Offcials in the Justice Department are going to take another look at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she served as Secretary of State during the Obama administration.
A source close with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and understands the overall plan of the Justice Department’s Washington headquarters, described the situation as an effort to find out just how Hillary Clinton and her aids handle classified information.
News just came out days ago that a Clinton aid Huma Abedin, mishandled classified information by sending it to a yahoo email, a very un-secure site that has been hacked before, and the information that Abedin sent, was also hacked days after being sent.
Officials are questioning just how much classified information was being sent over Hillary Clinton’s private email server, because Clinton in the past has been lax with the handling of classified information, it’s important to see what is being sent over that server, and who is seeing it.
A leader in the DOJ said recently that they are becoming more aware of why Trump was so vocal about Clinton’s use of a private email server during his campaign for president, when Trump repeatedly called for Clinton and Abedin to be locked up.
For instance, Trump tweeted on Dec. 2, “Many people in our Country are asking what the ‘Justice’ Department is going to do about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress, deleted and ‘acid washed’ 33,000 Emails? No justice!”
Trump was right on about Clinton from the start, but only now people are starting to see that there is something to this private email server. Hillary Clinton doesn’t treat classified information with the proper care, just two days ago we found out she was hacked for classified information, should there be a full investigation to find out what information Hillary Clinton let our enemies have?