"春花秋月何时了,往事知多少?"今天是 2018 年一月 04 日,星期四。历史上的一月 04 日,steem 的 "cn" 板块发生过什么事?
Today is 星期四, 一月 04, 2018. What happened on 一月 04 in history? Let's take the time machine to review the wonderful world of the past on steem.
去年的今天,"cn" 类目共发布了47 篇帖子。我们为您随机挑选了一些帖子和回复如下。
2017-01-04 "cn" 类目随机挑选的回复 Randomly sampled replies in "cn" category
author | body |
@deanliu | 你這樣安排詞句是不行的,我幫你改改:...我的理想是成功,把這帖養大...過十年後如果還能來看這孩子,說明我活著了...這不好多了嗎? |
@solarguy | curse those tones. haha. Now if only the ktv showed pinyin then id be set. ^^ |
@djsonic | Wow very nice photos :) |
2017-01-04 "cn" 类目随机挑选几个帖子 Randomly sampled posts in "cn" category
2017-01-04 "cn" 类目收益最高的帖子 Top posts with the most payout in "cn" category
author | title | payout_SBD | net_votes |
@sweetsssj | Welcome to my world of Idioms #5 - Cats Hide Their Paws | 76.546 | 407 |
@xiaofang | My Countryside Photography - Green vegetables (original) | 43.555 | 100 |
@elfkitchen | Honey kumquat sauce(Original for Steemit) 蜜渍金桔 | 38.413 | 176 |
@rea | Traditional Pork Steak & Fried Apple / 焦糖苹果猪扒 | 35.670 | 149 |
@chinadaily | Daily News and review (2017-01-04)/每日资讯附个人点评(2017年1月4日,星期三) | 34.749 | 162 |
2017-01-04 "cn" 类目获赞最多的帖子 Top posts with the most net votes in "cn" category
2017-01-04 Randomly sampled posts on Steem
2017-01-04 Top posts with the most payout on Steem
2017-01-04 Top posts with the most net votes on Steem
author | title | payout_SBD | net_votes |
@steemvoter | Steemvoter News: Dust Settles and a Curation Guild is Born (Part 3 of 3) | 46.525 | 862 |
@steemsports | Tottenham Hotspur F.C. vs Chelsea F.C. | 20.396 | 730 |
@steemsports | Houston Rockets vs Oklahoma City Thunder | 69.342 | 678 |
@curie | The Daily Curie (03-04 Jan 2017) | 83.405 | 511 |
@ericvancewalton | Selling on Peerhub (My First Impression) | 114.007 | 463 |
"问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。" 本文由 @dapeng 的机器人账号 @pzhao 发布。感谢关注“大鹏观察”。欢迎留言,@dapeng 本人都会在此回复。谢谢。
Tags: #steemswatch