中国改革开放40年,北京的巨大变化!Great changes have taken place in Beijing since China's reform and opening up 40 years ago.

in cn •  6 years ago 

大家好,我是DJ HUMBLE 来自北京。现在我给大家分享一篇关于北京的文章,深刻讲述了北京改革开放后的变化。
Hello, everyone. I'm DJ HUMBLE from Beijing. Now I share an article about Beijing, which tells you about the changes in Beijing after the reform and opening up.

Forty years are fleeting, and a great noise of reform and opening up has brought great changes to China. People's living standards have been improved and their economic strength has been greatly enhanced. The image, strength and status of the country have also been internationally recognized. As a child growing up in Beijing, he has a deep feeling for the city. After investigating, visiting and collecting information on the Internet, this paper will introduce the changes of Beijing in the past 40 years after the reform and opening up through explanations and examples from four aspects of "eating, wearing and traveling" in Beijing.

"Eat" in Beijing
Before the 1990s, there existed a special "ticket era". Speaking of food must be linked to tickets, when people buy food money is not the first priority, tickets are the main premise. However, with the reform and opening to the outside world, great changes have taken place in China's economy and people's livelihood. In 1992, China bid farewell to the 40-year-old era of tickets. Since then, tickets have become a symbol of history and culture

Beijing Marriage Furniture Purchase Certificate
(China National Museum Collection)

When it opened in 1980 (right) and now Beijing Yuebin Restaurant
On September 30, 1980, in Dongcheng District of Beijing, Cuihua Hutong near the Chinese Art Museum was crowded with water. An individual restaurant called Yuebin Restaurant attracted numerous spectators. Yuebin Restaurant, the first individual restaurant in China, emerged as the times require after the reform and opening up. On that day, the Beijing Evening News published a palm-sized article titled "The First Individual Hotel in China Opens". At that time, everyone wanted to try "the first one". Every day the restaurant arrived at lunch and dinner time, and the entrance of the restaurant was crowded with people. One day, Liu Guixian, the female boss, counted notes and coins of different denominations: 38 yuan, which was almost the monthly income of a senior worker at that time. "In the heart of the Communist Party of China, delicious food and private industry and commerce are recovering in narrow alleys," U.S. News Agency correspondent said in a report. More and more foreign embassy staff came to the hotel after 68 days. In the Spring Festival of 1981, state leaders Yao Yilin and Chen Muhua came to Liu Guixian's home to celebrate the New Year and told them "Don't be afraid". In this way, Beijing has a second and third individual hotel in succession, and the business environment is getting better and better.

By the early 1990s, eating in restaurants was no longer a distant thing. Whoever had a happy occasion would like to set a table in a restaurant. The buffet was just in fashion at that time, and many people were curious to try it. Later, high-grade ingredients such as shark fin, abalone, and sea cucumber began to appear in front of people. Restaurants operating Cantonese cuisine and vigorous seafood were very popular.

In 1987, after the opening of KFC's Beijing Qianmen Store, the scene of queuing for KFC was observed.
On November 20, 1987, KFC officially opened the first restaurant in China at the front door of Beijing. On an opening day, it took almost two hours for customers to wait for a seat. Watching the crowds in the queue at the door bursting, I had to turn to the police to help maintain order. As long as the weekend comes, there will be more than 400 meters of queues outside the restaurant alone, and people must be put in in time and in stages. Qianmen KFC has become a "net red shop" in Beijing. Eating Western food in KFC has become a fashionable thing and even a major tourist attraction in Beijing. Many people who come to Beijing must go to KFC for a taste and take photos with the portrait of Colonel Sanders at the entrance.

On November 20, 1987, KFC officially opened the first restaurant in China at the front door of Beijing. On an opening day, it took almost two hours for customers to wait for a seat. Watching the crowds in the queue at the door bursting, I had to turn to the police to help maintain order. As long as the weekend comes, there will be more than 400 meters of queues outside the restaurant alone, and people must be put in in time and in stages. Qianmen KFC has become a "net red shop" in Beijing. Eating Western food in KFC has become a fashionable thing and even a major tourist attraction in Beijing. Many people who come to Beijing must go to KFC for a taste and take photos with the portrait of Colonel Sanders at the entrance.


The spring of common people's clothing began with the reform and opening up. Some Western clothing has entered China and formed a social trend. In the early 1980s, wearing toad glasses and trumpet trousers became a fashion in the streets and alleys. Subsequently, "Hong Kong trousers" and "swallow tail clothes" and other fashionable clothing emerged one after another.

1979年3月,法国时装设计大师皮尔·卡丹应邀来华,他是第一位来华的国际级服装大师。他率领12个外国服装模特在北京民族文化宫举办了一场法国时装表演。当年的中国,涌动街头的还是一片“蓝色的海洋”。服装表演会的入场券被严格控制,只限于外贸界与服装界的官员和技术人员“内部观摩”。 皮尔·卡丹回忆说:“第一次去中国时,我到了许多地方。我是第一个让中国人了解什么叫时尚的西方人。我很像马可·波罗,因为我们都具有冒险精神。”
In March 1979, Pierre Cardin, a French fashion designer, was invited to China. He was the first international fashion master to come to China. He led 12 foreign fashion models to hold a French fashion show at the National Culture Palace in Beijing. In that year's China, the streets were still flooded with a "blue ocean". Entrance tickets for fashion shows are strictly controlled and are restricted to "internal observation" by officials and technicians in the foreign trade and fashion sectors. Pierre Cardin recalled: "When I first went to China, I went to many places. I am the first Westerner to let the Chinese know what fashion is. I'm like Marco Polo because we all have the spirit of adventure."

