Translated by my Chinese friend @yangyang
这是鲔鱼先生。有很多关于投票机械人的话题再次在韩国 kr 小区引起讨论。就个人而言,对于投票机械人我没有任何概念。可是,最近我却认为投票机械人应该被广泛使用。首先,我将提供以下两个最近与投票机械人相关信息的连结。请仔细参阅以下的观点和意见,因为我们将可以从中理解更多。(很抱歉,它是韩文文章,但如果您用 google 翻译,我相信您定能理解个中的意义)
两人的观点都是在担心投票机械人所提供的服务将会造成负面影响,就如randowhale 文章中所提出的证据和观点。所以你们可以简单地采取这些意见作为推广 steemit;如果可能的话,更希望人们不要使用投票机械人的服务。为什么我说”如果可能”,是因为从根本上 steemit对投票机械人的服务或许是在忽略,也或许是鼓励,除非它引起了任何大问题。其实我认为Steemit 是非常独特的 SNS 世界并且与投票机械人密切相关。
好景不长,戴维那一直给予他支持的养父母突然在一场悲惨的交通事故中去世了。在那时,戴维年仅 16 岁。戴维十分震惊并且因此患上了严重的抑郁症,开始沉入痛苦之中。对于生活以及如何生活,他找不到任何的理由或答案。他整天蹲在自己的房间里,把自己孤立于外部世界。当地的福利中心有时也会派人来帮助戴维,但不是能阻止戴维想要从世界上消失的念头。实际上,更准确地说戴维已经忘记了整个世界。
时间在流逝,但对于戴维并没有什么变化。戴维只吃一点足够能唯持他的生命与灵魂的食物。唯一他会做的就是上网随意浏览。这是一个不欢迎我的世界......这个世界不属于我.....我在毫无意义地浪费时间只是为了摆脱无聊。后来,他知道了Facebook。但戴维不认识任何人。他会在Facebook上看到使用者和彼此成为朋友了苦涩的笑着。世界是通过 Facebook 连接在一起。戴维再一次感到自己被世界无视了。
一天,机缘巧合使他知道了 steemit。Beta 版本...甚至它还没正式启用。 有些人在谈论区块链和开发新世界。"区块链"......?因为没有可做的事,那我应该去了解它吗?哦,我总是没有什么要做的事情。
戴维试图找出有关的区块链,区块链對於他來說是新穎的。戴维原来是远离社会但开始变得被区块链中包含的轻微和叛逆精神所吸引。虽然他的生活与社会脱节,觉得社会不公平和很多事情都是由唯一的几个有权力的人所决定的。没有机会可以改变这样的社会。但是我们不是应该要尝试寻找出平衡的力量呢?即使区块链只是技术领域的其中之一,但它似乎像是一种信息。戴维的眼睛被照亮了,他重新把自己连接到 steemit。所以这系统是基于区块链吗?一篇篇的文章发表开始进入了他的视线。
戴维连续3 天没有吃东西。起初,他试图寻找steemit的特性,但后来变得更想知道这世界将怎么发展。此外,每一项活动是记录和揭示了 steemit。就是这样。。!如果世界这样下去,戴维认为,这世界里的某处会有一些空隙可以把自己挤进去。这将会是戴维再次面对世界的时候。
[Captured from]
"嗯......我问了一下,发现它叫做 'Korando'。
"Korando 吗?这是什么样的名字呢?"
"韩国可以做 Korando......也许它是来自韩国的车。
所有的巧合,让戴维想到 ”Rando”这名字是从他曾看到 “Korando” 的”Rando”所得来的。可能这是只有他能记住的名字。还有没有其它会比这更好的名字呢。竟然?什么他妈的......一些家伙已使用 @rando 账户。它可能是具有相同的名称的韩国人。他不得不向”Rando”添加额外的字母。应该是什么好?在深海中自由游泳的鱼吗?不。鲸鱼应该更好。好吧,在这被称为 steemit 的海洋,我将生作为鲸鱼。自从我出生以来,永远都不会向前走,但现在能够在大海洋里畅泳!
