即將到來的中美長久貿易戰steemCreated with Sketch.

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)

鬧得沸沸騰騰的中美貿易戰佔據著新聞篇幅, 特朗普簽下「301備忘錄」, 準備額外向價值1000億美元之中國貨品提高關税, 中國亦言之鑿鑿予以反擊, 金融市場為之震盪。

原來在美國的「301報告」中曾提及中國於15年提出的 「中國製造2025」之國家發展計劃, 此計劃旨在要中國於2025年從「製造大國」成為「製造強國」, 這擺明挑戰美國世界大佬的地位, 美國感到非常不安。「301報告」指控中國利用卑鄙手段獲得美國創新科技知識, 指中國企業與美國企業商定合資時, 往往要求美國企業把先進技術轉換至中方, 於是美方企業要不放棄中國市場, 要不順從中方把珍重技術雙手奉上, 一般來說美國企業會怯於中方威脅而同意將技術轉移。報告更嚴詞指出, 美國企業於中國常常遭到中方駭客竊取機密資料, 但怕失去中國市場而敢怒不敢言。而中國政府態度曖昧, 嘴巴說不會強制要求美國企業轉移技術, 實則暗地裡協助中國企業巧取豪奪。

這些不公情況看在揚言要重振美國的特朗普眼中當然無法忍受, 他現正聯合一樣吃中國虧的歐盟及亞洲各國齊心對付中國, 讓中國難以達成「中國製造2025」的強國美夢, 所以世界各國及WTO對美國的行動都少作批評。從現在到5月正式確認關稅項目只剩約一個月時間, 金融市場期間只可觀察雙方會否私下談判解決危機。

關鍵是這次貿易戰不只是貿易逆差問題, 更牽涉到中國奪取歐美先進技術知識產權, 此等科技爭奪戰關乎中美兩大國長遠利益及戰略意義, 雙方在此等重大問題不會輕易就範, 必然繼續出招拉鋸, 金融市場可能長期受困擾。


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sir this language is not avoidable

seems need to translate this

I can't understand this language.

it is about trade war between US and China. hope to do a translation if have time.

wow....its great......i impressed to see your post......

what you say is impressive too!

its great report of trade war,,thanks for share,,

thanks for supporting me as well

wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote..

thank you so much

its really great post

thank you



your Chinese is so good, totally agree with you

Its Chinese language.
Political topics Chinese and American

What a genius!!

its post of Sino-U.S. Long Trade War,,,thanks for share your experiences,,,i appreciated

you are such a genius to understand it, thanks for support

wow.....excellent art. looks very beautiful.

thank you so much for your support

Sir,i can not understand this language. so,please write english

OK, may do a translation in the future