What Q&A: A Steem Version of Quora | Steem版本的币问?What Q&A: 基于Steem区块链的问答app已上线

in cn •  7 years ago 

What Q&A @what-app just launched iOS app for the new Q&A platform based on Steem blockchain. I just noticed only iOS/Android apps will be available for users (Android app will be lauching soon), web version is not on the list, quite the opposite to Steemit. I am not sure how this will affect the quality of the content, since writing and editing on mobile will be a challenge for long answers.

Another Q&A platform named SteemThink will be lauching in the second season according to their schedule, check their annoucement SteemThink - The First Knowledge Sharing Platform Based on Steem block chain. and a web version will be on the first priority. It looks like now we have two competitors in the same area but with two different approaches. The question will be who is gonna laugh the best?

What Q&A Source

What Q&A Interface Source

What Q&A 这个基于Steem区块链的项目是SteemTracked的开发者的新项目。与老大哥Steemit千呼万唤出不来的移动客户端不同,这一次开发者充分拥抱移动互联网,只做iOS和安卓两个app,没有网页版。问答网站比如Quora、知乎平均篇幅都不短,只开放移动端将会对内容质量有一定影响。


两周前相似模式的SteemThink也宣布将会在第二季度上线,从这两者的简介来看,理念到UI都挺类似。而What Q&A, SteemThink看起来目标都是综合性社区,他们比币问拥有的优势在于从Steemit上引流一部分用户,初步成功后或许还能得到Steemit的SP代理,进一步激励发展新用户,从而反向回馈整个Steem生态链。互联网最不缺的是idea,就看哪个的执行力更强先把产品做好吸引用户吧。


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