Idiotic Construction and Architecture

in cnstruction •  8 years ago  (edited)

"Oh Shit!", "You've fucked it up!", "Can you fix it??" are not going to help, while a simple "Oops!" would also sound like a gross understatement.

Stairs that go no where.








Other mistakes.




Insane balconies.




messed up windows.




Joining 2 sides.



Need support?



Light pole in the way?



driveway or ramp?


wheelchair ramp anyone?



Need an ATM?


Great view!


To close for comfort.


Just WTF!



Don't lose your head.


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ok , I kinda like it :P

Love it. I have seen some of these before actually, but I still laugh. The sad thing is, I know for a fact that at least some of these are true... It is amazing what can happen in a construction project... :)

all of us that have worked construction or whatever know that nothing is really square and there is always a margin of error given.
A lot you can tell were remoldling or whatever but some are just out right errors. have showed up to install on windows that are behind pillars or where half the window goes behind the wall even.
they might b only little mess-ups but when that little messup is the main window in your penthouse apartment it becomes a big deal.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. im still tying to figure out where I fit in steemit so I often try new ideas for posts. that one didn't get much love from my followers so I doubt I will be doing more posts like that.
it was fun though.
thanks again for the comment!

My brother was a plumber on a large governmental contract job. They built this long concrete wall of a very large building.

After that , it was realized the foreman had misread the plans; some pipes had not be laid inside the wall as per the plans specifications.

The wall was demolished, being concrete = everything was demolished . . .

The WALL was re-done . . .

They re-read the plans (the plans never altered).

They realized mistakes were still made ! ! !

That long concrete wall was laid and DESTROYED repeatedly, but after SIX DEMOLITIONS the final wall stands today ; if it was to have a number it would be wall # SEVEN ! ! !

Its a crazy world : )

brutal to think ittook 6 times.
Just think that when your work meets up to the plans but puts some stairs at then end of a wall.
atleast he wasent the one tht messed up!

I know what you mean. I am not sure where or how to fit into Steemit, and I don't know how Steemit will fit into my life, time shortages being what they are....

I am sorry you won't be posting more on construction or lack thereof.... but it was certainly a fun post to see. I did not even know there was a construction tag... every day I do something here, I learn a little more.

Thank you for sending me your reply. Sometimes you wonder if anyone reads what you write... or cares...

Best of luck to you.... and to us!!!

I reply to every comment I get.
even if its a angry reply.
you never know to be honest, I might do more posts like this one. so far what I post changes daily.
my generic comics seem to pay out the most, even though I would rather be making fun of stupid people.
Im stull fighting with the idea of I should do what I like vs. should do what pays money.
Lie if an artist I guess.

I wish I even knew what paid the most... how do you find that?

Regardless, I have so little time to work on Steemit that I sort of feel like I should post what I like or that interests me so the time here would feel fun and enjoyable and not like more work....and hopefully people will like it...

I hope you post more funny construction ;)

I'm still trying to figure it all out too.
Im doing the same now just trying to work on stuff i like and let the rest come if it does.