Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 10 |《文化读瘾.一周译报》第10期:象神迦尼萨之日

in cn •  7 years ago 

Culture Vulture (#culturevulture) is a Steemit writing challenge initiated by @eroche. You may read here for more details and the latest update.

Culture Vulture for CNers is a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @eroche and carried out by @deanliu and @ygern. We'll pick at least one article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community. All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.

《文化读瘾.一周译报》是一个翻译行动,我们每周将至少精选一篇来自 #culturevulture 的文章,经原作者同意后翻译成中文,以 #cn-culturevulture 标签刊出,希望把这些有趣、多元的内容透过我们认真的筛选与精细的翻译,带到cn社区人面前呈现,拓展视野、丰富生活。


Original title: Tuesday : Lord Ganesh Day
Authored by @bindu, translated by @ygern

混杂的宗教与文化景观,是尼泊尔印度教信徒生活中的一部分。尤其在加德满都这样的小城市,各个种姓、文化、宗教信仰的人都居住在这里。世界文化遗产如帕舒帕蒂纳特庙(Pashupati)、斯瓦扬布纳特寺(Swoyambhunath)、巴克塔普尔王宫广场(Bhaktapur Durbar Square)等等,都坐落在加德满都。在这里,我们会看到许许多多的寺庙,以及大量前来朝圣的人群。

这三年以来,每个星期二都是我的斋戒日。这是遵循母亲给我的建议——为了我的健康与财富,她认为我应该履行斋戒。我们在这一天祭拜象神迦尼萨(lord Ganesh)。据说,供奉象神最好的水果,是香蕉。


  • All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.
  • Author's liquid reward (SBD) from this series will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and the selected participating original author (40%). The remaining author's reward (SP) will be shared among two project collaborators.
  • Article selection for this translation series is independent of, and hence has no impact on the Culture Vulture Challenge winner selection.
  • Articles pertinent to the Chinese culture would only be considered under special circumstances, as our primary purpose is to enable people from the cn community to see beyond their usual surroundings and connect with the versatile cultures around the globe.
  • 文章发布皆已取得原作者同意。
  • 这系列文章的作者收益,SBD部分60%将资助Culture Vulture Callenge项目,40%则回馈给原作者;SP部分则由两位合作者共享。翻译工作主要是由 @ygern负责。
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I love to get to know the traditions of other people

nice captions.. I love doves

It would be nice to get it the other way around as well. Are there any CN steemians writing about culture? Please recommend, I can read CN pretty well, though I don't know if I'm fluent or free enough to translate.

Good!!There are various cultures.

There are various culture keep it up @deanliu


哈哈我也不懂 ... 我只知道BCH是BTC的兒子。

哈 好象就是濕婆的兒子!