Thank you to CNBC for having a lot of great interviews today : Flynt, Dimon; Blankfein and co

in cnbc •  7 years ago  (edited)

Screenshot from 2018-01-24 14-25-42.png

From Flynt, the concept of purpose or goal for a company. I think this is exactly what PIVX has been able to achieve ! So great Job guys.

From Dimon, I saw a man wiser to keep quiet on btc pricing. However I saw a real enthusiasm in #maga ! Really his bridge story is totally understandable. What a shame ! From a PIVX perspective continuing to improve the chain is a must !

From Blankfein, I heard him say some positive things about POTUS45 which is great ! specially he seems to have some undefined social issues but for all the rest he seems very happy with DJT45 which is encouraging. Improving PIVX until $GS owns at least a MN :).

In short, if you have a tivo or some kind of recorders please watch those interviews they are really interesting and a not to miss opportunity.

Again thanks for the work that cnbc does in offering such guess, uncensored or curated free speech spaces (I dare anyone to censor or "curate" any on the three I earlier mentionned).

And thank you to them and all the others who take the time to speak to the public :).

For DJT, I would recommend a walk in the forest with the three... good for health, good for weight, good for infrastructure planning, good for consensus building, good for #maga

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