欢迎来到第81期比特股网络报告。 每周报告重点关注比特股生态系统的变化,并努力鉴定比特股平台的新趋势。
比特股网络报告 - 2018年5月1日
本周末( 2018年5月5日至6日),全球石墨烯区块链开发者大会将在中国上海浦东新区卓美亚喜马拉雅酒店举行。 这个盛会将会有来自石墨烯区块链相关项目的35位主讲人。毫无疑问,这将是一个很好的交流活动。此活动的门票价格非常合理,如果您能够参加,我认为您将从此活动中受益不浅。 更多详情
根据 Blocktivity的记录,本周比特股24小时交易量破新高了。比特股在24小时内创下1,513,308笔交易记录,平均达到每秒17.5 笔交易. 比特股目前在24小时内交易量最大排名第二,排在Steem之后,Steem在24小时内持有杆位2,068,341 笔交易记录。 随着交易平台,钱包,交易/流动性机器人的迅速增加,以及本周建立在比特股区块链的全新游戏,比特股有望位居第一。 不管如何,很高兴看到这些基于石墨烯的区块链展示了DPOS的力量.
基于比特股的农场游戏 Bits.Farm 已于本周推出。免费的游戏代币SEED已分发给注册并激活其账户的用户,用户只需要注册即可获得免费分配的SEED代币. BitFarm让用户玩一个有趣和令人上瘾的农场模拟游戏以赚取加密货币! 你可以去官方网站,并下载Android或IOS游戏
Cybex正在开发名为“星云”的石墨烯兼容硬件钱包。 据说星云钱包是第一个同时支持EOS,CYB和BTS的硬件冷钱包,使用与比特股相同的签名算法和JSON交易模式。更多详情
Bitspark团队发布了2018年的详细路线图,主要是关于Zephyr项目。该路线图概述了Bitspark计划在2018年第二季度末开始营运Bitspark去中心化交易所(DEX)网关, 并为2018年流动性/交易机器人开发源代码以及许多其他里程碑贡献力量。 更多详情
@abit 宣布推出Bitshares Core 2.0.180425。 此更新是一个修复错误的版本,用于解决不影响一致性和链安全性的跟踪帐户错误。 此升级主要是针对运行见证人节点witness_node并启用跟踪帐户 track-account 选项的交易所,支付处理商,网关或商家等。更多详情和升级过程信息
Beyond Bitcoin 比特股每周群聊已经移到 Discord 平台. 你可以加入 Bitshares Discord 还可以观看YouTube上直播的最新 视频群聊
本周比特股群聊的录制已经发布 点击观看
比特股网络当前注册的钱包/账户为 897514; 自上周以来增加了 10689 个钱包/账户
2018年全球石墨烯区块链开发者大会 - 本周末( 2018年5月5日至6日)
Bits.Farm基于比特股的农场游戏已经推出 - 下载游戏
Beyond Bitcoin - Bitshares Talk - April 28, 2018 - source
本节旨在分析BTS网络的当前分布情况。 我们看看目前的供应情况,前100名BTS持有者,比特股交易所(DEX)的订单,储备池余额和收入增长。
Distribution | Balance | Change W/W | Change W/W % |
BTS Supply | 2,620,543,775 | 2,123,204.00 | 0.08% |
BTS Stealth | 285,065 | -2,999.00 | -1.04% |
BTS in Open Orders (DEX - T250) | 9901829.6 | -299,627.40 | -3.69% |
Reserve Pool | 990,570,820 | 8,418,237.00 | 0.85% |
RP Accumulated fees | 37,401 | - | 0.00% |
Collateral (top 250) backing Smartcoins | 402967441 | 23,139,585.00 | 5.76% |
Top 100 Total | 1,480,789,309 | 18,373,067.03 | 1.26% |
Top 100 - minus Exchanges | 700,512,958 | 18,373,067.03 | 2.72% |
Exchanges | 780,276,351 | - | 0.00% |
Non Exchanges | 1,840,267,424 | 2,123,204.00 | 0.12% |
下面的图表显示了比特股储备池的历史利润/费用,其中正数表示W / W利润,负数表示W / W费用; 比特股费用包括见证人和工人工资,收入包括网络费用。
BTS 交易
看看Bitshares(BTS)最活跃的交易对。 显示的数据是本报告发布日期的24小时快照 (根据比特股网络报告英文版时间)。
Market | Last Price | Price USD | 24hr Vol BTS | 24hr Vol USD | Vol % | Vol % Change W/W |
BTC | 0.00004087 | 0.3686371 | 130,062,050.34 | 47,945,697.69 | 62.54 | 358.5% |
USDT | 0.36893015 | 0.37 | 57,313,670.35 | 21,144,324.72 | 27.6% | 519.8% |
ETH | 0.00055231 | 0.36718607 | 17,793,565.50 | 6,533,549.36 | 8.6% | -31.6% |
BNB | 0.02622 | 0.37033662 | 1,596,694 | 591,314.44 | 0.8% | 132.0% |
本节将显示当前批准和待批准的 工人提案
比特股交易所: 最活跃的市场
最活跃的基础货币是BTS 以及最活跃的交易对是 CNY, USD and Bridge.BTC
Asset | Supply | Price | Market Cap BTS | Market Cap USD | Supply Change W/W |
BTS | 2,620,543,775 | 0.369 | 966,136,681 | $966,136,680.65 | 0.081% |
BTS Stealth | 285,065 | 0.369 | 105,097 | $105,097.18 | -1.041% |
Reserve Pool | 980,029,379 | 0.369 | 361,315,213 | $361,315,212.59 | -0.216% |
Accumulated fees | 37,401 | 0.369 | 13,789 | $13,788.92 | 0.000% |
