
in clowardpiven •  4 years ago 


The Twilight of the Republic.

"Resistance is Victory." Alex Jones.


Why did Harris get a resolute desk? General Michael Flynn recommends people look at the SPARS 2025-2028 Special Emergency Report if we want to have a future at all. Globalists put out their plans as a morality booster for the generals and other top-leadership as a show of confidence to help them carry out the plans. "Resistance is Victory." Alex Jones. A million people a month coming in through Mexico. Alex Jones Stops Children Smugglers, Video is Going Viral Online. A Catholic charity group in Texas stuffed those kids into that car. When America falls, it will be your fault for doing nothing. Your job is to reach out to the millions of NEW AMERICANS IN LOVE. Google celebrates hundreds of holidays EXCEPT EASTER.

Twilight of the Republic

Millions of people are coming up into America, they're getting $1,200 USD Stimulus Checks too and they don't have to social distance or wear masks unlike we American MUST MUST MUST MUST. Alex Jones confronted a 5-seat car with around ten children, no seats, being smuggled into America, on camera, the video is going viral on the Internet. Over ten million views this video got on Tik Tok, it just broke some hours ago, going SUPER VIRAL ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB, where you at Facebook Zombies Sleeping Until You Dead? Over 100,000 people die DAILY globally on average for many many many many years now, it has nothing to do with the 2020 PLANDEMIC, it is simple statistics.

Steps behind bookshed and raised bed near peas. I mentioned Joshua 1:8 at meeting.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-07 - Wednesday | Published in April of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-04-07 19:47:54 Cloward-Piven.png


By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Millions of people are coming up into America, they're getting $1,200 USD Stimulus Checks too and they don't have to social distance or wear masks unlike we American MUST MUST MUST MUST.

Your job is to reach out to the millions of NEW AMERICANS IN LOVE.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Millions of people are coming up into America, they're getting $1,200 USD Stimulus Checks too and they don't have to social distance or wear masks unlike we American MUST MUST MUST MUST.

A Catholic charity group in Texas stuffed those kids into that car.

Covid Log

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Millions of people are coming up into America, they're getting $1,200 USD Stimulus Checks too and they don't have to social distance or wear masks unlike we American MUST MUST MUST MUST.

08:33 PM
2020-04-07 - Tuesday - 11:17 AM - Screenshot at 2021-04-07 20:31:44 Stay Home One Week Covid Just Kidding Forever.png

How do you even run with a Virus-Condom to your lips?

100K Die Daily

2021-04-07 - Wednesday - 09:06 PM - Covid Log

Over 100,000 people die DAILY globally on average for many many many many years now, it has nothing to do with the 2020 PLANDEMIC, it is simple statistics.

Thousands of people die in Brazil each day on average and they'll try to blame it on the invisible enemy when it is really simply a gradually increasing morality rate, they think you're so stupid that you don't know simple decade-long statistics and fifth-grade math.

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01:30 PM
Dr. Evil behind the curtain running the show called the world. In the meme, it says the fear of Corona Virus in 2021 is on a decline, switch back to racism. You see Dr. Evil with a dog cat pet creature. And then you see a woman repeat the last part to switch back to racism.

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01:27 PM
Over ten million views this video got on Tik Tok, it just broke some hours ago, going SUPER VIRAL ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB, where you at Facebook Zombies Sleeping Until You Dead?

07:32 PM
A Catholic charity group in Texas stuffed those kids into that car. Alex Jones saved them.

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General Shepherd

12:00 AM - WAR ROOM (FULL SHOW) TUESDAY - 4/6/21

Doing God Too Now on SNL.
Hey kids, touch the Mermaid.
Lil Nasty Does Hot Spicy And God Too.

12:51 AM
Why did Harris get a resolute desk?

Young Rock

2021-04-07 - Wednesday - 04:25 AM - 04:51 AM - Young Rock 101

The Rock's dad was Rocky Johnson. Funny they had a boxer and movie franchise about Rocky, the same name, perhaps inspired by Rock;s dad. In episode one, it is 2032 and Dwayne Johnson is running for President of the United States of America. He reflects on his life. As a teen, he gets a car for a $103 or $105 from Waffles who later dies in his car. Be bought the car to impress a girl. Is wrestling fake? Andre the Johnson.