Pierre Cardin introduced the concepts of "fashion" and "brand" and emphasized wearing "brand goods" when dressing. Pierre Cardin has also become the enlightener of China's "fashion". Waves of more prosperous fashion trends and luxury brands have come one after another.

The change of dress is the most important embodiment of a person's spiritual outlook. In the 1980s, the young women in the "real good" white shirt looked so simple, just like those in that era. Then, in the mid-1980s, red skirts became popular in cities. Girls took off their dim clothes and wore brightly colored knitted sweaters to keep their beauty. A fashion revolution was quietly coming. Fashionable young men and women were wearing bellbottoms and Toad glasses while breakdancing, which was the "fashion" of that era. Bell trousers, tightly wrapped buttocks, trouser feet tube is large, like a horn, both with sweeping function. Subsequently, pants, Hallen pants, bodybuilding pants, lace skirts, neutral suits, umbilical outfits... You sing and I come on stage, each leading fashion for several months, fashion, is a gust of wind, is a mark of the times.

Since the 1990s, Chinese clothing has been synchronized with the world at least among high-end people. People's life is transiting to a well-off society and their ideas are more open. People's clothes are changing rapidly. Dressing and dressing emphasize individuality and variety. It is difficult to generalize fashion trends with one style or color. It is also a fashion to emphasize individuality and not to pursue fashion itself.

Beijing People's "Living"

At the beginning of the reform and opening up, the housing system of our country was welfare housing distribution. Most of the houses of urban residents were rental units or housing management departments. Only a few residents owned their own houses. "Housing depends on the state, housing distribution according to grade", the size of the allocation of housing area should be based on the level and the number of people in the family. Usually a family of three or four people or even three generations of old and young people eat, live and live together. Large population and small residential area were the most common living conditions of ordinary residents at that time. In 1978, the per capita living area of urban residents in China was only 3.6 square meters, with 8.69 million households lacking housing, accounting for nearly half of the total number of urban households.


40年前,中国是名副其实的“自行车王国”,自行车是主要的交通工具。购买自行车要凭票,每年一个单位最多能分到十几张购车票,能有幸分到票的人自然不多。当时人们上下班的交通工具,除了公交车外,绝大多数都骑自行车或步行。永久、凤凰、飞鸽等品牌的自行车开始风靡中国。那时,有一辆自行车的感觉不亚于现在有辆轿车,骑“永久” 就像开奔驰一样有面子,而一辆“凤凰”就像现在有一辆宝马一样。
Beijing People's "Daily travel"

From "The Kingdom of Bicycles" to "Walk-and-Talk" Travel

In the late 1970s, the Chinese people who had just come out of the Cultural Revolution would never dream of driving a private car one day.

Forty years ago, China was a real "kingdom of bicycles" and bicycles were the main means of transportation. Bicycles are purchased on the basis of tickets. Each unit can get up to a dozen tickets a year. Naturally, few people are lucky to get tickets. At that time, most people used to ride bicycles or walk on their way to and from work, except for buses. Permanent, Phoenix, Pigeon and other brands of bicycles have become popular in China. At that time, the feeling of having a bicycle was no less than that of an existing car. Riding "Forever" was like driving a Mercedes-Benz, and a "Phoenix" was like having a BMW now.


Today, we can travel by sharing bicycles and low carbon, take the "Fuxing" high-speed railway at 350 kilometers per hour, and travel around the world by luxury ships. It is more common to travel by air than by bicycle in those days. According to the Ningxia Daily, even in Guyuan, Gansu, where the economy is relatively underdeveloped, starting from Guyuan, flying to Yinchuan for business, to Xi'an for shopping and to Fuzhou for tourism, more and more local people are getting used to flying.

The Rise and Fall of "Four Big Things"

Four big items, also known as "three turns and one sound", are a noun appearing after the late 1950s in China. They refer to four household items that were hoped to be owned by various families at that time. These four household items are radio, bicycle, sewing machine and watch. It's almost a luxury that a person with a very good family can own. These "four major items" will make the elderly as many as family treasures, in their minds laid an indelible brand. A watch used to be her dowry, and a brand new "flying pigeon" or "permanent" might make him a groom.

In the 1980s, with the end of the voucher supply era, a new "four big pieces" were born: black and white TV, refrigerator, washing machine, and tape recorder. The arrival of the electronic age has greatly enriched and improved the home life of every family.

上海无线电十八厂飞跃牌9寸黑白电视机Feiyue Brand 9-inch Black-and-White Television Set of Shanghai Radio 18 Factory

20世纪80年代东芝录音机Toshiba tape recorder in the 1980s
It was not long before the new "Four Big Things" entered the family, they went from fashion to decline. Where is the charm of black-and-white TV comparable to that of color TV? When tape recorders and "home theaters" are put together, they obviously dwarf each other. And home phones, air conditioners, computers, microwave ovens...

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up. China's reform and opening up conforms to the historical requirements of the Chinese people in pursuit of a better life. As the capital of the Republic, Beijing has undergone tremendous changes. People's living standards have improved and their quality of life has improved. But at the same time, it also exposes many problems. The quality of the environment is getting worse, people are not honest in heart, but pay more attention to money. These are also the drawbacks of rapid economic development. Beijing, a city with a strong cultural heritage, is now being swallowed up by people's desires. If we only focus on economic development and neglect cultural construction, we will eventually be destroyed by the civilization we have built. Only with the simultaneous development of economy and culture can this ancient city be rejuvenated with a new charm.

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