The most romantic 15 places in the world, life must go and see

in cn •  7 years ago 

1.玻利維亞“天空之鏡”Bolivia "sky mirror"



烏尤尼鹽沼在玻利維亞波托西省西部高原內,海拔3,656米(11,995英尺),長150公裏,寬130公裏,面積9,065平方公裏,為世界最大的鹽層覆蓋的荒原,有“天空之鏡”的美稱。邊緣有鹽場,主要鹽場間有公路相通。Uyuni salt marshes in Bolivia potosi provinces in the west plateau, at an altitude of 3656 meters (11995 feet), long 150 kilometers, 130 kilometers wide, covers an area of 9065 square kilometers, is the world's largest salt layer covered wilderness, have the laudatory title of "sky mirror". There are salt fields on the edge, and the main salt fields are connected by highways.

2.馬爾代夫,水上木屋Maldives, water cabin.IMG_0642.JPGIMG_0644.JPG

It would be nice to watch the sunrise and sunset or have a nice dinner.
3.巴哈马哈勃岛粉色沙滩Pink beach, Harper island, Bahamas.


粉色沙灘位於巴哈馬群島上哈勃島,被美國《新聞周刊》評選為世界上最性感的海灘。粉紅海灘長約三英裏,水清沙幼。真正的粉色沙礫是其最大特點。海灘沿岸有由25座色彩斑斕的小別墅組成的豪華度假地。這些小別墅融合了摩洛哥、印度以及印尼巴厘島等多種風格。這裏還是世界上最頂級的潛水勝地。Located on the Bahamas in the Bahamas, the pink beach is voted the sexiest beach in the world by newsweek. The pink beach is about three miles long. The real pink grit is its biggest feature. The beach is a luxury resort made up of 25 colorful villas. The villas are a blend of Morocco, India and Bali, Indonesia. It is also the world's top diving resort.IMG_0646.JPG

4.加利福尼亞,享受樹上的二人浪漫California, enjoy the romance of the two on the tree.
5.聖托裏尼,體驗洞穴裏的愛情海美景Santorini, experience the sea of love in the cave.

6.泰國蘇梅島的瀉湖中,看場露天電影An open-air movie in the lagoon of samui, Thailand.

7.瑞士的克萊恩蒙塔納,泡雪景溫泉Klinmontana, Switzerland!IMG_0650.JPG

8.寧凡灣,躺在木屋裏聽海浪的聲音In the bay of ningfan, the sound of the waves in the log cabin.

9.斐濟,與魚群壹起入眠Fiji, sleep with fish.

10.新加坡金沙頂層,泳池裏看日落At the top of Singapore's sands, a sunset is seen in the pool.

11.新西蘭懷托摩螢火蟲洞,燦若繁星New Zealand's waitomo glowworm hole, full of stars.


12.芬蘭,玻璃穹頂內看星星和北極光芬兰,玻璃穹顶内看星星和北极光In Finland, the glass dome looks at the stars and the northern lights.

13.德国,玻璃图书馆中,消磨午后In the glass library in Germany, spend the afternoon.

14.日本合掌村,體驗童話裏的雪鄉Japan is a village, experience the snow in fairy tale.


清邁,和最重要的人,過水燈節Chiang mai, and the most important person, the Lantern Festival.


好了 大家 這期就到這裏啦,其實還有好多好多的美麗的地方;每個人心裏的想法也不壹樣,所以我只是找出了這幾個地方,有興趣的小夥伴可以留言評論哦,大家壹起來認識這些美麗的地方,好了 大家再見,願每壹個讀者都有壹個好心情Well, here we are, and there are so many beautiful places. Everyone's ideas are not the same as in my heart, so I just found out this a few places, interested friends can leave comments, everybody together to meet these beautiful places, okay Goodbye everyone, I hope every reader have a good moodIMG_0641.JPG

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