游戏竞赛番外/Talk about gamecontest

in cn •  7 years ago 

前段时间开始,筹备了游戏竞赛,虽然参与的朋友并不是特别多,但是,却也有幸结识了一群喜欢游戏的朋友(如: @kona @lixing  @incrediblesnow @kangnajiang )。游戏意味着乐趣,所以游戏竞赛的宣传语也很简单,发现乐趣!,前三期的游戏:2个手机游戏和一个大型在线扫雷游戏。

Some time ago, the game competition was held. Although there were not many participants, many friends who liked games were also known to each other( such as @kona @lixing  @incrediblesnow @kangnajiang ).Games mean fun, so the goal of the game is simple, find the fun!


Choosing a game is a problem, and a lot of fun mobile games need to be paid. Although I can provide paid accounts, it doesn't seem safe enough. Some free games do not support apple and Android at the same time.

就比如我今天玩的一个比较老的游戏:portal rage (传送门之怒) ,简直是难到爆!可以在AppStore下载,但是却不支持安卓 ,着实有些失望,不然这将是第四期绝佳的素材。

For example, I played a game called portal rage today,very difficult, you can download it from appstore,but dont support andriod. Otherwise, gamecontest can use this game.


Now, let me see how difficult this game is.


Reply me, your favourite game, maybe it will be used in gamecontest.

gamecontest post:

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I think #flappy-bird or similar type of it will be awesome for game contest.
And thanks for creating contest the prize is helpfull to newbies like me to move forward in this community.

very good post, very useful for the reader.


upvote and resteem.

Rupture 是我目前玩着的游戏。


cool keept it up