BBC曾在2015年8月推出过一部纪录片《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校 Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School》。
与此同时,英国教育部也决定引进中国的《一课一练》(One Lesson, One Exercise),推行“九九乘法表”(multiplication tables)并结合以前英国的教学方法,改成更适合英国学生的“12*12乘法表”(times tables up to 12 x 12)。
Tests to check whether eight- and nine-year-olds know their times tables will be trialled in some primary schools in England March before being rolled out nationally.
The test, which ministers hope will improve pupils’ numeracy, will become mandatory in 2020 for all year 4 students.
The government says the on-screen test, which assesses knowledge of the times tables up to 12, will last no longer than five minutes and has been designed to avoid causing additional stress for children and teachers.
The Department for Education sought to reassure teachers that the results would not be published and would not be used by the schools watchdog Ofsted to enforce any changes.
The idea of a multiplication test was first raised in the 2015 Conservative manifesto, and was originally intended for 11-year-olds. The numeracy skills of students in England lag behind those of their peers in east and south-east Asia.
The tests will reinforce the “mastery” approach to maths which is favoured by schools in Shanghai and Singapore and is gradually being introduced in English schools. In the most recent Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, England’s mean score was 546, compared with Singapore’s 618.
英国教育部学校事务部长Nick Gibb表示:“正如自然拼读测试能帮助正在学习阅读的孩子们一样,乘法表测试也能让老师们知道哪些学生需要额外辅导。”
Nick Gibb, the school standards minister, said: “Just as the phonics screening check helps children who are learning to read, the multiplication tables check will help teachers identify those pupils who require extra support.
“This will ensure that all pupils leave primary school knowing their times tables by heart and able to start secondary school with a secure grasp of fundamental arithmetic as a foundation for mathematics.”
不过,说到这位Nick Gibb部长,最近在参加ITV的Good Morning Britain 时被问到“8乘以9等于多少”时,却拒绝回答,并表示:
I'm not going to get into this live, I've learnt through bitter experience not to answer these questions.
“拒绝回答乘法表问题之前,Nick Gibb做得还行。(自己拒绝)却要8岁的孩子们记住还要考试!直播节目上回答的压力和8岁孩子在课堂上作答的压力一样好不好!#差评”
“真是难以置信,Nick Gibb部长居然在#gmb节目上拒绝参与这么简单的测试。真是太丢人了!至少期待他可以求助小抄的啊,他肯定知道会有这个环节的。”
英国全国校长协会副秘书长Nick Brook表示:“针对这个小学测试,我们对此持反对意见,我们积极地和政府方面沟通,但让人大失所望的是,政府对此依旧坚持己见。”
Nick Brook, the deputy general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: “We’re working constructively with the government on primary assessment generally so it’s hugely disappointing that they are still intent on the introduction of a multiplication tables test, which the NAHT opposes.”
Brook said: “Although school results won’t be published, this government test will be scrutinised by Ofsted when they visit and therefore become even more significant. A pupil’s primary school years are already cluttered with tests and checks. We want all children to succeed at school, but the answer isn’t to test them more.”
The tests will be tried out in a sample of schools this spring before being made available on a voluntary basis next year, and then compulsory the following year.