It is now Cobinhood removing some how to fix business locations, which eliminates a glimpse to eliminate tokens. It is roaming extensively, the listing fee arises from the promoters of the need, fat is sometimes raised to trim often, and some of them are adding new altcoins, tokens and forks as cryptocurrency exchanges all the time.
Changes to Token Listings
This business deposit amount and all open orders will be automatically canceled on April 13, 2018. This following token Exchange Funfair (Fun), Gnosis (GNO), Iconomi (ICN), Sentiment (San), Substratum (Sub) and This Voise (VOISE) This Taiwanese-based cryptocurrency service platform, Cobinhood, Several changes have been announced in the roster.
Limiting Tether Pairs
It currently includes fifty USDTT. Upon its date, orders of US Dollars opened at the time of meeting with all other base currencies will be automatically canceled. This Cobinhood has also decided that it will be made available only for sixteen base currencies as Ticket (USDT) as a coat currency, BRD, BDG, BOT, BTC, COB, CMT, CGC, DXT, NJ, ETH, Lala, LTC , LYM, MCO, QTIM and UTNP will start from April 20.