(Captured from @randowhale)
最后,账号被创建出来了。他把因养父母的交通事故所有收到的所有补偿兑换成steem power。现在他已经准备开始。然而,还有另一个问题。SNS对于曾与世界断絶来往的戴维来说是苍茫大海。他不知道从哪里开始以及如何开始。这是他的新挑战。
实际上,没有共同的话题,戴维也可以与其它人沟通。只是因为他的身体残疾和内向的性格使他不能随意走动,对他来说,旅行日记 @sweetsssj、四处游历,品味食物的@Meok--steem的韩国使用者都是与戴维不同的世界。他没有写文章的灵感,所以他不能写出任何像 @jack8831 这样的故事。当然,因为他是在韩国...这部份先让我们忽略。
戴维或 randowhale 开始通过程序设计在steemit 世界与我们交流。但他想要匿名。他只想在公平的游戏规则里操作。他阅读了白皮书,了解了规则。为了克服无法配合他的双腿,他想环游海洋。我想要去一个没有限制的某一小区或主题,一处是我需要的地方。但我无法靠自己找遍所有的地方。然后我只能让别人来找到我。如果有人需要我,或要求我能给予他什么,然后我又能给予他帮助。那会是什么?
Randowhale 开始设计投票机械人。如果有人需要我这意味着他们需要我的投票。然后我会给他们投票。这是好的信息还是坏的信息呢?也许是不可能会知道。但作为异于他人生活的人,在世界中的信息应分为好的、 有用的但不是坏的和没用的。如果有人发现我,是因为我的信息是非常有用的。这不需要我来判断而是应该由那些发现我的人来作出决定。
制造机器人并不违反steemit 小区的白皮书所提供规则的。在我steem能力所及的范围内可以进行投票。我只是适当使用那些权利,我甚至可以要求补偿。如果我可以以 10 美元去投票那就意味着我也可以索取 10 美元。但我会为我 10美元的投票能力设定较低的佣金,这是一个折扣。除此以外,如果我为10美元的投票能力设定较低的佣金,这意味着我已经创造出了附加价值。
但是,这里可能有使用者想要得到我的服务。在这些使用者中,我不希望是具有很多Steem能力或较高知名度的使用者。如果可能的话,更多的人能可以自由地使用这种服务后果将会更好。反正我对投票的能力有其限制,如果它是仅 1 美元 ~ 2 美元,这不会很难去使用它。
当有人找我帮忙时,我的@randowhale会给予回应。 我会留下记录,告诉人们我已经使用了多少投票以及我已经回复了他的请求,以便分享公平的记录。 另外对于我的其它用户,我将添加链接来表明我的目标和服务内容。 我不会再讨厌我以前的世界。 如果来自世界各地的用户要找我,那么我可以畅泳整个世界的海洋。 通过使用用户所提供的钱来加强我能力,我将能够成长。 你不认为这样有一天我将能成为真正的鲸鱼吗?
这就是我所知道的@randowhale 的故事。无论你相信与否...这其实是我编出来的故事。
什么样的人会像 @randowhale 一样制造出投票机械人的吗?当然,我们不能知道因为他们都是匿名的。但我们都不是在想做同样的事情吗?
• 灵活的人
• 年轻人
• 擅长于程序设计
• 有智慧,有头脑的
• 目标是steemit 系统的弱点
• 吸引投资者积极全面地看到结果的发展
• 喜欢以钱生钱的投资者
• 喜欢推出相类似服务来赚钱的
• 或亲自做类似的服务来假装推动竞争
首先,我想谈谈没有任何刻板印象的投票机器人它的使用及其意义。 从现在开始,我将发表一些文章是对这些问题做一些论述的,敬请关注。 谢谢。
Title: I think we should know how to use voting bot well. (Story of randowhale)
This is Salmon. There are lots of discussions going on about voting bot again kr community in Korea. Personally, I did not have any opinion about voting bot, however recently I made up my mind that voting bot should be actively used. First of all, I will give you two links below which is recent opinion that started coming up. Please see this people’s perspective and opinion carefully since we can learn a lot from it.(Unfortunately, it is in Korean, but if you use google translator I am sure you can understand)
Written by @twinbraid
Written by @tabris
Two people are concerned about the negative effect that will be caused by service provided from voting bot such as @randowhale based on evidence and perspective. So you can simply take those opinions as recommending steemit and hoping people do not use voting bot service ‘if possible’. The reason why I used phrase ‘if possible’ is because fundamentally steemit represents side ignorant of this issues unless if you are recommending voting bot or if there is any big problem, Steemit is very unique SNS world with voting bot hanging around.