BitUSD | 16,043,455 | 2.703 | 43,365,459 | $15,987,888.04 | 28.269% |
BitCNY | 267,771,193 | 0.427 | 114,338,299 | $42,154,008.69 | 19.778% |
BitEUR | 129,438 | 3.26 | 421,968 | $155,570.25 | 4.706% |
BitBTC | 47.1 | 24,513 | 1,154,562 | $425,661.65 | 12.143% |
BitGold | 189.5 | 3,543 | 671,399 | $247,529.82 | 0.000% |
BitSilver | 21,782 | 44 | 958,408 | $353,343.89 | 0.000% |
Ruble | 7,653,473 | 0.0426 | 326,038 | $120,203.00 | 14.915% |
HERO | 1,005 | 440 | 442,200 | $163,029.39 | -11.996% |
本节将追踪用户推荐,以衡量活跃指标。 下面的图表蓝色显示了本周推荐的用户总数以及橙色显示了新推荐人数。
Account | Referrals | Change W/W |
btsabc | 5974 | 18 |
bitshares-munich | 5521 | 12 |
bituniverse | 4851 | 31 |
compumatrix1 | 2581 | 1 |
digital-nomad | 2499 | 0 |
sdr | 2385 | 0 |
cryptofresh | 2063 | 55 |
jianjolly-0 | 1743 | 0 |
magicw | 1674 | 8 |
by24seven | 1228 | 19 |
bcp2017 | 1201 | 2 |
superone | 1192 | 92 |
estefantt | 1167 | 4 |
Account | Opinions | Followers | Weight (M) | Weight Change (M) |
xeroc | 61 | 215 | 147.7 | -1 |
openledger | 56 | 10221 | 146.3 | 5.8 |
bitcrab | 90 | 113 | 142.1 | 6.8 |
michaelx | 58 | 119 | 81.3 | 4.7 |
still | 130 | 331 | 60.1 | 11.6 |
blckchnd | 59 | 1575 | 36.6 | -3.2 |
abit | 71 | 740 | 26.1 | -0.5 |
fav | 40 | 165 | 23.6 | -0.2 |
laomao | 35 | 4 | 10.9 | 0 |
baozi | 27 | 57 | 9.9 | 0 |
Account | Votes (M) | Votes Change (M) |
bitcrab | 761.4 | 58.9 |
abit | 641.3 | 15.7 |
bhuz | 621.5 | 13.6 |
clockwork | 568.5 | 7.3 |
jademont | 528.7 | 22.9 |
openledgerdc | 480.3 | 2.7 |
xeroc | 473.3 | 13.5 |
witness.still | 463 | 19 |
ebit | 445.5 | 16.9 |
bunkerchainlabs-com | 424.9 | 0.5 |
fav | 405.7 | 2.2 |
Rank | Witness | Votes | Missed | Missed W/W |
1 | in.abit 1.6.35 | 808.3 | 746 | 7 |
2 | bhuz 1.6.17 | 777.7 | 1694 | 9 |
3 | roelandp 1.6.74 | 776.8 | 79 | 1 |
4 | verbaltech2 1.6.34 | 775.5 | 4024 | 13 |
5 | abc123 1.6.65 | 760.4 | 1355 | 7 |
6 | fox 1.6.16 | 759.7 | 4540 | 3 |
7 | witness.yao 1.6.71 | 756.3 | 3607 | 2 |
8 | witness.still 1.6.69 | 749.6 | 9318 | 9 |
9 | sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73 | 747.4 | 1348 | 7 |
10 | delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28 | 743.1 | 4464 | 2 |
11 | xn-delegate 1.6.59 | 739.7 | 2902 | 11 |
12 | xman 1.6.64 | 737 | 1751 | 11 |
13 | xeldal 1.6.22 | 736.4 | 2488 | 1 |
14 | crazybit 1.6.84 | 696.2 | 631 | 18 |
15 | openledger-dc 1.6.76 | 665.7 | 709 | 4 |
16 | delegate.freedom 1.6.63 | 656.1 | 4935 | 1 |
17 | delegate-zhaomu 1.6.98 | 652.3 | 665 | 3 |
18 | magicwallet.witness 1.6.110 | 632 | 40 | 7 |
19 | witness.hiblockchain 1.6.105 | 609.4 | 54 | 12 |
20 | rnglab 1.6.45 | 599 | 2179 | 7 |
21 | elmato 1.6.20 | 598.7 | 4398 | 3 |
22 | blckchnd 1.6.75 | 559 | 978 | 2 |
23 | gdex-witness 1.6.120 | 555 | 14 | 4 |
24 | winex.witness 1.6.101 | 537.2 | 657 | 7 |
25 | clockwork 1.6.117 | 488.9 | 10 | 2 |
BTS富豪榜 - 前100名持有者(包括交易所在内)
Rank | Account | Total BTS | Change W/W | Change W/W % |
