
in cn •  7 years ago 


  1. 读书,至少10本。
  2. 锻炼,参加几次半程和全程马拉松。
  3. 每天在Steem平台写字。
  4. 好好学英语,重拾日语。
  5. 好好发展事业。
  6. 学习一门新的技能。
  7. 好好照顾家人,挣钱养家。
  8. 换一份工作。
  9. 去美国旅游。
  10. 多做善事。

Januaray is coming to an end, I hope it's not too late to make new year's Plans.

  1. Read as many books as possible, at least 10.
  2. Workout more. Run several marathons.
  3. Write
  4. Learn English, and pick up Japanese.
  5. Bring my career to a new level.
  6. Learn a new skill.
  7. Take good care of the family and ear more money.
  8. Quit my current job and find a new one.
  9. Travel to the United States and watch Broadway.
  10. Do more good deeds and make this world a better place.
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  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 

是啊,当初随便写的,not serious..

  ·  7 years ago