[VFC] VFCash - Mine-able DAG Coin - 维福币 - DAG项目介绍

in cn •  5 years ago  (edited)


VF Cash(VFC) is a Cryptocurrency project that started on the 23rd of April 2019. It is a mineable cryptocurrency built from the ground up featuring cutting edge cryptography and the world's first PROOF-OF-KEY algorithm. Lightweight, secure, and fast.

What is DAG:

Directed acyclic Graph - DAG technology can be simply described as blockchain without blocks. In this network, transactions are directly connected to the chain without requiring any miners to validate blocks.

Other project based on DAG: Nano, IOTA, Obyte , XDag


VFC features the world’s first Proof-of-Key (POK) algorithm, consisting of a finders-keepers distribution system similar to mining, and a transaction rate limit per address / public key of three seconds for the confirmation period. This prevents the sender of the transaction from making any further transactions during this period.


  • Name: VF Cash (VFC)
  • Total Supply: 1.8 billion
  • Pre-Mine: 4 million
  • POW: Proof of Key

Info Links:

Please follow my account, and the mining tutorial will be completed in next article!


今年4月,英国的开发人员James发布了一款新的轻量级的基于DAG的区块链项目:VFCash(VFC)维福币! VFC的特点是采用Proof-of-Key(POK)来代替传统的POW挖矿机制。

区别于传统的钱包方式,VFC所有的操作都基于一个KEY对,即Private Key和Public Key对。不用下载钱包,直接打开网站,或者下载客户端,即可生成一个Key对,保存这个Private Key即可,以后可以拿来当做自己的钱包用! 可以直接在官网上进行查询,转账等操作! 转账费用为0,速度超级快。

记住:一定要保存好Private Key咯,所有的操作都需要这个!

网页钱包操作: https://vfcash.uk/wallet/ (此页面会随机生成一个KEY对,你可以拿来当自己的钱包用,只要保存Private Key即可! 同时在此页面可使用Private Key来查询余额,进行转账等操作)

关于挖矿:VFC支持离线挖矿,即你完全可以不要钱包,下载他们的挖矿软件直接挖! 挖出来的也是Private KEY(密钥)列表,并自动保存在一个文件里! 你可以选一个Key当自己的钱包,也可以打开官网随机生成一个KEY对当钱包,把挖到的KEY列表里的币全部转到这个钱包KEY里即可!

具体的挖矿操作,将在下一篇文章里讲述! 欢迎关注~!!

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