1 | poloniexwallet | 233,064,103 | -9,692,624.00 | -3.99% |
2 | bitkkchubei002 | 161,192,406 | - | 0.00% |
3 | bitcc-bts-cold | 114,793,905 | -2,000,000.00 | -1.71% |
4 | binance-cold-1 | 114,787,664 | - | 0.00% |
5 | binance-bitshares-gvbdb84k6h | 79,730,001 | 7,648,624.00 | 10.61% |
6 | gamma-rabbit | 61,197,392 | -0.11 | 0.00% |
7 | huobi-withdrawal | 40,132,266 | 12,573,013.00 | 45.62% |
8 | alpha-dog | 37,768,485 | 6,099,280.21 | 19.26% |
9 | delta-lion | 22,651,470 | -0.11 | 0.00% |
10 | ranchorelaxo2017 | 21,769,775 | - | 0.00% |
11 | gate-bts-off001 | 21,225,001 | 20,225,001.00 | 2022.50% |
12 | test-changekey | 20,163,274 | -20,000,010.00 | -49.80% |
13 | abit | 20,102,507 | -1.00 | 0.00% |
14 | bittrex-deposit | 18,890,337 | -660,033.00 | -3.38% |
15 | bigday4sc | 16,155,855 | 1,780,376.66 | 12.38% |
16 | stan | 14,841,943 | - | 0.00% |
17 | jubi-bts | 14,591,906 | - | 0.00% |
18 | a2dcdf323a8a576408f62604b17a8a52 | 14,172,000 | -354,644.00 | -2.44% |
19 | alexna64 | 12,143,695 | - | 0.00% |
20 | anonymous | 11,212,516 | - | 0.00% |
21 | yun-bts | 10,962,743 | - | 0.00% |
22 | evan | 10,659,692 | - | 0.00% |
23 | macley | 10,000,011 | 3,726,719.50 | 59.41% |
24 | ld636433 | 9,556,809 | -1,043,200.22 | -9.84% |
25 | getch-bts | 9,535,172 | - | 0.00% |
26 | brother-john | 9,312,086 | -300,000.00 | -3.12% |
27 | virtual-ventures | 9,153,485 | - | 0.00% |
28 | echocold1 | 9,097,651 | - | 0.00% |
29 | ibilitlan-scoltock | 8,673,958 | - | 0.00% |
30 | enki | 8,670,599 | -927,649.40 | -9.66% |
31 | denkhaus | 8,519,863 | 4,946,234.00 | 138.41% |
32 | mr-wang | 8,156,959 | -50,000.00 | -0.61% |
33 | graphene2015 | 8,141,939 | -23,949.00 | -0.29% |
34 | roje | 8,040,409 | - | 0.00% |
35 | bts-subscribe | 7,999,005 | -187,752.00 | -2.29% |
36 | cievia-waugaman | 7,990,214 | - | 0.00% |
37 | onceuponatime | 7,764,512 | -229,765.00 | -2.87% |
38 | committee-cnytrader | 7,608,042 | 2,048,114.20 | 36.84% |
39 | lailai | 7,600,011 | 6,600,010.70 | 660.00% |
40 | invictus | 7,494,364 | - | 0.00% |
41 | jiny2 | 7,438,984 | - | 0.00% |
42 | haeassa-granovsky | 7,431,931 | - | 0.00% |
43 | cass | 6,737,585 | - | 0.00% |
44 | tyrone-shoelaces | 6,615,913 | - | 0.00% |
45 | abinia-rivard | 6,550,563 | - | 0.00% |
46 | keebler-kahn | 6,500,770 | - | 0.00% |
47 | tsuratsura-3557 | 6,395,199 | - | 0.00% |
48 | bts-morning | 6,148,426 | -4,149.00 | -0.07% |
49 | yoyow.team | 6,000,003 | - | 0.00% |
50 | zbbts001 | 5,990,570 | -7,317,954.00 | -54.99% |
51 | bristolbay | 5,800,011 | - | 0.00% |
52 | fericia-brick | 5,766,623 | - | 0.00% |
53 | btszhqxf | 5,734,712 | - | 0.00% |
54 | spring | 5,560,779 | - | 0.00% |
55 | hnnr8 | 5,460,998 | - | 0.00% |
56 | cadord-ozois | 5,423,173 | - | 0.00% |
57 | storj | 5,366,573 | -45,704.00 | -0.84% |
58 | xhunter | 5,192,094 | - | 0.00% |
59 | jeraud-kanze | 5,172,698 | - | 0.00% |
