新手入門篇 - 如何把從Steemit 文章的打賞轉移到自己的blockchain wallet (附詳細圖文解說) Tips to New Steemians - How to transfer the Steem Dollars to your own Blockchain Wallet (with detail pictures)

in cn •  7 years ago 


Since I have join this platform as Steemian over a week and I can finally redeem the credits from my first article about self introduction! However, I am not sure how to turn the credits into my Cryptocurrency wallets. Although the characteristics of Cryptocurrency are not benefit to small amount transactions at the moment, since the transaction fee is so high when compare to large amount transaction.

As a new joiner into this field, I would like to have a full experience on the whole process, from the credits of my article transfer to my Blockchain wallet, therefore I tried the complete transaction process and finally I spent almost 20% of my credit as the transactions fee! Let me show you guys the details step by step!

從上圖可見我整篇文章共得到$42.28的打賞,但實際上 Curators共佔去了$9.33,換言之我真正所得的打賞只有$32.95。Curation Rewards是分給有份給我投票的人,通常在文章刊登20分鐘後,若果在大戶投之前投了我的話,分成最大。所以,大家也記住多投票喔!

As you can see from the picture, I got $42.28 credits from all Steemians for my first article, however, $9.33 will be distribute to all Curators who voted this article, and the total credits that I could redeem will be $32.95. Curation Rewards will be distribute to those who had voted this article, so please keep on voting my article in order to have more credits return!


Step 1:Redeem the credits from article

首先,當然要到自己Steemit的錢包領取打賞!在Steemit 主頁,先按右上角代表自己的頭像,然後點選Wallet。

First, we need to redeem the credits from Steemit Wallet. From Steemit homepage, click on the avatar from right top corner, then go to Wallet.

接著按下 "REDEEM REWARDS(TRANSFER TO BALANCE)",待頁面更新後往下拉,你就會看到在Steem Dollars一欄出現了你所獲得的SBD dollars。

Then you can click on "REDEEM REWARDS(TRANSFER TO BALANCE)", scroll down after the page refreshed, and you will see your balance under the column of Steem Dollars.

第二步:註冊一個Bittrex 交易所的賬戶

Step 2: Register a Bittrex Account

接下來你需要到Bittrex 註冊一個賬戶,然後把Steemit Wallet 中所得的SBD Dollars 轉換成BTC。註冊過程十分方便,數分鐘便完成。

Then you will need to register a Bittrex account, and turns your SBD dollar to BTC from your Steem wallet. The registration process are only dew steps and easy to complete.

先到 Bittrex ,按右上角選單鍵,然後選擇登入,在登入頁面選擇登記,然後提供電郵地址及選擇密碼,再按登記。此時,Bittrex 會提示檢查提供的電子郵箱是否收到驗證電郵。檢查你的電子郵箱,並按下電郵中的驗證連結,連結會帶你到Bittrex 網頁,然後再輸入電郵地址及密碼繼續驗證步驟。輸入資料後表示驗證成功。

First, go to Bittrex , select the menu button on right top corner, then select Login. From the login page, select sign up, then input your email and password twice, then select sign up. Bittrex will then send you a verification email to the email address provided, and reminds you to check your mailbox to continue the registration process. Then go to your mailbox and click on the link provided from the verification email. The link will redirect you to Bittrex website again, just follow the instruction to key in the details required, then you will see a page to confirm your sign up to this platform is completed.

此時Bittrex 會提示現在使用的IP 位址是第一次登入Bittrex,Bittrex 會再發電郵驗證IP 位址,此時唯有再次乖乖到電子郵箱檢查電郵,按下電郵中的驗證連結並再次輸入登入資料。當畫面顯示Bittrex 的主頁,表示你已成功登一個新賬戶了。

From here, Bittrex will verify the IP address that you are using to login, and it will send you anther email to continue the IP address verification process. You will need to check your mailbox again and click on the link provided. After you key in your email address / password and submit, you are now able to use your Bittrex account (New User). Congratulation! You just complete another steps to reach your goal!

溫馨小提示:完成以上的步驟之後,你在Bittrex 平台上註冊的是新使用者賬號 (New User),而新使用者的賬號預設每天的BTC 交易額為0. 要提高你每天的BTC交易額,你便需要完成個人資料驗證,電話驗證以及啟動雙重驗證功能,完成後你的賬戶會變成基本賬戶,而基本賬戶每天BTC 的交易額為最高3個BTC。步驟會在以下文章部份說明。

Friendly Reminder:
After completed all the steps above on Bittrex platform, you are become a New User account, and the default daily transaction limit to BTC will be zero. In order to increase the daily transaction limit, you will need to complete the information verification, phone verification and two-steps authenticator. Once you completed all the steps, you account type should be change to Basic User and the daily transaction limit will be up to 3BTCs. The steps will be demonstrated on the content below.

