study english with cnn - 2019.02.19

in cnn10 •  6 years ago  (edited)

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A very warm welcome to our viewers on every continent but Antarctica. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10. If you`re wondering why we didn`t have a show yesterday, the reason`s just a few minutes away after we make stops in the Caribbean and South America. Let`s go. U.S.
어제 쇼가 업로드되지 않은 이유가 궁금하다면 우리가 캐리비언과 남아프리카를 들른 뒤 몇 분 뒤에 그 이유가 나옵니다. 미국으로 가죠.

Central Intelligence Agency says Haiti, an island nation between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea has had political struggles for most of it`s history. One is occurring right now. Since February 7th violent and deadly protests have been held in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince.
CIA는 대서양과 캐리비언해 사이의 섬나라인 하이티가 역사 대부분동안 정치적 투쟁을 해 왔다고 언급한다.(말하다? 발표한다?는 이상해서) 한 가지는 지금도 발생하고 있다. 2월 7일부터 폭력적이고 치명적인 시위가 수도에서 진행되고 있다.

Cars have been burned. Protestors have fought with police. The U.S. State Department says violent crime like armed robbery is common in Haiti and that responses to emergency calls are either limited or they don`t happen at all.
차들은 불탔다. 시위대들은 경찰과 싸워왔다. 미 국방부는 파이티에서 무장강도같은 폭력적인 범죄는 일반적이며 응급 전화에 대한 대응은 제한되거나 불가능하다고(발생하지 않는다)고 전한다.

Demonstrators want President Jovenel Moise to resign. They blame him for the soaring costs of goods and corruption within the government. On Saturday night, the nations prime minister asked for calm and acknowledged there is corruption in Haiti but that the government would fight and uncover it.
시위대들은 대통령 사임을 원한다. 그들은 치솟는 물가와 정부 부패를 이유로 그를 비난한다. 토요일밤 국무총리는 하이티 내 부패에 대해 인지하고 있고 진정할 것으로 요구했으나 정부는 대항했고 부패를 드러냈다(it의 정확한 의미를 모르겠음, 시위대를 진정시키려는 수상의 입장과 반대인 듯함)

And President Moise says he will not leave Haiti quote "in the hands of armed gangs and drug traffickers." Haiti is the poorest country in the

Western Hemisphere. More than half the population lives below the national poverty line and there are questions about some arrests that were made in

the past few days. Haitis government says seven of the eight people taken into custody arent from Haiti.


MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The situation on the ground here in the capital is sort of a tenuous calm. The government has asked all sectors

from the schools to the - - the - - the public agencies to businesses to reopen and get back to some state of normalcy today. The schools have not

reopened but some gas stations have, some businesses have and the agencies the - - the - - the government seems to be coming back as - - as well.

But, there are rumors and talk about more protests ahead. There appear to be some efforts to block roads in certain parts of - - of the capital and

possibly other areas of the country.

That is what the police are on high alert for now. About the eight individuals arrested. They had a ton of guns on them. Many automatic

weapons that would have to be registered in the country as well as radios. Five of them were Americans. All this as the government - - government

officials are telling us that there are foreign forces - - influences out there that are - - are trying to destabilize the - - the country throughout

these protests. In other words, the - - the protests that we saw over the last nine, ten days or so last week were not just an expression of popular

revolt and - - and upset with the government. But that there was something more at play here whether or not they make that argument later as - - as

these individuals are arraigned, we will find out.

But certainly another level of intrigue here in the capital and between the protestors and the president there appears to be a stalemate. They want

him to resign still he is holding fast and saying he will not resign. The hope is from the government is that the - - the measures announced by the

prime minister over the weekend. A - - a 30 percent cut to his budget and to government worker perks, an increase in the minimum wage. All those

things will buy them enough breathing room and placate protestors that they will go back to work and stop trying to shut down the country. Miguel

Marquez, CNN, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.


