The foreigner also likes the Chinese bonsai, look at the foreigner to make the Chinese invention of bonsai?(老外也喜歡中國盆景, 看看老外把中國人發明的盆景制作成什麽樣了)

in cn •  7 years ago 

Bonsai by Ivana Jurcic

Bonsai by abjurina

Bonsai #16 by ortizmj12

Cotoneaster by OpenEye

White Pine in the Snow by OpenEye

Bonsai Fall Colors — American Larch Bonsai by Grundlepuck

Bonsai in the Fall by Grundlepuck

Mame Ficus by OpenEye

Scarlet Begonias in Bonsai by the monk

Bonsai Trident Maple by Beverly Vealach

Bonsai Trident Maple by Beverly Vealach

Chinese Juniper, grafted on Sierra Juniper Bonsai by Eric in SF

Acer palmatum “Deshojo” Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree by Steve Greaves

Bald Cypress Bonsai by Eric in SF

Chinese Juniper Bonsai by Eric in SF

Mountain Hemlock Bonsai by Eric in SF


Perfection (bonsai) by * Yumi *

Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree (Acer Palmatum) by Steve Greaves

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