第三步:把Steemit wallet 中的SBD dollar 轉移到 Bittrex 帳戶當中

Step 3: Transfer the SBD dollar from your Steemit wallet to Bittrex account

首先,到Bittrex 的主頁,按右上角選單鍵,然後選擇Wallets,在Wallets 頁面中搜尋SBD,再按SBD 左面的"+"圖示。

First, go to Bittrex homepage, then select the menu button on right top corner, then select Wallets. From Wallets page, search SBD and press the "+" icon on left hand side.

然後你會看到彈出視窗,如果你是第一次用SBD wallet 的話,在Memo欄會是空白的,此時你需要往下拉,並按下產生新位址的按鈕。之後在Memo欄位便會出現一串數字字母,請按Crtl + C複製該位址。

You will see a pop-up screen after you press the "+" icon, the Memo column will blank if you haven't use this function yet, scroll down and click on the button to generate a new Memo address. After you will see an address shown on the Memo column, you could then press "Crtl + C" to copy the address.

恭喜!現在你在Bittrex 平台已經有可以接收SBD dollar 的位址了!

現在你可以回到Steemit 的wallet 頁面,於Steem dollars 欄內的餘額點一下,然後選擇Transfer。於彈出的視窗輸入以下資料:
.Memo:貼上剛才從Bittrex 平台複製的SBD Memo 位址。

Congratulation! You are able to receive any SBD dollar from your Bittrex account! Now you can go back to Steemit wallet page, and click on the balance inside the Steem dollar column, then select transfer and input the following details from the pop-up page:
.Receiver: input Bittrex
.Amount: input the amount that you want to transfer
.Memo: paste the SBD memo address you copied from Bittrex.

完成輸入以上資料後,請核對一下你輸入的資料是否正確。請注意此頁面有免責聲明,任何因輸入錯誤資料而導致的損失,Steemit 平台一概不會負責喔。確認輸入資料無誤後,可以按下確認按鈕確認此交易。確認轉賬後大約數分鐘,你便會在Bittrex 的Wallet 頁面看到SBD 的轉賬了!

After input all the details, please review it from the following page. Please noted there is no obligation declaims from Steemit that they are not responsible for any loss due to input error. Once you verified all the details, you can click on the button to confirm the transaction. Usually it will only takes up to few minutes for the steem dallar transfer to the Bittrex platform.

在此溫馨小提示一下,若果閣下Steem dollar 的結餘不是太多的話,還是建議留左Steemit wallet,待累積到一定數量,例如$500或以上再轉移到Bittrex wallet 進行下一步。主要原因是上文提及過的手續費問題。

舉個例子,最近一次轉賬了約$23 SBD dollar 到Bittrex 平台進行BTC 買賣,大約換取了0.005BTC,其後當我想轉移到Blockchain wallet 好好保存時,才發現轉移的手續費為0.001BTC,大約等於20% 的手續費了!而若果轉移的金額為$500 SBD dollar 的話,換算約為0.108BTC,轉移的手續費0.001BTC,大約為1%了!

Friendly Reminder:
Just a friendly remind for all of you who don’t hold a large amount of Steem dollar, I will suggest you to keep your Steem dollar on Steemit’s wallet instead of transfer to the Bittrex account, and wait until you have certain amount of Steem dollar, for example, $500 or more. The main reason behind are due to the transaction fee issue that I have mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Let’s do some calculation and test, I had recently transferred around $23 SBD dollar to Bitterx to trade BTC, and approximately exchanged for 0.005BTC. After that I found the transaction fee for transferring the BTC to your own Blockchain wallet will cost you 0.001BTC, which is almost 20% of your total amount! However, when you transferring $500 SBD dollar to Bitterx to trade BTC, the transaction fee will still be 0.001BTC, and its only around 1% of your total amount!
(This is how I understand the logic of handling fee benefit the large amount transactions instead of small amount, please correct me if any of my concepts are wrong / incorrect.)

