CloudCoin Bulletin #36

in cloudcoin •  6 years ago 

Bulletin #36: Special FreedomFest edition

CloudCoin making a big splash at FreedomFest
CloudCoin is getting a very warm reception at FreedomFest 2018 , which is still ongoing in Las Vegas.

A booth featuring CloudCoin , RAIDA and Celebrium has gotten thousands of visitors since Wednesday. Around 20 CloudCoin Consortium members are on hand to spread the message.
CloudCoin founder Sean Worthington addressed the general session twice yesterday. He took to the stage solo to talk about CloudCoin's transformative power and how it will promote greater financial privacy and integrity. He later joined other experts on a panel about technological innovation.
Sean is scheduled give a major presentation later today about his Theory of Perfect Money based on the second edition of his book Beyond Bitcoin: The Future of Digital Currency . He also participated in a "Meet the Author" reception this week, where he discussed his book and signed copies for readers.

Consortium members have been meeting and networking with all of the attendees and other exhibitors during the four day event, which concludes tomorrow with a special banquet where CloudCoin is hosting a table for supporters.
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Marriage of CloudCoin and EOS, other cryptos a possibility
CloudCoin in increasingly attracting attention from developers of blockchain instruments who see ways their systems can be integrated with RAIDA technology.

A possible marriage of CloudCoin and EOS was announced this week. The arrangement would allow CloudCoins to fit inside EOS tokens and offer additional functionality for their owners, such as enhanced privacy protection. RAIDA administrators run could also host EOS nodes.

CloudCoin is still very close to becoming the first non-blockchain currency to trade within the BitShares ecosystem. Final arrangements have been discussed during several face-to-face meetings throughout the week as key leaders gathered at FreedomFest. BitShares' Stan Larimer has said in several joint appearances with Sean Worthington hosted by Connie Willis that CloudCoin implementation remains on the top of his priority list.

There are other possibilities where EOS and other blockchain instruments could act as a decentralized depository for CloudCoins. CloudCoin would gain new utility, increased value and greater liquidity options while the blockchain tokens would benefit from CloudCoin's hack-proof security protocols.

Heads Up: Limited special offer to buy CloudCoins next week
A limited number of discounted CloudCoins will be made available next week, in advance of any formal announcement about EOS marriage and before final implementation of BitShares trading.

Consortium special offers like this allow us to fund a full-time development staff who are working hard to implement new utilization of CloudCoin and RAIDA.

If you have been considering buying CloudCoins, or want to add to your portfolio, this may be the best time yet. Check out next week's Bulletin for more details.

Special guests for CloudCoin Live today
Sean Worthington will welcome Kevin Harrington and others live from the CloudCoin booth at FreedomFest in Las Vegas.

Episode 17 of CloudCoin Live will begin sometime between 3 pm and 5 pm PDT (6-8 EDT, 10-12 UTC). The Consortium will post the exact time as as soon as possible on social media.

Watch for the start of the broadcast by logging on to CloudCoin's Facebook page .

If you missed last week's broadcast, find it here . Past broadcasts and many other videos are available on both our Facebook videos page and YouTube Channel . CloudCoin videos are also now available on Roku devices and smart TVs on the AMFM247 Roku channel.
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New officially launched
The new CloudCoin website is now online.

The new site has a sharper, more modern design as well as new functionality. It merges most of the content now spread between two or more different sites maintained by the CloudCoin Consortium. There are still a few bugs, but developers are working to make the site even better.

Want to work for the Consortium? We're hiring!
The CloudCoin Consortium is on the lookout for qualified Electron programmers. Click 'reply' with a resume to inquire.
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