RE: What are the Cluster B Personalities and why should we care_ Are you an Empath or a codependent_

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What are the Cluster B Personalities and why should we care_ Are you an Empath or a codependent_

in clusterb •  7 years ago 

i only got to 3:30 yet i can already clearly see i do not agree with your information. and that's fine, later mybe i watch the whole thing, yet you seem to have quite large pieces missing of this specific puzzle for you...especially how the processes of building and transforming personalities and behaviours gets created in humans.

maybe after listening fully i can give better comments and more specifics if you're interested in it, or if not, just keep it to myself.

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Yeah.. I do not go into the formation of the disorder in this video at all. I'm sure it's missing a lot, I'm trying to keep it at a brief description. Thanks for your comment and insight.