"春花秋月何时了,往事知多少?"今天是 2018 年一月 12 日,星期五。历史上的一月 12 日,steem 的 "cn" 板块发生过什么事?
Today is 星期五, 一月 12, 2018. What happened on 一月 12 in history? Let's take the time machine to review the wonderful world of the past on steem.
去年的今天,"cn" 类目共发布了37 篇帖子。我们为您随机挑选了一些帖子和回复如下。
2017-01-12 "cn" 类目随机挑选的回复 Randomly sampled replies in "cn" category
author | body |
@zhanmusi | If someone is beginning Chinese I would suggest they reach HSK 2 or 3 level (not actually taking the test) before looking for a language environment. Otherwise the learner will be helping locals practice English rather than learning Chinese. |
@gtg | Hello @jubi, welcome to Steemit :-) |
@solarguy | if it only it was as easy as posting a video you found online. |
@basicshari | Great video! Sure glad it had large subtitles in english. |
@jubi | i m so sorry about that this post was writeen in Chinese. |
@djsonic | It's very beautiful pictures :))...I like your job dear @dumping !! |
@myfirst | 欢迎新人,@sweetssj是CN的网红, 敢露脸为steemit做宣传,...第一贴,你会了很多,学会了发图,学会了编辑, 我们刚来的时候还不知道从哪开始....你敢露脸这个贴就会有人点赞. |
@jubi | 发这个帖子之前,认真学习了下呢,本来我也想露脸的,考虑大老爷们没啥好看的,就88了 |
@dumping | Thank you for rating.This is a photo of the tour, and I was a student.:)) |
@jubi | 已经到5000了。最好赶紧将币提到钱包,交易平台的监管意味着个人监管也将到来,如果你1000翻到10000,意味你可能要交纳2000不等的税。。。。哈哈, |
2017-01-12 "cn" 类目随机挑选几个帖子 Randomly sampled posts in "cn" category
2017-01-12 "cn" 类目收益最高的帖子 Top posts with the most payout in "cn" category
author | title | payout_SBD | net_votes |
@kingscrown | Understand The Power of China over Bitcoin and Current PBOC Controls Driving The Price Down | 126.929 | 345 |
@sweetsssj | The Status Matrix | 79.627 | 306 |
@myfirst | Please continue cut leek 割韭菜 | 30.530 | 124 |
@elfkitchen | Sweet Sour Fruit Soup (Original) 酸甜水果汤 | 28.826 | 166 |
@rea | An Authentic Middle East Dining Experience / 中东风味餐 | 25.631 | 128 |
2017-01-12 "cn" 类目获赞最多的帖子 Top posts with the most net votes in "cn" category
author | title | payout_SBD | net_votes |
@kingscrown | Understand The Power of China over Bitcoin and Current PBOC Controls Driving The Price Down | 126.929 | 345 |
@sweetsssj | The Status Matrix | 79.627 | 306 |
@chinadaily | Daily News and review (2017-01-12)/每日资讯附个人点评(2017年1月12日,星期日) | 13.450 | 258 |
@ability | The Delicious Noodles - Chongqing Noodles(重庆小面) | 13.486 | 172 |
@elfkitchen | Sweet Sour Fruit Soup (Original) 酸甜水果汤 | 28.826 | 166 |
2017-01-12 Randomly sampled posts on Steem
2017-01-12 Top posts with the most payout on Steem
2017-01-12 Top posts with the most net votes on Steem
author | title | payout_SBD | net_votes |
@steemvoter | Steemvoter.com Author Spotlight January 12th 2017 | 32.403 | 883 |
@thecryptofiend | Making a Ubuntu/Linux Virtual Machine Using VirtualBox - Step by Step Tutorial | 84.861 | 667 |
@dantheman | Are Blockchains Really Censorship Resistant? | 57.511 | 565 |
@curie | The Daily Curie (11-12 Jan 2017) | 14.313 | 547 |
@sirwinchester | Making Friends In The Streets Of Asia! | 14.889 | 478 |
"问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。" 本文由 @dapeng 的机器人账号 @pzhao 发布。感谢关注“大鹏观察”。欢迎留言,@dapeng 本人都会在此回复。谢谢。
Tags: #steemswatch