Good evening community, I hope you are in very good health. Tonight I am with you again, since during the day I am very busy with my granddaughters and the housework. Today my eldest granddaughter, who was with her paternal grandmother, returned home, so I made her some cookies as a welcome, since she loves to eat them. Then I will leave you the ingredients that she uses and the procedure to make the cookie dough.
Ingredients:1 Cup of sugar 2 cups self-rising flour 3 tbsp of butter

Preparación // Preparation:
Preparación // Preparation:

In a bowl, place the sugar and the butter, then beat it until the sugar does not feel, obtaining a creamy mixture.

Later, the flour is added little by little until it forms a homogeneous dough that can be molded.

Para finalizar se estira con un rodillo y se sacan figuras al gusto de cada quién y se coloca en un molde previamente con papel mantequilla, papel de horno o papel vegetal.
To finish, it is stretched with a roller and figures are taken out to suit each person and placed in a mold previously with butter paper, greaseproof paper or vegetable paper.
Se lleva al horno previamente recalentado a 200 °C hasta que se doren o por 30 minutos que fue el tiempo que me tomo. Una vez retirado del honro, se deja enfriar al aire libre al menos por 15 minutos para que la consistencia de la galleta cocida se vuelva un poco más robusta y dura, ya que en este punto salen un poco flojas por el azúcar caliente.
It is taken to the oven previously reheated at 200 ° C until golden brown or for 30 minutes, which was the time I take. Once removed from the oven, it is left to cool in the open air for at least 15 minutes so that the consistency of the cooked cookie becomes a little more robust and hard, since at this point they come out a little loose from the hot sugar.

... y al final nos quedarán estas deliciosas galletas de mantequillas hechas en casa para tus seres amados.
... and in the end we will have these delicious homemade butter cookies for your loved ones.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I did it with great affection for all of you and I hope you like it, go ahead and do them too, they are very easy and so have fun with your family for a while. A kiss and a hug to all of you. We do not see in the next.