#96 Upcycled Newspaper Figures in Havana 创意十足的升级改造 | 环保征文~月旦评

in cn •  6 years ago  (edited)

What's up fellow Steemians! Today I'm going to show you a DIY home studio in the old district in Havana, Cuba. Seemingly useless stuff like old newspapers and wires were upcycled into cool figures here. Before that, I would first introduce the concept and benefits of "upcycle", and recall some upcycling examples from my previous posts.


Upcycling is a trendy way that contributes to sustainability. It also boasts some benefits comparing to recycling. Conventional recycling methods couldn't deal with certain materials, while upcycling reuse items made of most materials, and very little part is discarded in this process.

Another major benefit is it's more energy efficient than recycling. Recycling often breaks down the original material using more energy to make something else. Instead, upcycling usually utilizes a used object in an innovative way without reprocessing the material it's made from.

For example, we can repurpose books, logs, cupboards, feathers, glass bottles, coke cans, mixed media, etc., to find value in old objects. In my previous posts, I mentioned some examples, such as what you see in my photos below:

最近这些年,低碳生活逐渐成为人们所倡导和践行的环保理念,很多人开始在日常生活中试着为环境保护贡献一点自己的力量。英语里传过来的一个词 "upcycle" 变得越来越流行,势头盖过原有的热词"recycle" (循环利用)。"upcycle" 意思是“升级改造”,指用创新的方式将一些废弃旧物进行改造,让其发挥新的功效。

和循环利用(recycling)将原材料完全拆解再制成别的东西相比,升级改造(upcycling) 不对原材料进行再处理,而是换个方式利用它们。除了节约能源,升级改造的另一个好处就是能够让那些传统循环方式无法回收处理的物品再次被利用。


The 5 Christmas tree photos below were shot in Plaza de Armas(the central square) in Santiago de Chile, most of them were made of used objects like shoes and rag dolls:

I love how they upcycled the old window to a table in this hostel on the island of Chiloe:

The two pictures below were taken at a night art market in New Orleans, USA:

Now please follow me to a DIY home studio in Havana, Cuba. Let's check out how the owner turned the used objects like newspapers and wires into some fun figures.



下面的照片是客厅里的工作台,可以看到形态各异的狗,都是旧报纸糊在骨架上的。左边这只母的还戴着椰壳胸衣,真是热带风情满满啊~ :
Havana DIY (3).JPG

Havana DIY (2).JPG

Havana DIY (6).JPG


最后来张家庭工作室后门街上的我,感谢某路人甲为我留影一张 :)。典型的拉美风格老街,随处可见色彩浓烈的涂鸦:这跟“升级改造”有神马关系?抱歉我也不知道,但是貌似很多朋友喜欢看作者的照片,可能会增加可信度?我是个真人,真的去这个家庭工作室参观过并拍下了所有照片,哈哈哈


差点忘了提,大才女@dancingapple的环保征文和大才子@aaronli的“城事影像”都是超棒的活动,我这篇文章也是受到这两个活动的启发。大家给我点完赞留完言后,赶紧去他们的页面继续流连一下~ :D

So that's it for today. Have you been inspired? Did you notice anything upcyclable around you? Feel free to share your comments. Until next time! =)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

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The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves 鲜为人知的加勒比海滩 & 濒危的红树林

Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín 探索毒枭老巢的贫民窟

DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 23.135337 lat -82.351138 long Habana Vieja, Cuba d3scr

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  ·  6 years ago 


我也觉得 赞这些人

I’ve always wanted to go to Cuba. Those are some great figures. And the glass bottle cutting boards remind me of living in Key West. I’m pretty sure I bought one or two while there.

Thank you @boxcarblue for the resteem, much appreciated! I actually took the photo of the glass bottles in New Orleans(just added the missing English content for that), so it's not too far from Key West! =) Since there was no direct flight to USA, I flew from Cuba to Mexico, then to Florida. Do you have direct flights now connecting the 2 countries? I heard the situation is better?

Well, I don’t live in the States any more, but as far as I know, you can fly directly to Cuba these days. I don’t think that has changed since Trump took office.




:) 我也觉得

The Usage of paper for art purpose looks an attractive idea better than waste it. Cool figures made or surrounded by paper :) :)

That’s true. Thanks Phil for your visit! :)

Holy cow, this place brings recycling to the next level. A boat bench? A window table? How did they flatten those liquor bottles? This place is amazing.

Haha, your comment makes me smile, thanks! I think to flatten glass bottles, you'll need a kiln. :)

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What an incredible post! As a theatre-maker I love seeing artists and creatives reduce, reuse, and recycle in creative ways to produce their work. This is lovely!

I feel the same. :) Thanks Lily for your comment!

請原諒我這麼說 但是你確定這不是花費更多的資源(膠水)去打造大型垃圾?
Please forgive me for saying so but you are sure this is not to spend more resources (glue) to build large-scale garbage?

我不介意啊 谢谢你留言讨论 如果你觉得艺术品是大型垃圾 那就是吧 😂 我确实听过这样的说法:艺术和设计的区别就是 - 设计是有用的 艺术是无用的 (这是从实际功能来看,不排除艺术品有观赏等价值) ;)

If you think art is garbage, then it is. Actually I heard of this saying: the difference between art and design is - design is useful, while art is useless (in the practical sense). Thank you for your interesting comment, I really appreciate it! :)

感謝您的寬容! 也許您可以在上面增加一些功能 結合"長椅" 之類的....


以後每帖有真人相 粉絲 payout 大增

真的吗 哈哈😄

Very creative with newspaper. I like the orange bench too!

I think so too. Thanks @otage for stopping by! I remember your beautiful photography works. :)

Wow, what a lot of interesting things!! Ive never been to Cuba, but my husband's dad is from there.

Sounds cool! It’s a beautiful land with lots of friendly people. :)

  ·  6 years ago 


哈哈 被你一说还真有点 你是不是有密集恐惧症+被害妄想症

  ·  6 years ago 


  ·  6 years ago 


你误会了 只是为了对仗“大才女@dancingapple” 我也想过弄个反比“小混混@aaronli” 但觉得太狠了点 😏

  ·  6 years ago 


😏 你的想象力总是让人叹服

  ·  6 years ago 



  ·  6 years ago 


哈哈 谢谢猫女 你太有才了 回复得如此起承转合 😄


没错 =)

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wow some pretty cool ideas!! great way to recycle

True! Thanks @betterthanhome for dropping by.


哇 好荣幸 😊 仿佛已经看到印有我人形的奥斯卡奖杯在向我招手~


就这么素颜出镜都被老大夸成这样 我何德何能 💖

老大是谁?我啊?我没有化妆品的... 没机会化...

As usually great inspiration :) I like your way how you thinking!

Thank you @truestories for your constant support! =)

You are welcome ;-)

Hello! I have just featured one of your images that you recently submitted to my 7 World´s Continents Photo Challenge in today´s color challenge. Feel free to attend the post to interact with other users through answering some of the comments. Thank you. Have a great day. Tomas

ColorChallenge - Green Thursday - @itchyfeetdonica in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Wow, what a surprise! You know I can't thank you enough for your support as always. Have a great one too, Tomas! :)

作者照非常受欢迎啊😄 下次多放几张!

  ·  6 years ago 



哈哈 好的 能找到的就放 突然有点羡慕你媳妇啊 我很多时候一个人去浪没那么多照片咯