
in cn •  last month 

最近长时间居家,一直在找好看电影,尤其喜欢看动画电影,特别是2D动画电影。3d建模技术越来越发达,越来越多的经典动画都开始由2d迈向3d。但是我一直觉得很奇怪,本身展示的也不是真实世界的故事。动画电影为什么要做的那么逼真呢? 偶然间看到这部电影,主人公们都是非常简单的几个线条,最复杂的场景也没有用多么复杂的笔触来描绘,简单但好看。 -电影一共有三个小故事,如果概括一下,其主体可以分别总结为善良,爱心和童真。三个故事都发生在同一个农场,主人公们都是小动物。 不得不承认,我不是一次看完这部电影的,内容对我来说确实有些幼稚和无聊,没有刺激的情节,但是戏中戏的设计相当讨巧,纯真而不低幼,整体性的荒诞风格和见缝插针的温情安排得鳞次栉比,水彩质感浓烈的画风别具一格却不喧宾夺主。几个故事麻雀虽小五脏俱全,笑点密集节奏紧凑,单拿出来其实都有被扩充成长片的可能,但主创依旧选择了这种更具备丰富性的表达。但我感到很难过,这好像意味着我开始变成一个失去童心的大人了。 所以这部电影适合小朋友看,适合还保有童心的大人看,更适合想保留童心的大人看。




I have been staying at home for a long time recently, and I have been looking for good movies. I especially like to watch animated movies, especially 2D animated movies. 3D modeling technology is becoming more and more advanced, and more and more classic animations are beginning to move from 2D to 3D. But I always find it strange that the stories shown are not real stories. Why do animated movies have to be so realistic? I saw this movie by chance. The protagonists are all very simple lines, and the most complicated scenes are not depicted with complicated brushstrokes. They are simple but beautiful. - There are three short stories in the movie. If you summarize it, the main body can be summarized as kindness, love and innocence. The three stories all take place on the same farm, and the protagonists are all small animals. I have to admit that I didn't finish watching this movie in one go. The content is indeed a bit childish and boring to me, and there is no exciting plot, but the design of the play within the play is quite pleasing, innocent but not childish, the overall absurd style and the warmth of finding gaps are arranged in rows, and the watercolor texture is unique but not overwhelming. The stories are small but complete, with lots of laughs and a tight rhythm. They could be expanded into feature films if they were taken out separately, but the creators still chose this more rich expression. But I feel sad, as it seems to mean that I am beginning to become an adult who has lost his childlike innocence. So this movie is suitable for children, adults who still have a childlike innocence, and even more suitable for adults who want to keep their childlike innocence.

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