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真羡慕, 怎可以經常去旅行的? /_\ 我很喜歡那個STEEMIT的牌子, 懷念比利時的薯條。其實看完你的帖文才知道有這麼多地方玩呢,上次去的時候就覺得沒多少景點。

哈哈 谢谢!那个牌子真的很有意思,很多人在上面写各种他们想说的话然后扛着走。其实比利时也有很多有意思的地方,下次你来告诉我!

哈哈謝謝了!今年年初才去了一趟歐洲,短期內應該沒有多餘錢可以去了 xD 去的話一定找你 :)

ohh that's agreat

Thanks :P

Cool blog! i really miss going to festivals in the UK.

Looks so grey and cloudy, hope it didn't rain..

happy happy happy happy happy


Nice post bro
I will follow you, I hope you follow me too

Hey Thanks but I'm not a bro :P

:D made my day @joythewanderer :P definitely not bro haha :D Great post btw, you put a lot of work in it and got well deserved payout. Upvoted. Followed

Thanks for your comments and your time. I'm glad you liked it :D

I am sorry
In my place the name "joy" is the male name =D

Looks big, were you camping there too or did you just go for the day. The camp site at these parties are usually pretty fun.

I went there for a day, I heard camping is fun except you don't get much sleep.

Well if the party is good then you will not want to go to sleep.
Believe me, you will be surprised how well you will sleep in a tent close to the speakers at a festival.

It's similar to falling asleep in a conversation or while you watching a movie.

hahaha I understand you, might give it a try.

Rock Werchter festival that's great thanks keeps sharing.

Thanks for commenting :D I will keep sharing, stay tuned :P

哈哈哈哈 棒


WOW, amazing lineup, crazy that I've never heard about it. How many people where there @joythewanderer?

hahaha at least now you know and if you ever come visit Belgium, don't miss it :P

hahaha interesting gif!

Awesome. Little jealous, huge fan off the foo and Belgian fries with mayo. Great post.

Thanks :P Foo Fighters were wonderful!

Looks like tomorowland or untold festival. I think it is great !

Thanks! If you like Tomorrowland, you will like Rock Werchter for sure!

WOW! seems like you had a blast! wonderful pictures.

I really did! It was amazing! Thanks!

You have visited a lot of places, that's fantastic!

Thanks! I think I'm really lucky because traveling is my biggest passion. I will continue my journey and visit more places 💪

What a superb experience! I will follow you, please check out also my blog about Mexico, hope u enjoy it @sava Greetings ;)


good pictures and cool salute!)


Saludos, muy bonita las fotos ..!! follow me please @gaborey07

Saludos, muchas gracias!

wow! went few times to Europe but didnt been any music festive in there.

Maybe next time you can go to one. I think there are many nice festivals in Europe :D

Looks like a fun festival - music always sounds better live and in the open air!

If you like rock n roll, check out Rock n Roll Thursday, and post your favorite song!

Cool, I will check it out!