60 | gate-io-bts66 | 5,028,017 | 3,451,328.00 | 218.90% |
61 | geravia-mackinnon | 4,777,691 | - | 0.00% |
62 | aloha | 4,654,440 | 73,384.00 | 1.60% |
63 | xgqing | 4,351,903 | - | 0.00% |
64 | btsxzzh2 | 4,348,432 | - | 0.00% |
65 | bitcoinindonesia | 4,320,758 | -360,590.00 | -7.70% |
66 | serg | 4,269,497 | - | 0.00% |
67 | quonael-lievesley | 4,087,235 | - | 0.00% |
68 | coldstorage1 | 4,000,000 | - | 0.00% |
69 | oh-bts | 4,000,000 | - | 0.00% |
70 | super-bts | 3,999,990 | - | 0.00% |
71 | slim | 3,938,098 | - | 0.00% |
72 | wesley-waugaman | 3,921,027 | - | 0.00% |
73 | peak-yannie | 3,333,334 | - | 0.00% |
74 | random123 | 3,304,640 | - | 0.00% |
75 | mtblock-io | 3,289,438 | 215,998.00 | 7.03% |
76 | cai8108 | 3,239,753 | 239,510.00 | 7.98% |
77 | bafohald-degeorge | 3,189,866 | - | 0.00% |
78 | makkiavelli1977 | 3,186,190 | 17,357.00 | 0.55% |
79 | scottmclane | 3,177,116 | - | 0.00% |
80 | livecoin-net | 3,156,461 | -181,120.00 | -5.43% |
81 | bilbo-baggins | 3,151,030 | - | 0.00% |
82 | lao-wallet | 3,140,242 | - | 0.00% |
83 | aleks | 3,050,009 | -967,508.37 | -24.08% |
84 | austintexas11 | 3,045,249 | -1.00 | 0.00% |
85 | null-account | 3,013,380 | 1,410.00 | 0.05% |
86 | zy360 | 3,001,582 | - | 0.00% |
87 | mcxcwbts | 3,000,686 | - | 0.00% |
88 | billion-hero-prize | 3,000,000 | - | 0.00% |
89 | facem | 2,993,337 | 448,542.00 | 17.63% |
90 | ptschina | 2,968,428 | 22,593.00 | 0.77% |
91 | roland.sun | 2,923,130 | - | 0.00% |
92 | jackkang | 2,860,941 | - | 0.00% |
93 | sky-fly | 2,810,389 | - | 0.00% |
94 | gxp520wcx | 2,802,548 | -2.03 | 0.00% |
95 | bitlion | 2,801,061 | - | 0.00% |
96 | koocaa | 2,781,355 | - | 0.00% |
97 | tong-xin | 2,772,166 | - | 0.00% |
98 | bunkerchainlabs-com | 2,767,610 | - | 0.00% |
99 | rg33m43ffaeqdrnk | 2,760,867 | - | 0.00% |
100 | ev-ev | 2,759,785 | -40,282.00 | -1.44% |
Do you have permission to use this publication? I'm just curious how these translations are arranged.
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"This week I would like to start by recognizing the hardworking teams who are translating these reports into other languages.
@blockchained has been translating these reports into Russian each week for over 1 year now starting at report #21 back in February 2017!
@fractalnode has been translating into Polish for the last 7 months!
@bangzi the newest addition to the team who has started last week translating these reports into Chinese."
Source: https://steemit.com/bitshares/@steempower/bitshares-state-of-the-network-1st-may-2018
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Sweeeeeeet! good partnership! I find this publication helpful for core bts stats. Have a great day
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A upvote for you! :-)
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Via Translation: 您是否有权使用此出版物?我很好奇这些翻译是如何安排的。
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