Recently, I came up with 2 ideas while ‘actively' using voting bot. For the ideas, I will tell you from the writing below. But before that I will talk about my perspective on voting for your understanding.
May I l start with stories about @randowhale?
One day in 1980, a boy was born in one of hospital in Pyeongtaek Korea. Unfortunately, the boy was not healthy and suffered from severe polio due to virus infecting nervous system. Weak boy was abandoned by his parents and was adopted to one of household in USA through Holt Children's Services Inc. Only little information was transferred to parents through children's Services. Name is Park, Ran Do (박란도, 朴蘭道) estimated to be born in Pyeongtaek, 3 years old, and shows paralysis in lower body.
Step parents raised the kid with love. Boy was given name David. Step parents encouraged the child so he does not lose his dream and courage because of his physical disability. Boy was smart and grew up with dream to become programmer who overcame his defect. If he became programmer, he could use his hand to work and move around the world through internet.
But there was tragic accident. David’s step parents who were his big supporter suddenly passed away due to traffic accident. By then, David was only 16 years old. David was so shocked and started suffering from severe depression. He could not get any reason or answer to live and how to live. He crouched himself in his room all day. He was isolated from the outside world. People from local welfare center came sometimes for help but that could not stop David disappearing from the world. Actually, it is more accurate to say that David has forgotten about the world.
Time passed but nothing changed. He only extended his life with soulless meals. Only things he had done was surfing the internet. World that does not welcome me... The world different from where I live... I was spending meaningless time just to get out of boredom. He came to know Facebook. But David did not know anyone. He made bitter smile on his face seeing user becoming friends with each other. World is connected through Facebook.. David once more felt left out.
One day, by coincidence he happens to know steemit. Beta version... It was not even at the beginning. Some minions were talking things about Blockchain and opening of new world. ‘Blockchain”..? Since I don’t have anything to do should I just find out about it? Oh,, I always do not have anything to do.
David tried to find out about Blockchain. It was so innovative. David who was far away from the society started to get attracted to Blockchain which contains minor and rebellious spirit. Although he lived isolated from the society, he felt that society was unfair and many things were decided by only few who have power. There is no chance that such society will change. But shouldn’t we try to balance the power? Even though Blockchain was merely one of the fields in technology, it seems like message. His eye was lit up and he reconnected himself to steemit. So this system is based on Blockchain? One of the posting started to get into his sight.
David stayed overnight without eating anything for 3 days. At first, he tried to find identity of steemit, but instead get to know how the world is going on. Besides, every single activity was recorded and revealed through steemit. This is it..! If the world is going on like this, David thought that there must be some space somewhere that he could squeeze himself in. Finally, it was time for David to face the world again.
He wanted to make an account. He had to make name first. Should it contain name David? No.. David wanted to born again in the new world. Nobody can know, but my own secret… maybe name that even my real parents who are utter stranger won’t be able to know.
He could not the know meaning of his name and did not even try to know. One time he saw strange looking car passing the town through the window.
[Captured from]
“Daddy, what kind of car is that?”
“Hmm... I asked and found out that it is called ‘ Korando’.”
“Korando? What kind of name is that?”
“Korea Can Do-Korando.. Maybe it is car from Korea.”
“You meant that car is from Korea?”
“Hmm,, place called Pyeongtaek is where factory is located. Could it be your home town maybe?”
Korando.. I do not know about Korean but I was so happy that it has my name Rando in it. One day if I will be able to drive, I will drive that car.
