Open Wide Your Eyes Before Clicking On The Email Link!

in cn •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hi to all beloved Steemians,

Today, I wanna talk about the phising email scam (Yeah, even though it's the same old sh*t, but many of the newbies still get hooked with it)

The incident was happened about six days ago, where I received a so called "blockchain's account deletion" email from blockchain.

At first, I was a little bit nervous and anxious, because I don't know why my bitcoin account was deleted.

I clicked the email and checked the content...

Before I clicked the big blue "cancel" button, I noticed the url at the bottom of the email wasn't right (I immediately turned into Sherlock Pon now XD)

Blockchain hack.jpg

If you look it carefully, you'll notice that the word is 'bclockchain' instead of 'blockchain'. There's another letter 'c'!

Luckily, I double checked the url, before I proceed to the website. If not, my blockchain's account is 100% got hacked by this nasty hacker!

Moral of this story - Always open wide your eyes, before clicking on your emails, especially those with links! Else, you'll be regretted for not paying attention on it.






在单击蓝色的特大“取消”按钮之前,我注意到电子邮件底部的网址有些可疑(我瞬间变成了福尔潘斯 XD)



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Great PSA. its easy to get scammed and phished in crypto, even we had our fair shares of close encounters and incidents.


来自于 [WhereIn Android] (

Dear @wilhb81

Thanks for sharing your experience with us mr Sherlock Pon :)

Upvote on the way
Yours, Piotr