水, 是小孩子们最喜欢的了。 如果我吩咐我的儿子自己去洗澡, 他就会洗到手脚的皮都皱了才出来。 进去浴室一看, 整间浴室都是湿的, 连卫生纸都湿了。 更小的时候呢, 一旦在屋外, 一个不留神, 就直接扭开水龙头了。 连下雨天走在外面都要踩两脚。 好吧, 不要老说自己的儿子。 你不也一样啊? 我只记得我把浴室的排水孔堵住开始放水。 你呢?
谁不喜欢玩水? 尤其是在这种没有四季的赤道国家? 可是这里最靠近的只有河, 还是全马来西亚最长的河, 拉让江。 WOW !!! 最长哦, 全长563公里。 好啦, 没有黄河那么澎湃。
The longest river in Malaysia, Rajang River. Full length is 563KM.
可是, 你也不太敢随便下去。 因为 。。。。有鳄鱼啊!!!
Crocodile can be found almost the whole river, no matter upstream or downstream. It's not safe to swim in it.
好吧。 小孩子们每次去河边看船, 除了对钓鱼有兴趣, 就是船了。 要玩水, 绝对不会告诉你:“走,我们去河边玩水!” 只会说, 去游泳池, 去海边。 所以我的选择基本都是去海边。 (可是好远。。。)
你说才那么点距离,还说远? 大哥, 这不是高速公路啊。 可是至少已经是柏油路了。
Belawai can be the nearest beach from Sibu town.
每次去都是去同一个民宿, 因为他的品质比较好。 (私有地。。。私有地。。。私有地。。。真好啊!!) 房间选择比较多, 有电风扇或者空调。 最近新加入了新的设计和房间。 老板对于客户需求考虑得相当周到。 不多说, 请看图。 (其实就是懒。)
I prefer this Iftitah Resort because the owner do very well and complete consideration for tourist needs.
Free entry.
Halal restaurant.
活动室。可以提供不同室内活动需求, 包括会议。
Activity room which can fit multiple use.
A small pool for kids.
烤肉区。 这次没打算烤肉。
BBQ area.
浪漫的粉红色秋千。 可惜没人陪我。
A romantic pink swing.
来看一下住的地方吧。 从最基本的普通房, 到比较高级的空调房, 双层民宿, 还有海景房都有。 老板基本上配备了大量的水龙头, 供清洗用。 真的很贴心。
There are different kinds of rooms for choice. Room with fan, or with air-cond, even sea view room. And they provided a lots of pipe water for cleaning purposes.
These are normal rooms with fan.
Double story with air-cond.
空调房, 二楼是开放空间。
Air-cond rooms with upstairs open space.
It's FUN time
玩泥沙。 这是必须的。
蓝蓝的海, 我来了!!! 做梦吧! 海水是 海蓝色 奶茶色的 ORZ.... 是的, 这是因为外面并不是洋, 而是海, 南中国海域; 再来就是这属于拉让江支流的入海口, 所以, 将就一下吧, 这附近找不到蓝色的海水啊!!!
超级大热天,中午, 大太阳下, 下海玩水。 这里没有图。 我不想手机拿去泡海水。 原本带了桶子是给他们捡些贝壳玩玩, 结果让我很惊讶的是,我女儿竟然在海里发现宝贝。 我看到她在海面上拾到一片叶子, 然后看了一眼, 一摔把它丢了。 然后又拾回来, 拿来问我, 叶子上面黑黑的是什么? 我一看, 神了, 竟然有乌贼附在上面。 这可是我从来没看过的。 好吧, 装进桶子里。 经过反复测试, 海面上的叶片底下常会藏着小乌贼。 我猜测是不是太阳太大, 它也怕热? 反正就是屡试不爽, 找了好几片都有收获。其实, 后来我女儿说有看到白白色, 透明那样, 好像花朵会打开的东西, 可是我没找着。 我告诉她那可能是水母, 等等我看到帮她抓, 她说不可以, 因为会中毒。 (女儿真贴心。)
My daughter found squids hide under leaves which float on see. So I tried to help her to caught some in pail.
它会变色哦。 为什么我不知道。 只是觉得应该是保护色。 然后, 墨汁已经吐到没有得吐了。 那墨汁吐出来真的是一团, 极缓慢的扩散消失。
They can change color to mimic the environment.
Something in my memory
在海里泡了好久, 小孩子终于愿意放过我, 可以回去房间了。 随便吃了点东西, 补充水分, 吩咐老婆陪他们去午睡。 我终于可以自己去外面流浪了。 (不是不要带他们去, 而是不想抱两个人回来。) 虽然还是烈日当空, 我还是满怀期望可以看到一些小时候去海边看到的生物。 结果当然不如预期, 几十年过去, 环境的变化, 生物数量早已不如从前。 沙滩上贝壳少见了, 寄居蟹也少了, 更不用说海里看不见的。
After hours in sea, finally kids wanted to back to our room for rest. I'm free from burning sun. Of course just rest for a while, I started my own walk by the seashore. Wish that I can still find some interesting creature that I saw when I was small. But, things changed now.
