The brutal killing of a crocodile in Mexico / 墨西哥偷猎者残酷猎杀鳄鱼

in cn •  8 years ago 

The leather of the crocodile is strong, the lines are reasonable, and the longer it is, the longer it is. When people are full of joy to pick a crocodile leather products, but do not know how the back of a bloody transaction. Recently, foreign media reporter tail with poachers came to the a piece of jungle in Mexico, personally shot the poaching the crocodile hunting the cruel scene alive.


They hunted with raw chicken. / 他们以生鸡肉为诱饵进行捕猎。

In Mexico, poaching crocodiles will be sentenced to 15 years in prison. / 在墨西哥,偷猎鳄鱼会被判15年监禁。

After the alligator bites, the poaching will be severely hit their head, but only to stun, will not be killed, will affect the death of the cortex. / 鳄鱼上钩后,偷猎者会狠狠的击打他们的头部,但是仅仅是击晕,不会将其打死,死后会影响到皮质。

So when peeling, crocodiles must endure the life is stripped of pain. / 所以剥皮的时候,鳄鱼必须忍受这种生生被剥掉的痛苦。

A crocodile's skin is usually sold in fashion, and is made into shoes and clothes, which are known as the noble class. / 鳄鱼皮通常被卖到时尚圣地,被做成鞋子和衣服,称为贵族阶级的享用之物。

Crocodile meat sold less than the money, so it became the prey of the food. / 鳄鱼肉卖不到什么钱,于是成为了捕猎者的食物。


Although hunting is not allowed, a huge risk, but a night of harvest can let a person a month do not have to worry about upgrading, so a lot of people to take risks. / 虽然捕猎不被允许,风险巨大,但是一个晚上的收获就可以让一家人一整月都不用为升级担心,所以很多人铤而走险。

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According to some who had taken crocodile meat, it's so delicious. It's white flesh makes it very attractive that it taste like chicken.

like chicken?Really?

Just this friendly advice: You will get more upvotes if your grammar was better.

not bad for a second language though. ^^

And they farm lots of Alligators and Crocodiles in America. They should do that in Mexico. Why not?

Hard to watch but that's real life. It is one of those cases in which there's not the death itself that shocks but the method.