Weekly Bulletin #35

in cloudcoin •  7 years ago 

Happy Independence Day
CloudCoin believes Independence Day is a holiday to for all people of all nationalities, not only the USA. CloudCoin's mission is to spread freedom and liberty throughout the world by enabling everyone to have reliable, easy to use and private money. We look forward to "Financial Independence Day" when everyone will be free from the arbitrary manipulation of money by central banks.

CloudCoin prices jump in advance of BitShares trading
Prices at the peer-to-peer CloudCoin Exchange website have climbed 40% this week in anticipation of CloudCoin being publicly traded in the BitShares ecosystem starting next week. Prices are now at their highest point since April.
July 11 is the target date for CloudCoin integration into the BitShares ecosystem, allowing anyone to buy and sell CloudCoins using that platform and greatly expand liquidity options.
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Digital currency analysts will be watching the launch closely to see how the first public trading affects the volume, trading price and market capitalization of CloudCoin.

New cloudcoin.global website to debut
The new CloudCoin website is nearly complete and should be online within several days.

The new site will feature a sharper, more modern design as well as new functionality. It will merge content now spread between two or more different sites maintained by the CloudCoin Consortium.

Here's a sneak peek at part of one of the new pages:

FreedomFest begins next week
CloudCoin is a diamond sponsor at FreedomFest July 11-14 in Las Vegas, where thousands of people from throughout the world will gather.

CloudCoin will have a double-sized display booth in a prominent section of the exhibition hall where visitors can speak with Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington, CloudCoin founder Sean Worthington , RAIDAQ President Jacob Hodges and about 20 CloudCoin Consortium members from all over the world.
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Worthington is scheduled to present his Theory of Perfect Money during a breakout session on Friday. The disruptive power of CloudCoin and its ability to transact privately will be highlighted by Sean during the general session Thursday. Worthington will join panelists exploring the transformative potential of CloudCoin during another offering during the general session Thursday. See all CloudCoin events here .

Watch CloudCoin Live Episode 16 today
Don't miss today's CloudCoin Live, which will begin today at 5 pm PDT (8:00 p.m. EDT, 12:00 p.m. UTC).

CloudCoin lead scientist Sean Worthington will update viewers on CloudCoin activities and discuss what will be a huge upcoming week for CloudCoin with the BitShares launch and sponsoring FreedomFest. Sean also will answer questions from viewers.

Watch for the start of the broadcast by logging on to CloudCoin's Facebook page .

If you missed last week's broadcast, find it here . Past broadcasts and many other videos are available on both our Facebook videos page and YouTube Channel . CloudCoin videos are also now available on Roku devices and smart TVs on the AMFM247 Roku channel.
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News briefs
A record number of 75 million CloudCoins changed hands in the past 30 days. Stats for password-owning ("powning") are here.
CloudCoin lead scientist Sean Worthington discussed the implications of digital technology on privacy during an appearance on the Alberta Morning News with Peter Watts .
Several CloudCoin programmers and designers have moved into "CloudCoin House," a combined living/working space near CloudCoin HQ. This incubator will provide an ideal environment for them to keep advancing CloudCoin and RAIDA technology.
CloudCoin founder Sean Worthington will be a keynote speaker at the Chicago Traders Expo July 22-24.
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CloudCoin's European Marketer and Business Developer Adrian Niculescu will speak about transforming CloudCoin into a widely adopted global digital currency at Mauritius Blockchain Conference August 13.
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See CloudCoin images on Pinterest
CloudCoin now has an active page on Pinterest with scores of photos and images.

Want to work for the Consortium? We're hiring!
The CloudCoin Consortium is on the lookout for qualified Electron programmers. Click 'reply' with a resume to inquire.
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