in cnnewscryptobtclifestyle •  7 months ago 


加密货币市场反弹之际,Tether 的 USDT 和 Circle 的 USDC 合计供应量增长 30 亿。两大稳定币 Tether (USDT)和 Circle (USDC)的供应量在一周内增长了近 30 亿美元,这表明在周一暴跌之后,投资者纷纷以较低的价格购买加密货币。Lookonchain指出,自周一以来,Tether 已向交易所和做市商转移了价值 13 亿美元的 USDT 。随着最新一次发行,USDT 的市值攀升至 1150 亿美元以上,创下新高。

Tether's USDT and Circle's USDC Combined Supply Grew $3B Amid Crypto Market Rebound.The supply of the two top stablecoins, Tether's (USDT) and Circle's (USDC), grew nearly $3 billion in a week, a sign that investors rushed to buy cryptocurrencies at lower prices after Monday's tumble.
Tether transferred $1.3 billion of USDT to exchanges and market makers since Monday, onchain sleuth Lookonchain noted. With the latest issuance, USDT's market capitalization climbed over $115 billion to a new record high.


Protocol Village:Greyscale AI 在 Casper 上线,Cubist 为比特币添加密钥管理支持.Greyscale AI是一个食品检测项目,目前使用 Casper Labs 的 AI 治理解决方案 Prove AI,该公司表示,它已在以企业为中心的 Casper 主网上线,“记录了第一批 AI 生产数据”。据该团队称:“2 万个批次已更新到 Casper 主网,预计未来几周将部署 28 万个批次,之后将持续提供数据管道。这标志着 Prove AI 首次正式登陆 Casper 网络——Casper 主网的每日交易量显著增加——并预示了区块链在促进 AI 采用和负责任使用方面的重要性。”

Protocol Village: Greyscale AI Goes Live on Casper, Cubist Adds Key Management Support for BitcoinGreyscale AI, a project for food inspection, now using Casper Labs’ AI governance solution, Prove AI, said it has gone live on the enterprise-focused Casper mainnet, "recording the first batch of AI production data." According to the team: "20K lots were updated to the Casper Mainnet, with 280K more expected to be deployed in the coming weeks and a continual data pipeline after. This marks Prove AI’s first official footprint on the Casper network – a significant increase in Casper mainnet’s daily transactions – and previews blockchain’s importance to promote greater trust for AI adoption and responsible use."
区块链密钥管理器 Cubist 全面支持比特币交易签名
由联合创始人兼卡内基梅隆大学工程学助理教授Riad Wahby领导的Cubist宣布,其密钥管理平台 CubeSigner 已发布功能齐全的比特币 API。据该团队称:“通过此版本,CubeSigner 现在为比特币提供全面的密钥管理支持,包括受策略保护的 SegWit 和 Taproot 密钥以及用于部分签名比特币交易 (PSBT) 签名的本机 API。此版本使 CubeSigner 成为比特币密钥管理和签名的一站式商店:密钥生成、安全策略、身份验证、访问控制和功能齐全的交易 API。”

Cubist, Blockchain Key Manager, Adds Comprehensive Support for Bitcoin Transaction Signing

Cubist, led by co-founder and Carnegie Mellon University engineering Assistant Professor Riad Wahby, announced that its key management platform, CubeSigner, has released a full-featured Bitcoin API. According to the team: "With this release, CubeSigner now offers comprehensive key management support for Bitcoin, including policy-protected SegWit and Taproot keys and a native API for Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) signing. The release makes CubeSigner a one-stop shop for Bitcoin key management and signing: key generation, safety policies, authentication, access control and a full-featured transaction API."

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