The english translation for people who might need it (We all know how bad google translate is as some chinese words can't be taken literally lol):
After I posted my article yesterday, one friend gave me a private message asking: "Who is the person you're referring to in the article?" I just smiled and said, Didn't you see I don't put any name in the article? This is not only to give that person a rudimentary respect, more importantly, my concerns is on the matter not on the person . I do not agree with his approach, and I don't dislike him personally, this is two different things.
Big Brother(I think this is what he actually means) abit give us limited authority, supporting us to maintain the chinese steemit community together, of course, to say it like this is a little bit overexaggerating, plainly speaking, abit trusted us to give upvote on any post that we deem excellent, and this is a good thing, it is not merely a matter of trust, I personally feel that my responsibility is bigger, just like what I often say, with greater authority, we should be more cautious and careful to make sure we do things right, so we don't put our boss down... Just joking, I drifted away too far from the topic.
Below we go back on topic.
Today is my turn to run a teahouse (There is a historical background story about teahouse but to put it simply I think what he means is like opening a thread on a forum -- means he's the Thread Starter), I propose a new issue, of course it's not entirely a new issue, similar to the topic everybody is talking about these days, it is --How to Develop Chinese Steemit Community--, this topic may sounds complicated, but not really, I firmly believe that as long as everyone contribute a little, I believe steemit will have a brighter tomorrow.
I propose excellent posts recommendation system, just like han dynasty's filial piety recommendation system(to put it simply is to recommend people who are filial and morally superior to take important office in the government), everybody can also recommend post that you personally think as excellent below our tea house thread post. Even though this is not system is not the best solution, but at present, at least from all what I can think of, I personally believe this is a better solution. I also said, you can also volunteer, don't be shy, "to appoint the competent person, even if it is one's own relative" (内举不避亲is a 成语(chengyu) -- I can't explain about it in several words, just take it as he is simply using it to make his point more convincing), as long as you think you that are able, we naturally will welcome you.
Additionally, when we were discussing on how to improve rules formulation, at first there is also some controversy, but I always believe, since it is a discussion, that means discussing it thoroughly, the door are closed anyway, it is only a several people meeting, arguing, even fighting over it, it doesn't matter, but after the door is opened, then that means we have to have the same saying, at least we cannot say different things in public.
Everyone who watches the news, you can see even in livestream how the officials fight when they hold a meeting, do not laugh, it is not ridiculous, on the contrary, I think this is how democracy should be, I am very supporting of it. Of course, democracy also has its bad side, like low efficiency, but it doesn't matter, we can discuss, there are not many people anyway, not as much as hundreds of WTO countries,if we want to reach an agreement, Isn't it will be extremely hard?(what he means is if there are a lot of people holding a meeting it would be very hard for everybody to reach an agreement, but since there is only several persons so it should be easy)
In this regard, I talk about some of my opinions about the community's future discussions, This is my different opinions on the matter:
in the future, everyone in the community who proposes any subject about restriction, he/she must get everybody's consent. If there is but one who disagreed, you either give up, or you change your method.
We only restrict what really needs to be restricted;
On the contrary, if there is no restriction, which means it is allowed, if there is a problem, then at least it is not a matter of law;
one word, Absence of Legal Prohibition Means Freedom!