CARL AZUZ: Moving southeast across the Caribbean from Haiti, we come to the South American nation of Venezuela. With an economy that`s falling

apart, its a country in need of supplies like food and medicine. Its a country that`s been sent supplies from the U.S. and several other nations

but the question is will Venezuela`s government actually let those items through the borders its closed. President Nicolas Maduro says the aid

isnt needed and that its part of an attempt planned by the U.S. to knock him out of power.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio who visited the border between Venezuela and Colombia yesterday, said it`d be a crime against humanity if President

Maduro doesn`t allow the supplies in. The group that opposes him plans to bring in the shipments on February 23rd so the world will be watching what

happens this weekend when truckloads of supplies approach the Venezuelan border.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It isnt just a mission to deliver basic goods. Its a mission to deliver hope. Over the weekend, three planes carrying 66 metric

tons of humanitarian relief made its way to the Venezuelan border with Colombia. The supplies, part of an effort led by the USAID and both the

Departments of Defense and State.

JULIE CHUNG, STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: And these are the - - just the basic necessities - -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: State Department Official Julie Chung helped lead the mission to assist the millions impacted by what she called a manmade crisis

created by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

CHUNG: So the only thing thats stopping us is the Maduro regime. Weve seen them block the bridges, block the roads and it`s an abomination to

humanity to stop basic necessities and goods from entering your country to help your own people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there any concern that something like this would provoke him from doing something even more drastic? That this could

perhaps be seen as a - - further politicizing a crisis?

CHUNG: If anyones politicizing the crisis, its Maduro.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lester Toledo, a Representative of self-declared interim Venezuelan President Juan Guaido joined the U.S. officials on the

trip to the border. He was there when the first stage of U.S. aid arrived on the Venezuelan border February 8th. I asked him if this is the year

Venezuela will turn the corner. He said he thinks it will happen in a matter of weeks.

This is the second shipment of humanitarian aid sent by the U.S. government to help Venezuela in the last two weeks. They say it`s part of the their

commitment to interim President Juan Guaido and inside these pallets they say is enough to feed 3,500 children and up to 25,000 adults. Landing in

Colombia, the humanitarian convoy was greeted by USAID Director Mark Green. He said the aid is arriving at the most critical time.

In a matter of minutes, the supplies were offloaded and driven to this warehouse in Ducati, Colombia positioned only a few hundred yards from

Venezuela. The question now with the border closed and Maduro`s regime showing no sign of backing down how to get the supplies to the people who

need it most.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maybe you own government class. Maybe you can name all the U.S. presidents but do you know whos honored by Presidents Day? You

could have asked Calvin Coolidge but he might have been silent on the matter. Teddy Roosevelt might have walked softly around the subject,

despite being a rough rider. Most Americans believe Presidents Day is about every president weve had but that`s kind of wrong, at least as far

as its origin goes.

Presidents Day was originally Washingtons Birthday, Just Washington`s on February 22nd. It became a Federal holiday in 1885 and as far as the U.S.

governments concerned its still Washingtons Birthday, not President`s Day. In 1968, Congress voted to switch it to the third Monday in February

giving government employees a three day weekend. But even though Washingtons Birthday and Lincolns Birthday were only days apart, Congress

refused to combine them into Presidents Day. Though thats what many Americans do. So if you work for the government you`ll get a day off for

Washingtons Birthday. If you dont, you may get a day off for President`s Day. Those after all are the precedents.


CARL AZUZ: If you`re planning a vacation for spring break and thinking of somewhere exotic, you might ask yourself why someone would spend $300 to

sleep in a tree house. I guess the answer lies in where the tree house is, what kind of view it has and how you get to it. Our 10 out of 10 feature

takes us to Laos, a Southeast Asian country that`s 68 percent forest.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See you tomorrow. Bye bye.



CARL AZUZ: But while youre given the chance to see the apes actually "gibbon" to see them isnt a given and if you tried and failed you might

feel like "gibbon" up. But sooner or later they might be "gibbon" in before you`re "gibbon" out and then you can all "gibbon" a selfie before

you have to be "gibbon" back home. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN.

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