a home security system that included a
video camera pointed at his door. Unfortunately, it also
covered Gennifer's door, and after awhile he had several nice
visits on tape, showing Bill letting himself in with his own

Either Bill finally noticed the camera, or the grapevine told
Bill's aides about it, because on June 26, 1992, three weeks
before the Democratic nomination, Gary got a loud knock at
the door. It was three husky, short-haired state troopers,
and they slugged him as they barged in, demanding the tape.

Gary promptly gave it to them, but they continued punching
him, breaking both his elbows, perforating his bladder,
rupturing his spleen so badly that doctors had to remove it,
beating him unconscious, and leaving him to die.

Now, here's a good question for you: Do you think Bill
Clinton actually picked up a phone and initiated this attack?

And here's a better question: What difference does it

For obvious reasons of liberal loyalty, no one in the major media
wants to stick his neck out and be the first to do a major piece
that pins all these murders and attacks on the President of the
United States.

But sooner or later, the dam will break. The weight and scope of
the crimes are just too massive. Even if only half these
incidents turn out to be accidents or true suicides, Bill will
find it impossible to wiggle out of being implicated in the rest.
When some indicted hit man or functionary sees the evidence
piling up against him, he will sing like a sparrow to save his
own tail feathers...

               How to Make $2 Million
        Developing a God-Forsaken Tract of Land
         Without Selling One Square Foot of It

When the media folk told you about Whitewater, they left out a
few amusing details.

So in a spirit of altruistic service and public education, I'm
going to let you in on the secrets of how to pull off a land
scam. Pay attention, because you've never heard this before.

A. Real estate developing is more fun when you can borrow all
your capital without having to pay it back... or even sell
any land. So to get started, you need two friends: one an
appraiser, one a banker.

B. Next, you find some dirt-cheap dirt. Anywhere in the
boondocks will do. In the Whitewater case, it was 230
acres of land along the White River for about $90,000.
(Some housing tract! It was fifty miles to the nearest
grocery store.)

C. Then you get your appraiser friend to do a bloated
appraisal. Hey, what are friends for? Let's say he pegs it
at $150,000.

D. You go to the bank and get the usual 80% loan. [CN --
e.g., 80% of $150,000 with the land as collateral] You now
have $120,000, so you pay off the land [($90,000)], and
you still have $30,000 in your pocket. You're on a roll.

E. You pay $5,000 to subdivide it and bulldoze in a few
roads. (Or if you know the ropes, you get the state to do
it, as Bill did to get a $150,000, two-mile access road.)

F. Voila! You now are the proud owner of a partly-developed
luxury estate community. So you call up your appraiser
friend again, and he re-evaluates it at a cool $400,000.

G. You hustle back to the bank [run by your friend McDougal]
and get a new 80% loan based on the new value. (Nothing
out of line so far. An 80% loan is standard, right?)

H. You draw up plans for some fine houses (which will never
be built.)

I. You get a new appraisal.

J. You get a new loan.

K. You make two or three phony homesite sales to friends. You
shuffle the funds around among your shell corporations and
bounce it back to your friends -- plus a little extra for
their help.

L. You get a new appraisal.

M. You get a new loan.

N. You do a "land flip," selling the whole thing to Company X
for $800,000, which sells it to Company Y for a million,
which sells it back to you for $1.25 million. (All these
companies are your friends.) And yes, this kind of thing
did happen in Whitewater and Madison. In fact,
Whitewater figures David Hale and Dean Paul once flipped
Castle Grande back and forth from $200,000 to $825,000 in
one day!

O. You get a new appraisal.

P. You get a new loan.

Q. Finally, your development corporation declares bankruptcy,
and the bank has to eat your loans because the money is
all gone, and since the record-keeping is so poor, nobody
knows where it went.

But weep not for the bankers. You pay them nicely -- perhaps a
third of the $2 to $3 million you skim off. Weep for the taxpayer
who bails out their banks.

Which is to say, in the case of Whitewater, weep for yourself.

        -+- Does This Actually *Work*? -+-

Whitewater was just the first of a series, like a pilot for a

Using Whitewater as a prop, Bill and his partner Jim McDougal
milked -- by my rough estimate -- several million dollars from
the SBA [Small Business Administration] and at least five or six
banks and S&Ls, starting with the Bank of Kingston.

But their later ventures, bringing in Steve Smith and now-Gov.
Jim Guy Tucker, did even better. Campobello started with about
$150,000 in property and squeezed over $4 million in loans from
banks in about two years. Castle Grande began with $75,000 worth
of swamp land and cleared over $3 million. It never built
anything. The only human artifacts on it today are a few old
refrigerators and mattresses.

