Better Than Fillet: Fish Head Stew 比脸盆还大的鱼头锅,比巴掌还小的瓦罐汤

in cn •  8 years ago 

In China fish head can be an independent dish and sometimes even more popular than fillet dish. The meat on fish head has better texture and more "fishy" flavor, so it is common to make a fish head stew/hotpot, alongside many veggies.

很久之前看The amazing race里面有次来中国任务是吃鱼头,然后必须吞下鱼眼睛作为挑战,看把他们为难的样子也怪心疼的,我虽然已经习惯了吃鱼的时候被鱼眼睛瞪着,但是吃鱼眼睛还是算了。当年在国外的时候三文鱼头都是无人问津的东西,很大一个鱼头2块钱就打发了,那时候我几乎每个星期都会去买一只炖汤喝,用做鲫鱼汤的方式稍微煎一下再大火炖煮到汤发白为止。回到国内三文鱼头跟其他鱼头一样,都成了专门一道菜,自然价格也就水涨船高再也没有当年这么美滋滋的好事了。

这家江西小馆子正是主打的就是超大鱼头锅,端上桌的时候大小把我吓了一跳, 因为不太能吃辣所以让辣度降到最低,我说有没有不辣的选择然后服务员露出了非常为难的表情。鱼头比照片中显得大,主要是为了配合鱼头店家的豆腐也比一般的大
Main dish: huge fish head and huge tofu stew, it is actually larger than it appears in the picture

Pigeon soup served in a tiny little pot

Multi-grain buns served with spicy pickles

For my son: Egg steam with clam


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What kind of food it is, i would love to eat some. looks delicious. You are lucky, thank you for sharing this with us. @stacee

Variety of food ingredients and complexity of cooking is amazing. Love to test them, looks very yummy. Thanks for sharing.

Thx for sharing

"fish heads, fish heads... rolly polly fish heads" (-:

"Eat them up, Yum!" lol

Was thinking the same thing,lol

Drool! This looks amazing @stacee! Here in Canada people throw away fish heads... But personally I LOVE them because I know that if you prepare them right... THEY ARE SO SO TASTY! :D

I know...I used to live in Canada and I always bought salmon heads at the time

See! So you know exactly what I'm talking about! lol! :D


Wow.are you cook all this food?

That looks awful I wouldn't want to eat that

You're a genius!

Hello @stacee! I'm so happy to find your blog! I'm a food lover too!
In my country too we eat a lot of fish heads, the taste is really very delicious and the meat is more tender!
Thanks so much for sharing such amazing food!

You're on fire!

I prefer fish head and the belly. The flavor and the taste on that part is more tasty.


Nice verity of testy food plz keep it up I will comment and up vote I hope you also up vote aand keep comment in @sanju

Nice photography bro
Visit my profile i hope you will like my post @bikalsiwakoti

@stacee is a female bro. You're not going to get any followers and votes like this. Why don't you find subjects you are really interested in and then actually go through the post and comment. You'll be noticed more that way.

Okay bro

Thank you my friend

No worries my friend. Need to maintain respect for the females wherever we are.

Interesting post and interested my heart when he saw his greetings know my friends may we become friends.

Hectic!! it will have to taste good.. enjoy.

Very delecius 👌
Upvoted 👍

Excellent comment, I really like your work. I think it is very objective in the analysis and in what you want to convey. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

nice spam in post about food lol


i like fish . great post dear for every one who loves fish. special thanks.

I am like your post. I am from Aceh.

Hello my Indonesian friend

i like fish most !!

Interesantes tus fotos....

comida ruim

In China fish head can be an independent dish and sometimes even more popular than fillet dish. The meat on fish head has better texture and more "fishy" flavor, so it is common to make a fish head stew/hotpot, alongside many veggies.

I really like your post like this eat da and I really like

OMG, the Tofu looks divine. So beautiful! Too many years not seeing Tofu like that. I seriously want some. Following for more "eye candy food" to follow.

Looks wonderful, and I really appreciate "waste-not, want-not" food. Many forms of cuisine or 'cordon-bleu' have their roots in culinary practice intended to make the most out of every last bit of stock with the least or nil waste.

Never heard of this concept but sounds cool!

it looks nice
and delicious



Looks Yummy! It will be even more heavenly to be eaten with crushed fried dried shrimp and dried chillies sauce! Delicious!

Good receipe! let me have a try



thanks for the great post , its my first time seeing these recipe





You've got the X-factor!

You're so creative!

Great delivery!

I'm inspired!

Whilst fish heads in the West are normally given to the cat, I know just how tasty this stew can be. Good post

These food pictures looked very nice. Thank you. The best part of the fish head has to be the eyes. Yummy....

I totally agree that fish head is superior to fillet. The meat is succulent and flavorful. I would rather eat fish head, neck and frame than the fillet anytime. This food looks absolutely delicious! I can't wait to get back to Asia.

Neck, plus eye lids are my choice

I love sea food. Try my fresh octopus Greek recipe to your mix.

You've got skills to envy.

You've got my attention.

I love sea please for me

I love eating fish heads. There is a saying in Nepal that fish heads are actually good for the human brain and eyes.

Similar sayings here!

Great. So we're both really smart then.

Wow ! Superb !!
Foods are really yummy !!!
Supershots !!
Happy Photography Day !
Upvoted !

wow 让我来呀 每次吃剁椒鱼头 我都小吃鱼眼睛以及旁边的那块最精华的鱼肉。


Yeah, looks really good. Would love to try that, looks there is still a lot of chinese food that I haven't tried and I probably won't unless I travel to China myself, which is actually my serious plan for next year :P

Of course, you will find a new world when you have some real Chinese food

If you had pictured your hand holding a spatula or spoon in the first picture, that would have given us an idea how "huge" it is :P

Now I am curious :D

Good suggestion! Will do that next time

wow......,nice food

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