OWO Farewell 暫別一週,山高水長。

in cn •  8 years ago 

This is a farewell message to the cn crowd. You may check my other post for my initiative to take #oneweekoff . Did not translate all content here, but the Google translated version of my farewell poem may amuse you somehow.

將暫時與各位告別一週,聽起來很短,但在Steemian Time裡可是很長的。接下來這一週我將不再發文章、不再參與討論,也不再點讚(可以看我剛剛發的英文帖 #oneweekoff ),要把時間留給這個月來被我疏忽的家庭、進度落後的工作、臉書上的朋友,以及最重要的身體的健康。畢竟,日子還長呢,養精蓄銳之後,才能為自己的SteemLife注入新的能量。

接下來2個小時,我會開始大量在cn區點讚,看看Voting Power會降到多少(現在大概是87%),反正我要休息一週了。需要有人點讚肯定的,也請快用回覆來告訴我吧,一開始至少應該還有個$0.01。一週之後見了,各位魚民,好好玩吧!


再別Steemit by @deanliu 









1. 敲敲: 敲鑼打鼓說要走

2. 輕輕的來: 我的第一帖英文介紹只有4人點讚(感謝他們),價值$0.07,現在剩下5天就要二度結算,你還有機會進入未來風雲作家的感謝榜喔!

3. 阿比線: the-abit-line,請看我之前在cn區的帖子

4. 還有些待解釋的地方,留給各位自行消遣用。 

My Poem translated by Google – you will be amused. (salute to an early 20th-century Chinese poet Hsu, Chih-Mo's famous poem "On Leaving Cambridge")

Then do Steemit by @deanliu I knocked on the go , is not as good as I gently come ; I like heavy point , say goodbye to the CN fish congregation. 

Dange that the deep sea is the sunset of the bride ; reflections on the shimmering shadow in my heart waves. FEED posts in the heat , lay on the bottom of swagger ; Steemit in the gentle waves , I would be a fish ! 

That Trending page , not the article is all wisdom ; mixed language between the floating sediment of a rainbow-like dream . 

Dream ? Pole a boat to the Abbey line higher verdant ; the boat fully loaded Nie Hui, received praise in the two quarter of an hour . 

But I can not accept praise , knock is my farewell music ; Even summer insects keep silence for me , but silence is not the future Steemit! I knocked on the go , is not as good as I gently come ; 

I wave of the sleeves , do not take a Steem.

下次發帖時間:Next post in 168 hours and counting,倒數計時中……   

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哈哈哈哈 我实在是太喜欢你的诗了一周后见了!



Fear no more the heat of the sun,
Nor the furious winter’s rages,
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone and ta’en thy wages.

-William Shakespeare

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