下班路上。很久都没有开车上班,现在的天每天都是灰蒙蒙,如果没有风,很难见到蓝色的天。是像人的一生嘛?年轻的时候不在乎身体健康,拼命的去奋斗,发展都要经历这样的蹂躏嘛?希望社会和谐,安居乐业,希望蓝色的天空还能回来。On the way to work. I haven’t drove to work for a long time. Nowadays, the sky is gray every day. If there is no wind, it is difficult to see the blue sky. Is it like a person's life? When you are young, you don’t care about your health. You work hard and you have to go through this kind of development. I hope that the society will be harmonious and live and work in peace, hoping that the blue sky will come back.
off work 下班路上
7 years ago by listwud (25)