The world's most "dangerous" ice cream, a hot out of the sky世界上最“危险”的冰淇淋,一口辣出天际

in cn •  7 years ago 

在苏格兰的一家咖啡馆里,正在供应着世界上最“危险”的冰淇淋。这种冰淇淋的辣度高达156.93万斯科维尔单位,比印度魔鬼椒的辣度还要高,所以被称为“魔鬼的呼吸”(“RespiroDelDiavolo”)。想要吃“魔鬼的呼吸”的人,一定要年满18岁,还要签上一份免责声明,方可品尝。In a cafe in Scotland, is supplied with the most "dangerous" ice cream in the world. This kind of ice cream go as high as 1.5693 million units, even more than India the devil pepper spiciness, so called "the devil's breath" (" RespiroDelDiavolo "). Want to eat "the devil's breath", must be at least 18 years old, to sign a disclaimer that can taste it.
这家咖啡馆的老板称:“这种口味的冰淇淋起源于意大利,为了获得‘魔鬼的呼吸’的制作配方,我也大费了一番功夫。为了让顾客能在保证自己的生命安全的前提下,去品尝我们店里的这款特色冰淇淋,我们还专门形容了一下这种辣度的感觉——虽然入口即化,但却像辣椒在嘴里核爆炸。”Cafe owner said: "this kind of flavors of ice cream that originated in Italy, in order to achieve" the devil's breath "production formula, I also took some time. In order to let customers can ensure the safety of his own life under the premise of the characteristics of ice cream to taste our store, we also specifically describe about the feeling of the spiciness - though melt in your mouth, but like chili nuclear explosions in the mouth."

这位小哥就是来尝试挑战“魔鬼的呼吸”的顾客之一,他和别的顾客一样,被辣到满脸通红。有的顾客被辣得受不了,不是拼命喝水就是去找垃圾桶大吐一番。In general, the clerk will advise the customer to be less "breathing" of the devil, after tried, want again to also don't late. Because "the devil's breath" process is more complex, more expensive than other flavors of ice cream shop.

The little elder brother is to try to challenge "the devil's breath," one of the customers, he and other customers, to flushed. Some customers be unbearably hot, not drink water is hard to find spit trash can.

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