快看,“种马拳击”出招非常人性化!Look at it, "Pushing Horse Boxing" is very user-friendly!

in cn •  7 years ago 

 2016年12月20日报道,63岁的德国摄影师Ingo Gerlach在德国韦斯特地区拍到的这样一组照片,两匹冰岛公马在野外大打出手。 

On December 20th, 2016, a 63-year-old German photographer, Ingo Gerlach, photographed in the West of Germany, two Icelandic stallions in the wild.


The two stallions are very humanized to fight in a boxing manner.



The original stallion was in the estrus period, in order to compete for the dominance in the territory (mainly the mare dominance).


The two stallions spared no effort and did not give each other a hand. A stallion was giving the other party a punch, the amount! It is a hoof!


For the position of Ma’s boss, only force can prove who is the real leader.


Watch the hoof! A stallion stood firm and gave the other two hooves.

 看画面中那匹公马咆哮的表情,大有不死不休的架势! '

Look at the roaring expression of the stallion in the picture, there is a lot of unstoppable posture!

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