All of sudden, David think about the name Rando that he recalled while looking at Korando. Probably, it is the name that only he could remember. There is no other name that is better than that. But? What the fuck… some guy has already made account using @rando. It must be the Korean guy who has same name as me. He had to add extra letters to Rando. What should be good? Salmon that freely swims in the deep ocean? No. Whale should be better. Alright, in this ocean called steemit, I will live as whale. Since I was born, I never walked before but now I will be able to swim big ocean!
(Captured from @randowhale)
Finally, ID was made. He withdrew all the compensation that he got from his step parents traffic accidents and charged steem power. Now he was ready to start. However, there was another problem. SNS was bondless sea to David who avoided any communication with the world. He did not know where to start and what to start. It was a new task for him.
Actually, there were no common topics that David could communicate with the others. It was because he could not hang around due to his physical disability and introverted characteristic, For him, travel diary of @sweetsssj, food trip by kr Muk-steem user( User of kr steemit who travels around for delicious food) was different world to him. His emotion was dried up so he could not write any story like @jack8831. Of course, since it is in Korean… Let’s Pass
So only thing that David could do was programming. Programming was David’s only joy. Logical composition and group of terms that do not allow any exception… Programming ensured fair world with definite result. It was not like that his discomfort with his leg that are coded well will go wrong or person with healthy body and charming characteristic can make wrong coding into work. The world that will be seen as it is made is the fair world David always hoped for.
David or randowale started to get connected with steemit world through programming. But he wanted to be anonymous. Most all, he wanted to play within the fair rules. He read whitepaper and learned rules. To overcome his complex with his legs, he wanted to travel around the ocean. Finding myself while not restricted to certain community or topic, I wanted to go wherever I need to be. But I cannot always find everything by myself. Instead then I will have to make others find me. If someone call myself and request what I can give, then I wanted to help accomplish it. What could it be?
Randowale started to make voting bot. If someone needs me that means they want voting. Then I will provide voting for them. Is there such thing as good or bad information? Probably there could be. But as a person who lived different from the others, information in the world should be divided as good, useful but not bad, and useless. If someone calls me up then that is because my information is pretty useful. I don’t need to judge. Decision should be made by people who call me.
Making bot does not violate rules of steemit community provided from whitepaper. I have the right to voting within my steem power. I am just using those right appropriately and I can even ask for compensation. If I can vote $10 then it is absolutely okay to ask for $10. But I will suggest lower commission fee for my $10 voting. This is a discount. Besides, if I created $10 voting with lower commission fee, then this means that I have created added value.
But… there could be users who want to use my service. Among those users, I don’t want users with many steem powers and high reputation to use. If possible it will be much better if many people can use it freely. Anyway my capability to voting has its limit and if it is only $1~$2, it won’t be hard to use it.
My @randowhale will reply right way once someone calls me. I will leave record to show people how much voting I have used and whose request I have replied in order to share fair record. Also for my other users, I will add up link to show my goals and content of services. I will no more hate the world that I used to. If user from all over the world calls me up then I can swim ocean of whole wide world. By powering up using steem dollar given by users, I will be able to grow. Don’t you think someday I will be able to become real whale?
Now, let’s go out to the ocean...
Whew, this is the story of @randowhale that I know. Believe it or not…actually it is a fiction that I made it up.
I think that most user do not have good perspective on voting bot. So do I. But before we start talking about voting bot, I wanted to get rid of stereotype
What kind of people will make voting bot like @randowhale? For sure, we cannot know since they are anonymous. But including me don’t we think about the same things?
• Cunning
• Young man
• Good at programming
• Smart, intelligent (Cunning )
• Target weakness of steemit system
• Attract investor actively after seeing result of progress is decent
• Investor who is like moneylender seeking for money
• Who tries to get money as much as he can until similar service comes out
• Or make similar service personally and pretend it is in competition
Don’t you think about the same thing? First, I wanted to talk about the use and its meaning of voting bot without any stereotype. From now on I will right some essays about these issues. Thank you.
The original text :
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