因为我忘了现在正值斋戒月, 所以差点找不到吃的。 还好还有这简单的椰浆饭, 搭配一些糕点将就一下。
I totally forgot that our Malay friends are having their fasting month before their new year. The only food I can found is just this simple nasi lemak and some dessert.
这是最常见的。 大家猜这是什么? 这是红树的种子, 叫水笔仔。 这支像笔一样的种子落下后会插入烂泥中生长。
Seed of Kandelia obovata, a kind of mangrove plants that grow around the river band. Seed will drop and plug into mud to grow.
小时候爸爸告诉我这是鱼鳞。 哦。。。鱼鳞。。。小时候海滩上好多, 直径大概是7cm 到 10cm 都有。 到底属于什么鱼啊??
I'm wondering what fish scale is this.
不知道哪里飘来的亚答树。 住在河边的都是用这些棕榈树的叶子来编制成屋顶。 会生产很大一串果实。
Mangrove palm that floated from somewhere. Native build their roof with these leave.
马蹄蟹。 可惜死了。
Dead horseshoe crab.
又是一只死掉的。。。水母。。。记得小时候会看到脸盘大的水母在海滩上, 现在都没了。 以前可以随手拾起一片鳞片, 把它们切得稀巴烂。
A dead jelly fish. When I was small, sometimes I can find a lots of them on beach. I van simply pick up a fish scale, and slice them into small pieces. But not now again.
Go Home
It's time to go home. Sand flies chasing behind. (Ya, there are a lots of them.) My hands and foot full of red dots and they are itchy.
Hey @wongshiying
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Thanks For Your Efforts
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This weeks weather forecast says #Beachday #Beachday #Beachday .....☀️☀️ With over 200km of gorgeous golden sand beaches across #Wexford there are plenty to choose from. #SunnySoutheast
Successful beach day with the kiddos! 🏖 Probably one of the COOLEST beaches I've ever been to! Love how you can drive and park right on the sand, hike up a huge sand dune and have a 360 degree breath taking view! AND it finally warmed up here in the PNW so I could wear my cute swimsuit I got from @pinesandpalmsswim! The front and back of this bathing suit is my favorite!! 💗 Just 102 degrees today and we have no AC 😬 so an all day trip to the coast was a must! 🔥 If you ever come to Oregon, put Pacific City on your to do list! And for those that have been to Oregon, what's your favorite beach and why? #capekiwanda #oregonexplored
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今年年尾我打算去Miri 玩,你住那边?
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great work and nice ohoto
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واضح انه كان يوم رائع اتمنى انك تكون انبسط بجد
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wow! i've been there too! i wish i could go back!
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Nice to meet you. I've never expected this place is so famous ....
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@wongshiying The beach looks so peaceful! I really enjoyed your pictures. What country is this! looks so beautiful. I am curious!>
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Wow, that looks like a great time with some cool places and different creatures! Thanks for sharing :)
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Ya...this is quite a cool place ....I'll try to share more.
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been there a few days ago .. gonna share soon
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Good ...waiting for your share....
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beautiful nature
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Thanks for like my share.
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I was 2 years ago in this places. That's beautiful, I recommended it always
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@emmalore you are local too??
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No, I'm from Yichang in China, but I'm traveler, and I'm offten in Malaysia (delegation from work)
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Oh...great....nice to meet you ..
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What a wonderful post. Would love to visit those places..so beautiful....Thanks for sharing
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Maybe can have a visit once you have the chance...
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多谢分享, 马蹄蟹从未见过,能吃不?
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我也没吃过。 据说只有蛋好吃。 在头部的。 改天我去买来开箱看看。
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Wow very nice
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very nice post.. nice pictures, enjoy life
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I like to share but writing a story is not easy for me. Have to try harder..
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我很开心找的个回答中文英文的人。你的照片都好看。看起来好玩儿。 请来看一下我的最近的post. 下一次试一下打中文
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原本只想弄中文的。 后来想想, 把英文都弄一些好了。
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Those shrimp look creepy. LOL
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Great post! Keep it up :)
By the way, I'm following you now
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Nice photos and beautiful location.
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@shirish5 thanks for like my introduction ...it's a good place ..
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The squids are my favorite. Such an awesome thing to experience
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Thanks...I'll continue to share..
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I never sow such great beach !! Upvoted, can you please guys see my Trip experience - Dubrovnik - Croatia https://steemit.com/travel/@cryptomonitor/exploring-world-my-trip-to-dubrovnik-croatia . Upvote, comment, follow me for more Croatia, thank you !!
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Great post:)) amazing photos and great shot...upvoted
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@wongshiying this place is a heaven :) Come and visit Warsaw next time. It's beautiful city with great food. Take a look :)
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@radzioha I'll if I got the chance..
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Beautiful beach! I wish I could spend days there! ;)
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