第四步:在Bittrex 平台上轉換成BTC

Step 4: Transfer to BTC on Bittrex platform

在把你從文章收到的打賞轉到你的Blockchain Wallet 前,首先要把SBD轉換成你的Blockchain Wallet可以接收的加密貨幣,在這裡當然是指BTC。轉換的方法很簡單,基本原則是以市場合理的價格賣出你擁有的SBD dollar,並以BTC 作為收取款項的加密貨幣。首先,於Bittrex 首頁的Markets 版面,或從右上角的選單按鈕選擇第一個 Markets,然後在Markets 頁面搜尋SBD,共選擇BTC-SBD。

Before you transfer the credits from your article, what you need to do is to exchange the SBD dollars to other cryptocurrency that your Blockchain Wallet able to receive, that means BTC for this article. You can easily exchange your SBD dollars into BTC by using this Bittrex platform. The basic principle is to sell your SBD dollars by market price, and receive BTC as your return. First, click on the menu button from right top corner and then select Markets, then search SBD from Markets page and select BTC-SBD.

.Last: 是指最近一次成交的價格
.Bid: 是指買入SBD的買家的最新出價
.Ask: 是指賣出SBD的賣家的最新叫價

Then you will see some diagrams about the trends and history record about SBD against BTC, scroll down until the column "sell SBD" and key in the details. Input the amount of the SBD dollars thay you want to sell, or click on the icon from left hand side to sell all SBD dollars from your account. From "Trading" column, click on the icon on left hand side and select the price:
.Last: the latest market price
.Bid: the latest price that the buyer offered.
.Ask: the latest price that the seller requested.


If the pricing you selected are competitive enough, your order should be completed immediately, However, you can still setup your preferred pricing and place on the market until purchased, when the market price reach your asked pricing, then the transaction will be completed immediately.

成功出售後,恭喜你,你的Bittrex帳户內已有BTC,你可把你的BTC轉到你的Blockchain Wallet內了。

After sold out, congratulations! You already have BTC in your bittrex account, you may now transfer to your blockchain wallet.

首先在Bittrex開啓Wallet,在BTC一欄按"-" (代表出售)。

Open the Wallet in Bittrex, then click"-" in the column of BTC("-"means sell).

Address一欄輸入你blockchain的銀包地址,並在Quantity一欄輸入你要轉帳的數量, 然後就大成告成!

Enter your blockchain wallet address and the quantity you would like to transfer, then you are success!

最後一個步驟看似簡單,但我卻花了不少時間才完成,當中有丁點阻滯,在此與大家分享,令大家可從我的錯誤中學習。當我輸入了所有資料後,Bittrex卻説我是unverified account withdraw limit has been reached。

The last step seems easy but it cost me a lot of time to complete, something was hindered me. I would like to share with all of you in order to let public learn from my mistakes. After I entered all of my information, Bittrex showed me the message of"unverified account withdraw limit has been reached"

初時不明意思,再研究下發現原來一開始申請帳戶時提取上限是0 bitcoin,要再進行認證才可提升至每天上限3個bitcoin。

After my study, I found that the transfer limit was zero bitcoin at the beginning, I need to verify my account so that I could raise to three bitcoin per day.

在Bittrex頁面按Settings,要先完成Basic Verification(輸入基本資料) 及Phone Verification(輸入電話號碼及 接收到的短訊code),然後要在App Store下載Google Authenticator,在Authenticator App 掃瞄Bittrex 提供的QR code, Authenticator 會自動生產出6位數字驗證碼,取得6位數字後繼續驗證程序,便可以開啟TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION功能。完成以上3項後,你便可以轉帳至你的Blockchain Wallet了。

Click Settings on Bittrex, finish the Basic Verification (enter basic personal information) and Phone Verification(enter phone number and code received by SMS), then download Google Authenticator in App Store, scan the QR code provided from Bittrex platform and it will generate the 6 digit code automatically, continue the process after you get six-digit from Authenticator app, then you could enable TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. After you finished the above three steps, you could successfully transfer to your blockchain wallet.

另外為加強Bittrex的安全性,你可以在Settings內選取Wallet Whitelist,把你的個人銀包地址加入。此後你在Bittrex內只能轉帳了你加入了在Whitelist的地址,安全性大大提高!

In order to keep your cryptocurrency safe, you could make use of the Wallet Whitelist, just add your wallet address, then you could only transfer to the account listed on Whitelist, this function can reinforce the safety on transaction!


Hope this article would help the new joiner!

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Thanks @jeff143 :)

To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first. Have a good day ^^


  ·  7 years ago 

从你这里学到“新东西”,什么是 blockchain wallet?

以我理解,Blockchain wallet是一個應用程式用以儲存你的加密貨幣,如有不對請指正。

  ·  7 years ago 

叫作 Bitcoin Wallet 可能更准确一些,Blockchain是一个通用的名称……

謝謝指教,因app叫作blockchain,所以我才叫他blockchain wallet

Your post up is impressive. Followed @cathysiub

Thank you!:)

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