上一篇 支付宝扫码支付(当面付)开发流程 / How to integrate scanning user Alipay paycode to get payment?
我描述一下流程,在实现过程中,发现一个问题,就是如果你用得不是阿里官方支持的开发语言(C#, Java, PHP),那么你需要自己使用处理 HTTP 请求,其中最麻烦的一步是 商户请求参数的签名串,详见签名 ,当前这里只支持 RSAWithSHA1,我这次用的是 Delphi,在网上找了一代码,比如
这段代码很奇怪,有时候签出来的了符不对,所以我直接用 VC2010 写了一个 DLL 直接 link OpenSSL 的 libary (这个 library 在 secret_key_tools_RSA_win 自带
int __stdcall sign_data(
const void *buf, /* input data: byte array */
size_t buf_len,
void *pkey, /* input private key: byte array of the PEM representation */
size_t pkey_len,
void *out_sig, /* output signature block, allocated in the function */
size_t out_sig_len)
int status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
int rc = 1;
SHA_CTX sha_ctx = { 0 };
unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
rc = SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
//if (1 != rc) { status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto end; }
rc = SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, buf, buf_len);
//if (1 != rc) { status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto end; }
rc = SHA1_Final(digest, &sha_ctx);
//if (1 != rc) { status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto end; }
BIO *b = NULL;
RSA *r = NULL;
b = BIO_new_mem_buf(pkey, pkey_len);
r = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(b, NULL, NULL, NULL);
unsigned char *sig = NULL;
unsigned int sig_len = 0;
int s = RSA_size(r);
sig = (unsigned char *)malloc(s);
//if (NULL == sig) {status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto end; }
rc = RSA_sign(NID_sha1, digest, sizeof digest, sig, &sig_len, r);
//if (1 != rc) {status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto end; }
base64_encode((char *)sig, sig_len, (char *)out_sig, out_sig_len);
return status;
Delphi 里
function sign_data(
buf: PChar;
buf_len: integer;
pkey: PChar;
pkey_len: integer;
out_sig: PChar;
out_sign_len: integer): integer;
external 'RSAWithSHA1DLL.dll';