2021-04-07 - Wednesday - 04:52 AM - 05:14 AM - Young Rock 102

Dwayne Johnson Library. Stealing. Shoplifting. Fine-ass Karen doing good, Rock likes her during high school. Flea market wrestling show.

Ron Gison


12:30 PM
General Michael Flynn recommends people look at the SPARS 2025-2028 Special Emergency Report if we want to have a future at all. This report was put out by Infowars Alex Jones last Saturday.

Globalists put out their plans as a morality booster for the generals and other top-leadership as a show of confidence to help them carry out the plans.

They put out the picture. The pieces of the puzzle are there.

The Twilight of the Republic.
A million people a month coming in through Mexico.

12:56 PM
People come into America from Mexico, some of them were packed inside this NASA facility.

Alex Jones Stops Children Smugglers, Video is Going Viral Online.

07:32 PM
A Catholic charity group in Texas stuffed those kids into that car.

One girl looked pregnant and only 10, Alex Jones saved her as well as seen in the viral video today.

Ron Gibson


When America falls, it will be your fault for doing nothing.
Google celebrates hundreds of holidays EXCEPT EASTER.

08:26 PM
You have to run in track & field with a Virus-Condom on your face or you WILL BE FIRED. Wear the Virus-Diaper or be put in timeout. Alex Jones is rolling in his grave.

How do you even run with a Virus-Condom to your lips?

08:49 PM
Please wear your Virus Condom. Gonzo: hold my bear, that is exactly what I need for my big long nose.

Desiree Penrod is now dead.
Facebook will KEEP YOU SAFE EVEN AFTER YOU ARE DEAD. Just ask Desiree Penrod.

09:06 PM
Over 100,000 people die DAILY globally on average for many many many many years now, it has nothing to do with the 2020 PLANDEMIC, it is simple statistics.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

General Shepherd

12:00 AM - WAR ROOM (FULL SHOW) TUESDAY - 4/6/21

Young Rock

2021-04-07 - Wednesday - 04:25 AM - 04:51 AM - Young Rock 101
2021-04-07 - Wednesday - 04:52 AM - 05:14 AM - Young Rock 102

Ron Gison


Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at 11:25 AM, partly cloudy day. Not a headache but almost since like 1 AM and I think it is getting better. Not a headache but like a lot smaller than that but a potential headache kind of thing. 12:30 PM backyard talk of a new strip near the bookshed, a path to be made near the tree towards the back of the bookshed. I will work on that project. So, we did that, stone square steps on the black tarp stuff, rails on both sides, rails, around 1 to 4 PM. Sand was later filled in by Larry. I unloaded it off the truck. Also brick bricks for near the peas in the front yard on the raised bed was added. Walk around oh ok. Strange. Take them off the stack but which one in the backyard I wondered. Cloudy day and some rain. I organized in the yard shed too before he came back with the steps around 2 or 3 when he got back. I was off for the twice monthly meeting at 4 and it is good to organize and guard and manage time I agree you can pray and help your mom and get busy and then have an errand and not have time, priorities. I wrote down five types of prayers and maybe more, they include query, repentance, requests, thanksgiving, declarations. A 6th one might be how I feel. 7th might be simple review of life activities. These last 2 may be better at the beginning and I didn't mention these but did say we went to see Billy Graham around 1992. Ran. Mom. Ahhh. Almost missed bus. But Portland, Oregon. Like 20,000 people. Billy would say the Bible says. So, I mentioned Joshua 1:8 as to remind we should hide GOd's word in our heart, that goes with Psalms 119:105 which I also read today. Dinese added verse 99 that it helps us be wiser than teachers. Good to talk about spiritual warfare as mentioned in Ephesians 6:12. Satan is an angel of light with his minions, there are short-term infiltration which we find and stop more often while long-term infiltration is tougher to see and stop more often. Jesus a friend a sinner. Imagine picking to not be near a place due to people who may be witches. I say perhaps. Astro projection sounds dangerous if it requires to be attached to demons to do so. Dishes around 6:30 PM to 07:20 PM. Nap around 9:30 PM to 2:30 AM.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, a blueberry pancake or something like that, 11:35 AM.
Lunch: soup with chips, 12:41 PM, it was good.
Dinner: mac cheese in soup other soup, 7:30 PM.

Alex Jones is TRENDING on Twitter RIGHT NOW

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