Why do I have information you haven't seen before? Because my
firm had $10 million in Madison Guaranty S&L, and I was thinking
of buying the Bank of Kingston. (I was already worth millions by
that time.) When I saw Kingston's financial statement, however, I
ran like a scalded cat.

And Madison was worse. You didn't have to be a Philadelphia CPA
to spot their money laundering, dead real estate liabilities
proudly listed as assets, huge amounts of 24-hour deposits from
brokers, and $17 million in insider loans. It was a nightmare.

Whitewater Development Corp. had at least an appearance of
sincerity. It even had TV commercials, starring Jim's
[McDougal's] striking young wife, Susan, in hot pants, riding a
horse. Another one showed her behind the wheel of Bill's restored
'67 Mustang.

But after Whitewater, the deals began dropping their frills like
a hooker in a hurry to get things over with. The RTC criminal
referral that Bill suppressed during his presidential campaign
cites such later corporations as Tucker-Smith-McDougal, Smith-
, and Smith-McDougal. Catchy, eh? If it were
me, I would have called them Son of Whitewater,
Whitewatergate, and Whitewater & Ponzi, L.P.

               -+- Short Report -+-

On their 1979 income tax, Hillary valued Bill's used undershorts
-- donated to charity at the end of their action-studded tour of
duty -- at two dollars a pair.

Plainly, we are dealing here with a couple that gives loving
attention to detail in matters of deductions.

As you may recall, however, Clinton has proclaimed over and over
that he simply "forgot" to deduct the $68,900 he claims he lost
on Whitewater. Commentators have been mystified by the paradox.

But it's no mystery to me. The reason is obvious: Bill didn't
deduct the $68,900 because he didn't lose a dime on Whitewater,
and he didn't want to do time for tax fraud. Period.

Jim McDougal put up all the money except for $500 -- and Bill
borrowed even that.

But weep not for Jim. Not only was he Bill's partner in
Whitewater, but he owned Madison Guaranty S&L, which was the
designated milk cow that provided most of the inflated loans.
Weep instead for the taxpayers -- like you and me -- who picked
up the $66 million tab when Madison folded.

       -+- The Paperless Office Is Pioneered -+-
                 by the Rose Law Firm

Will Bill and Hillary go to jail for masterminding all the land
deals that fall under the label Whitewater?

I expect they will [CN -- Don't bet on it.] -- not because of
existing documents, but because of the testimony of subpoenaed

The few remaining documents will play a supporting role, but
frankly, friend, there aren't many left. According to grand jury
testimony: On February 3, 1994, right after Fiske became special
counsel for Whitewater, the nice folks at the Rose Law Firm fired
up their high-speed Ollie-o-Matic paper shredder and ordered
courier Jeremy Hedges to slice 'n dice his way into the history
books by destroying twelve (12) cartons full of Whitewater
documents. As far as anyone knows, Rose now has no more
Whitewater records than you do.

Actually, a lot of the usual documents were never created in the
first place. For instance, there was no written partnership
agreement (don't try this at home). No transactions were written
up, even though Clinton's real estate agent says there were
$300,000 in sales. No deeds were ever recorded. And if any
interest was paid on bank loans, the payment checks are missing.

Plus, after Whitewater, Bill got very smart and kept his name
completely out of every subsequent deal he cut. But the
Whitewater monies, probably several million, ricocheted from
shell company to shell company like the basketball in a Harlem
Globetrotters warmup drill, and every dollar wound up in the
proper pocket. Beneficiaries included many of the biggest names
in Arkansas -- like Gov. Tucker, Seth Ward, and some very
powerful executives from outfits like Wal-Mart and Tyson's
Chicken -- Clinton campaign backers all. (Campaign records for
1982 and 1984, the two most suspicious years, have also been
studiously shredded.)

And Bill, who entered public office with nothing but debts, and
who never made over $35,000 a year as governor, is now worth
about four to five million. A real rags-to-riches, American
success story, isn't it? Kind of puts a lump in your throat.

But there's one other reason for Bill's success. In a word,
Hillary. Prepare to be shocked as you learn...

      -+- Why the Feds Settled for $1 Million -+-
               on $60 Million in Debts

You'll find this one hard to believe, so read carefully.

ITEM: When Madison Guaranty folded, it was somewhere between
$47 and $68 million in the hole. The tab has settled at $65

ITEM: One of the biggest defaults was $600,000 in loans to
one of Madison's own directors, Seth Ward, who is the father-
in-law of Webb Hubbell. Webb happened to be Hillary's law
partner and until April [1994] was the No. 3 man at the
Justice Department -- and assigned to investigate Whitewater!

