
in cn •  5 months ago 


Potatoes tend to sprout if left too long, and it's a shame to throw them away. If you bought too many, it's time to use them up before they sprout! With this method, I can showcase an entire basket of potatoes at once! You can fry them directly or spray a bit of oil and use an air fryer.


  1. Combine salt, steamed potato mash, black pepper, five-spice powder, and cornstarch to form a dough.

2.取一小块土豆泥搓圆压平 先铺一层芝士碎

  1. Take a small piece of the potato dough, roll it into a ball, and flatten it. First, layer some shredded cheese on top.

3.加一点番茄酱 再撒一层芝士碎

  1. Add a bit of ketchup, then sprinkle another layer of shredded cheese.



  1. Roll the dough into a ball.


  1. Pinch out triangular ears, attach them to the head, and press the edges firmly.


  1. Use soy sauce to color the remaining potato mash.

7.随意给猫猫贴出花纹 炸至金黄外酥里嫩

  1. Decorate the cat with random patterns and fry until golden and crispy on the outside, tender on the inside.

8.放在金属网上控一下油 再用融化的巧克力画出表情

  1. Place them on a metal rack to drain excess oil, then use melted chocolate to draw facial expressions.



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