CloudCoin Bulletin #41

in cloudcoin •  6 years ago 

Special educational webinar today after CloudCoin LIVE!
CloudCoin LIVE! returns to Fridays today at 5:00 pm PDT/12 UTC. Join Sean Worthington for an update on CloudCoin activities and Q&A .

If you missed last week's special Wednesday edition, find it here.

Immediately following CloudCoin LIVE! tonight, CloudCoin will kick-off an educational webinar series. Worthington, who is an author and tenured college instructor, will conduct part one of a lecture series on the General Requirements for Digital Money using the interactive format on .

RSVP for the webinar here or join at 5:15 PDT.

This event and all subsequent events are designed to be interactive experiences for all involved. Attendees are encourage to enable their webcams and mics so that they can engage with the host via webcam, network and mingle. Those not enabling their cams can still join in.
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CloudCoin trading on Bitshares moving forward
A user-friendly interface is now under development that will automate the exchange of CloudCoins for BitShares CloudCoin tokens ( CLOUDCOIN ). Manual exchanges have already taken place. This will be the final component of the process to streamline trading CloudCoin using BitShares.
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The depository has been built and tested using the Consortium's CloudServer technology. The processes involved are very close to being completed, according to the joint CloudCoin/BitShares development team.

Those developers have created a first-of-its-kind system to allow a non-blockchain digital currency (CloudCoin) to trade within a blockchain ecosystem (BitShares).

The five-step process for users:

Upcoming CloudCoin events & appearances
Sean Worthington will speak at The MoneyShow in San Francisco August 23-25 and at BlockCrypto 2018 in São Paulo, Brazil in September.
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Adrian Niculescu , CloudCoin's Europe, Middle East & Africa representative has been invited to address the South Summit in Madrid, Spain October 3-5. He is also organizing the Central & Eastern European FintechWeek expo/conference/hackathon, scheduled for later in October.

New client software nears launch
The latest versions of CloudCoin client software--used to authenticate, password-own ('pown') and store CloudCoins-- are scheduled for launch soon.

Founders' Edition 2.009 was successfully tested this week, according to QA/QC lead Ivan Olsak , and should be available next week. A new version of the CloudCoin Android Pocket Bank, which will include multi-detect functionality (and significantly improve speed) is also scheduled for launch soon.

Follow CloudCoin on Twitter
Follow @CloudCoinConsortium and #cloudcoin, #seanworthington, #raida

Want to work for the Consortium? We're hiring!
The CloudCoin Consortium is on the lookout for qualified Electron programmers. Click 'reply' with a resume to inquire.
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I could be wrong, but shouldn't down load wallet be #1, and create an account #2?