Two fishing madman did 4 days and 4 nights / 两个钓鱼疯子干了4天4夜

in cn •  8 years ago  (edited)

I received a phone call at midnight last night, From my friend's wife, To find her husband to find my house ,Because she knows we often go fishing,This is not the first time, My two friends in the water hotel to catch fish, has a 4 days and 4 nights,I have just contacted him, You must to go home in the afternoon, If you do not arrive,Your wife will not let you go to bed, Aha :) Why do my friends not willing to go home,Because the water hotel rent for 15 days, We can work on the water, fishing,Because this is now a good time to catch the red fishing,This hotel under the bridge,We feed the fish ,lure fish can not be interrupted,Every day someone to fishing,Eat at the hotel all have.

昨晚半夜接到电话,来自我朋友的妻子,找人找到我家来了:)这已经不是第一次了,我两个憨巴朋友在水上酒店已经钓了4天4夜了,刚刚我打通了电话,不回家,以后不准上床,哈哈, 下午他必须赶到家里,
为什么我的朋友们不愿意回家,因为现在这个季节是钓红尾的好时候,酒店筏排已经被承包15天,坐落在永武高速底下,桥上面是高速公路,水深18米, 一天24小时不停的换人,并且水底的窝料不能被中断, 每天必须上筏排上打窝,换人不断料,这种钓法是我们俱乐部的疯子们玩出来的,湖水面积很大,必须留住鱼群, 吃住全是自带,连做饭用的锅也带上到水上酒店

To see if they catch the fish at Last night,The fish was delicious, very fresh

Water hotels for cooking ,The fish is the freshest

Want to eat the freshest fish? Then go yourself fishing, This is China's top fishing maniac club
想吃到最新鲜的鱼吗? 那就自己去钓去.

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