QUARTRAINIUM 113: A fog of meth clouds your vision ...

in clownadamus •  6 years ago 

The kettle is boiling, but the lid stays shut - as monsters of our collective ID await their exodus ... but now they must prepare for the time of wandering ... of arms to grab, eyes to covet, hearts filled with dread and disgust, and shivs to be made of broken bottles and pieces of discarded rebar.

7 channels are now open between the eastern and western kingdoms, gentle harbingers bring gifts to the Orangutan King - but the orange trickster is always locked in ... to TWITTER.

Your girlfriend is lying to you. She says she is "seeing friends", but we know that is code language for "getting it on" with some new guy - and this guy, he's your old pal Craig. Craig and your girlfriend have been sneaking around, and you need to make some decisions ... nail gun OR bag of door knobs ... one strategy will kill Craig, the other course of action will merely fuck him up. The angels caution you to take the 3rd path - the path of peace, understanding, and just leave man ... you're being a cuckold ... but steal some of her shit before you leave ... that'll teach her. Steal her iPhone.

KELMER is nearing the end of her reign - what follows is only known to the Devil. Dark clouds of filth fill the skies of BERLIN, as the red-demon of Nuremberg revisits ancient grievances ... Germanic hordes are slowly awakening, again.

Lucky numbers for today: { 55.1, 66, 69, 217, 554, 9/11 }

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