ITEM: When the RTC cleanup crew took over Madison, Hillary
had been on retainer to Madison [Guaranty S&L] for many

Got it so far? O.K. Now, the RTC lawsuit sought $60 million from
Madison Guaranty's debtors. But here's what happened:

  1. Hillary negotiated the RTC down from $60 million
    to $1 million. What a talker!

  2. Hillary then got the RTC to forgive the $600,000 debt Seth
    Ward owed the RTC -- every penny of it -- thus leaving the
    RTC with $400,000 [out of the $60 million owed.]

  3. But wait! Hillary did these two deeds as the counsel
    for the RTC, not Madison. Incredible as it sounds to
    those of us who have to live in the real world, Hillary
    got herself hired by the RTC, and in that position, from
    the GOVERNMENT side, she talked them down to $1 million.

  4. Her fee for the RTC job was (pure coincidence) $400,000.
    Which left the government with $400,000 minus $400,000...
    or in technical accounting terms, zippo.

  5. And who do you suppose was the mastermind who conned the
    RTC into hiring Madison Guaranty's own Hillary to
    prosecute Madison Guaranty? None other than the late Vince
    Foster! When he made his pitch to the RTC, he neglected to
    tell them about Hillary's retainer with Madison Guaranty.
    In fact, he even wrote them a letter stating that the Rose
    Law Firm didn't represent thrifts!

Vince and Hillary were, by the way, very, uh, close. Not only
were they partners at Rose, but there's no shortage of people who
saw them hugging and smooching in public. Arkansas troopers say
that when Bill took a trip on state business, Vince was often at
the mansion gates within minutes -- and would stay till the wee
hours. They also spent a few weekends together at the Rose
vacation cabin in the mountains. And when Hillary filed for
divorce from Bill in 1986, Vince was right there at her side.
(She withdrew the suit [later on].)

            -+- 178 Years in Club Fed -+-

Nobody ever accused Bill Clinton of being stupid.

As proof, look at the Congressional hearings. What a hoot! Bill
had them stacked so that fully 99% of all Whitewater crimes were
off limits!

This left our dignified Congressmen sternly chasing the remaining
1% of petty misdemeanors with hardly a mention of fourteen years
of felonies: shell games, killings, break-ins, coverups, threats,
bribes, thefts, check kiting, payoffs, arson, money laundering,
fraud, influence of testimony, tampering with witnesses, you name

And Bill managed to focus 100% of the attention on [Roger] Altman,
[Bernard] Nussbaum, [Lloyd] Cutler and others, with none of it on
himself. You have to admit, that's pretty smart maneuvering.

In February, The American Spectator added up two pages of
Bill's alleged crimes, and the total potential penalties came to
$2.5 million in fines and 178 years in prison. And they just
listed the piddly stuff, like tax fraud and soliciting bribes;
they didn't even mention the heavier incidents I listed above!
(They did include a short roster of Hillary's much lighter
penalties, totaling only $1.2 million and 47 years.)

Is such punishment excessive? I think not. Even if you ignore the
mayhem, the Clinton economic damage has been severe. Counting
Clinton's Arkansas Development Finance Authority, which never
awarded a bond grant without a major campaign contribution and
Bill's signature, he sucked over a billion dollars from state and
federal taxpayers.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please forgive me for sounding dramatic, but this is a dark day
for the republic.

I apologize for giving you such an avalanche of appalling news.
God knows, I've tried to keep my tone somewhat light, but I
realize that you are probably still alarmed.

Unfortunately, I must now go on to tell you about the impact all
this is going to have on your own financial future, and that
could be the worst news of all -- by far.

But unlike all the depressing matters you've just read, there is
a bright silver lining to it. Yes, I do think it's the darkest
day for the republic since World War II. [CN -- Guarino goes on
from here to state that "the troubles ahead" will ironically give
you a great opportunity to improve your finances. He tells the
reader to open "the enclosed envelope" which I, unfortunately, do
not have because I received this pamphlet from someone else.]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Footnote: I [Nicholas A. Guarino] serve notice that I am not
depressed in the least, and that if anything happens to me, I
publicly accuse Bill Clinton and his circle of power.

                    • + + + + + + + + + + + +

CN -- There ends Mr. Guarino's narrative. For the record, I also
"serve notice" that I am looking forward to the denouement of the
Clinton mysteries and therefore if anything happens to me I would
miss the final curtain -- a circumstance I would much regret.

Brian Francis Redman [email protected] "The Big C"

Coming to you from Illinois -- "The Land of Skolnick"        

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