CloudCoin Bulletin #37

in cloudcoin •  6 years ago 

Final exclusive discount offer for Bulletin readers
A limited number of discounted CloudCoins are now available, in advance of any formal announcement about EOS marriage, before virutal mall begins accepting CloudCoins for purchases and before final implementation of CloudCoin BitShares trading--all of which should push trading prices upward substantially.

This will be the final offer made directly to Bulletin readers! If you have been considering buying CloudCoins, or want to add to your portfolio, this may be the best time yet.

Consortium special offers like this allow us to fund a full-time development staff who are working hard to implement new utilization of CloudCoin and RAIDA.
The special offer prices will be available while the limited supply lasts. The supply of coins was exhausted in 36 hours during the last special offer.

Prices offer a 20%-30% discount over traded prices.

25,000 CloudCoins = $1,000 ($0.04 each <50,000)
50,000 CloudCoins = $1,875 ($0.0375 each <100,000)
100,000 CloudCoins = $3,500 ($0.035 each 100,000+)

To take advantage of this limited special offer, simply click "reply" to this Weekly Bulletin and let us know how many coins you are interested in acquiring and what transfer methods are best for you. Sellers accept a variety of methods, including GooglePay, Square Cash, PayPal, Payoneer, BTC and other digital currencies, bank/wire transfers and many more.

Fractions Better than Splitting: Open letter from Sean Worthington
Dear Cloud People,

CloudCoin has a fixed supply. The only exception to this is if we were to double everyone's coins by cloning every server in the RAIDA. Cloning is actually a very difficult operation because we would have to clone as many as 800 servers. Our RAIDA admins signed a contract promising that they would do this cloning if the price ever reached $2. The reason why we would consider doing this is that it would allow us to scale out and increase the transactions we could handle. It would also (in theory) reduce the value of CloudCoin to a usable amount should CloudCoins become too valuable.

As it turns out, we have canceled all plans to split the coins and to clone the RAIDA. This is because our Sentinel model is turning out to be extremely scalable. We have processed 160,000 notes in one second in our tests. I believe that we could process up to 8 million transactions per second if the RAIDA upgraded their processors.

Also, the RAIDA has had an uptime availability of 100% since it was created in October 2016 and each of the components have had an uptime that averages over 99.9%.

In addition, we have the option of dividing CloudCoins into CloudCents without adding any additional supply. We can do this by creating second tier of databases similar to how the .com, .net,.edu are a second tier to the root DNS servers. The fractions will solve the problem of CloudCoins ever becoming too valuable because it is unlikely that a CloudCent will ever be worth more than $2.
So here is the end:

  1. All plans to split CloudCoin have been canceled.
  2. The RAIDA has had 100% availability since its inception.
  3. The RAIDA appears to be able to handle many more transactions than any other system known to mankind.
  4. CloudCoin's authenticity information is being divided among the RAIDA's 800 Detection Agents (custom no-share RAM-based databases).
  5. The Detection Agents are hidden behind 25 Sentinel Server Clusters. Soon, it will be impossible to bring a Sentinel down, let along many of them.
  6. RAIDA Detection Agents use very little electricity and you can probably run one on your cell phone. Now, many of them are located in people's homes.
  7. If the value of CloudCoins become too high we can split them into CloudCents using a hierarchical database approached similar to the DNS.

NOTE: The RAIDA is based on the DNS system that has not gone down since its inception in 1985.

Thank you very much for your interest in CloudCoin - designed to be the World's most perfect currency.

Sean Worthington
Lead Scientist, CloudCoin Consortium

FreedomFest was CloudCoin's most successful event yet
CloudCoin enjoyed a tremendous week in Las Vegas for FreedomFest 2108.

Around 20 Consortium members, some of whom traveled halfway across the globe to attend, were on hand to spread the word.

Sean Worthington , spoke to more than 2,500 attendees on the virtues of the world’s only currency that is un-hackable, indestructible, and requires no blockchain backbone.
Notables including publisher Steve Forbes , Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington and BitShares’ Stan Larimer appeared at the CloudCoin booth to lend their support to the post-blockchain digital currency. Harrington has been a long-time CloudCoin supporter. He appeared with Worthington in CloudCoin Live’s July 13 broadcast saying CloudCoin is “here to stay.”
Attendees were very receptive to learn that CloudCoin cannot be mined, stolen, hacked or permanently lost and that it solves blockchain's biggest problems including inability to scale, slowness, ecological harm and fraudulent activity.

Worthington headlined several talks/panels during the conference that touched on a variety of digital currency topics, including a keynote address about CloudCoin and privacy, an address explaining his Theory of Perfect Money, which views money, a panel with other leading technology innovators, and a “Meet the Author” reception and book-signing for the 2 nd Edition of Beyond Bitcoin: The Future of Digital Currency .
During the conference, Worthington and other Consortium members met with key players in the technology and digital asset sectors. Larimer confirmed that CloudCoin will be trading on the BitShares DEX (decentralized exchange) very soon. More was disclosed about a marriage between CloudCoin and EOS allowing CloudCoins to be embedded inside EOS tokens to offer additional functionality to EOS, and additional value to CloudCoin.

Don't miss CloudCoin Live today at 8 pm Eastern time
Sean Worthington will brief everyone on the latest happenings today during Episode 18 of CloudCoin Live at 5 pm PDT (8 EDT, 12 UTC).

Topics include recapping FreedomFest, a discussion about fractions instead of splits and the very latest developments with trading CloudCoin within the BitShares ecosystem.

Watch for the start of the broadcast by logging on to CloudCoin's Facebook page .

If you missed last week's broadcast live from FreedomFest, find it here . Past broadcasts and many other videos are available on both our Facebook videos page and YouTube Channel . CloudCoin videos are also now available on Roku devices and smart TVs on the AMFM247 Roku channel.
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See all the CloudCoin videos on our YouTube Channel
Subscribe to the CloudCoin YouTube Channel for scores of informative vids.
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Want to work for the Consortium? We're hiring!
The CloudCoin Consortium is on the lookout for qualified Electron programmers. Click 'reply' with a resume to inquire.
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